
Treatment Abuse, Behavior Modification, Thought Reform => World Wide Association of Specialty Programs and Schools (WWASPS) => Thayer Learning Center => Topic started by: Anonymous on September 05, 2004, 05:35:00 PM

Title: Why I Post Anomalously
Post by: Anonymous on September 05, 2004, 05:35:00 PM
Why I Post Anomalously

There have been some good comments regarding anonymous  posts.  Are the comments "real", or is someone stooging for one organization or another?  Certainly, ownership of one's remarks -- and stating your name is certainly taking ownership -- gives one's comments credibility.

A couple  of weeks ago I posted comments on the Forum covering Thayer Learning Center (09/04/01).  In summary, I  reported that Thayer seemed to be working very well for our son.  I did post my e-mail address in case anyone wanted to contact me. Among the responses I received  (besides a wholesale attempt to send me viruses) was the following from one Devlin Graves:  [Spelling Unchanged]

"i just sent a copy of your post on the Fomits Board and sent it to the
Divsion of Family Servies in Missouri. What you admitted that goes on in Thayer is child abuse and you by keeping your kid there you are now a party to it. Congragulations the DFS will find your identity and hunt you down and i hope they lock you up, and take your kid away! You should be spaded and neudered. Your no parent.."

Now, I am not acquainted with Mr. Graves; and must admit that I would not care to be.  My question is, how many of you, should your post not agree with Mr. Graves' views, would want him to have your name?  I think that most of you would agree that Mr. Graves appears to be a few cards short of a full deck.  While the Forums certainly stimulate certain individual's passions, there is not always a corresponding stimulation of the intellect; or for that matter, English grammar and spelling.  

For my part, I will continue to posta anomalously.

Oh and yes, Mr. Graves, the correct words are, "Spayed and Neutered".

Title: Why I Post Anomalously
Post by: Deborah on September 05, 2004, 06:39:00 PM
Well Nemo if you can let go of your anal retentive need for others to spell correctly, you might see Mr. Graves' point, which you didn't respond to - except to indirectly warn other parents who condon the abuse of their teens to reamin anonymous so as not to be reported.
The techniques you described are considered abusive to the general population, and the fact that a teen is causing their parent some grief does not justify incarceration and abuse. We are no longer in the stone ages.

It's very likely that before your child caused you grief that you may have caused him a great deal of grief. Shall we lock you away and torture you until you become a better parent and get over your anal retentiveness?

Devlin's spelling obviously wasn't bad emough to interfere with your understanding. If it had been, you could've asked for clarification. No, you are angry that he took action against you for condoning the abuse of your child. Perhaps that information will make it into the right hands so that you, and they, might be educated and 'disciplined'.

So, where Nemo, would you draw the line between discipline and abuse? It's obviously way right of the more intellegent in this society- some who don't spell well.

The ability to spell and use proper grammar does not constitute intellegence or courage, as is proven on a daily basis.

Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde inervtisy,

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raed it wouthit porbelm.

Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed

ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe.
Title: Why I Post Anomalously
Post by: Anonymous on September 05, 2004, 08:27:00 PM

On 2004-09-05 15:39:00, Deborah wrote:

It's very likely that before your child caused you grief that you may have caused him a great deal of grief. Shall we lock you away and torture you until you become a better parent and get over your anal retentiveness?

 Deborah ... tisk tisk... another juvenile post here on the Fornits Board - imagine that!  

 Nemo -
  I hear ya loud and clear.  I choose not to state my name for very similar reasons, and I've read through these posts long enough now that I realize the mentality of the majority of posters here --- many disgruntled teens who's parents took action when they're behaviors became beyond normal, and they didn't like it - boo hoo, so they seemingly choose to be pissed off for life, and formed a little club to bitch and complain.
  I am a graduate of one of the programs they say is a Torture Chamber (laughable), from almost 20 years ago, and I got a LOT out of that program that I still use today.  Sure, I was pissed at 16 yrs old having to go into a program, long-term, that I didn't like, but I GOT OVER IT, learned something and moved on in life (better off, actually) --- I was failing school before entering the program, then went back and made honor roll.
  Anyway, just know by coming to this site on the Internet, you are not dealing (for the most part) with healthy, well-balanced adults.  Obviously, you know this now by the pathetic email you received.  I'm totally not surprised by it though.
  Good luck with everything.  I know it's not easy what it is you're going through ...
Title: Why I Post Anomalously
Post by: BuzzKill on September 05, 2004, 10:49:00 PM
OK guys - you got your butts ripped for supporting Teen programs. The reaction was extreme; even maybe a little crazy. Before you write the whole thing off as just a bunch of unbalanced blather, you really ought to look at where this point of view is coming from. There are good reasons for extreme reactions. Take the time to learn about how bad things can be; and then come back and talk. ( ( ( (
http://www.teenadvocatesusa.homestead.c ... elleSutton (
Title: Why I Post Anomalously
Post by: Anonymous on September 06, 2004, 12:10:00 AM

  Yes, I've seen/heard of those incidents before (from your links). Sad and unfortunate for sure. However, to say these programs are "abusive", and/or torturous, are not valid claims in an OVERALL sense.  Incidents MAY occur, just like they do by abusive parents, or shotty nurses in normal hospitals, or careless workers at daycare facilities.  Shall we protest and try to shut down ALL medical hospitals and day care facilities too??

  Tell me... how many teens have gone through or been in a "treatment program", and it resulted in death compared to the numbers overall??
  If you had a poor experience in a program, and don't like them, then DON'T go into another OR place your child there. Ripping another parent up and down for looking for help with their child, os NOT helpful or necessary.
   Give them a BETTER option, if you have one.  (And don't go into the "if they were a better parent to begin with, their kid would have never gotten into trouble" speech--- can't go back.)
Title: Why I Post Anomalously
Post by: Deborah on September 06, 2004, 12:30:00 AM
Tisk Tisk anon who is afraid to use her name.
Not that you will be forthcoming but-

Which program did you attend?
Do you work in the industry now?
Why after 20 yrs, and 'moving on', are you monitoring industry message boards?
Where do you draw the line between discipline and abuse?
Do you condon what Nemo described as appropriate treatment of teens?
Why don't you invite Nemo to the ST message board?

Perhaps I should post anonymously as well, then you wouldn't have a real person to target with your rightous venom.
Like a good program girl you stalk me and judge my 'mentaliy' without revealing anything about yourself. Is that something they taught you in program? Hide behind a bag, take no responsibility for your sarcastic comments, stay anonymous so no one can confirm or dispell your claims? Hell, no one can even track your posts. You are not mature, balance, healthy, transparent or responsible. Sounds more like you learned well how to judge and manipulate.
Title: Why I Post Anomalously
Post by: Deborah on September 06, 2004, 12:49:00 AM
Tisk Tisk, Nemo sounds like a grown up. I don't think he needs a 36 yr old, program patriot to defend him or speak for him. Don't you have something else to do?

And, refering back to your advice regarding ripping people up. It's very disrespectful for you to come to a survivor site and say such rude things about people who had horrendous experiences. Do you think your comments were mature, healthy, balanced?
"boo hoo, so they seemingly choose to be pissed off for life, and formed a little club to bitch and complain."
"you are not dealing (for the most part) with healthy, well-balanced adults."

Surely if you've been here long you know that your "evaluation" of parents is a waste of time. Did it occur to you to send Nemo a private message or did you choose to use this as an opportunity to anonymously slam survivors and parents. I think you are a liar and a coward.
Title: Why I Post Anomalously
Post by: BuzzKill on September 06, 2004, 10:35:00 AM
// Ripping another parent up and down for looking for help with their child, os NOT helpful or necessary. //

I Agree.
Others disagree.
Such is the nature of life.
My concern has to do with a *Type* of program, and the mindset that abuse and neglect are acceptable methods to make a kid regret their past behavior;  'see the light' and make a change.
Not only does it not work, it kills kids. Those who survive are going to be dealing with a lot of unpleasant fall out.
Thayer seems to fit the description of this type of program.
Capt. Nemo has come to a board built around opposition to such programs and defended one. This is bound to draw all kinds of fire and is to be expected.
I regret the suggestion he be neutered; that is counter productive and likely to solidify his notion that all in opposition are wakko and close his mind like a steal trap against the possibility he should consider other options.

//Yes, I've seen/heard of those incidents before (from your links). Sad and unfortunate for sure. //

I would say more like horrible beyond belief and outrageous in the extreme.
So you have heard about these events - Have you actually read the accounts? Do you realize how callous to human suffering the staff were? How ignorant and hateful? Do you realize this is the norm, in the Type of program of concern here? This is what you get when you buy a punitive 'boot camp' program. A program designed to break a kid down for modifying. Its dangerous.[ This Message was edited by: BuzzKill on 2004-09-06 07:45 ]
Title: Why I Post Anomalously
Post by: Nihilanthic on September 06, 2004, 03:40:00 PM
Hello, anonymous and non-anonymous!

Anyway, this made me want to reply:

" Incidents MAY occur, just like they do by abusive parents, or shotty nurses in normal hospitals, or careless workers at daycare facilities. Shall we protest and try to shut down ALL medical hospitals and day care facilities too?? "

" Tell me... how many teens have gone through or been in a "treatment program", and it resulted in death compared to the numbers overall??
If you had a poor experience in a program, and don't like them, then DON'T go into another OR place your child there. Ripping another parent up and down for looking for help with their child, os NOT helpful or necessary. "

Hmm... well, see, you don't close them all down, as hospitals and treatment is actually necessary, but you don't just ignore the problem, and you  :grin:

But JUST incase you don't feel like clicking a link, I'll paste a few key points for you!

Get a ?reality check? from school officials, teachers, family, and friends to help assess the seriousness of the child?s behavior problems.
Explore local options first, and look for a therapy program that works with the whole family, not just the teen.
Invest in physical and psychological assessments that will define the child?s problem and point to appropriate remedies.
Hire an educational consultant who works only for the family (and does not receive a commission from schools).
Investigate the schools in person, and also check with the parent watchdog groups (listed below) to avoid the worst offenders.
Ask a lawyer to review enrollment contracts before signing them.
And finally, stay in contact with the child throughout their stay in a residential facility so that you can move them out quickly at the first sign of trouble. <- thats the only thing I'd ask you to do right now. Surely you'd know someone who was making money off of your kid wouldn't necessarily say something that might get him taken out, or let him say it, now don't you?

I apologize for my long post, and I probably have some bad grammer and speeling. But I don't care about it. And if you can't handle sarcasm go play in the highway.
Title: Why I Post Anomalously
Post by: Kiwi on September 07, 2004, 04:43:00 AM
A somewhat paradoxical phenomenon, well known among child abuse specialists, is that of the victims of abuse often going on to commit abuse themselves.  It seems this also applies to those who subcontract the abuse.
Title: Why I Post Anomalously
Post by: Devlin on September 07, 2004, 05:07:00 AM
This is Devlin Graves I have to put my two cents in. You think I am a few cards short of a deck! I know i am crazy! What about you???? This fucked up program parent doesn?t even have one card in their deck.

  By the way you should be concerned the e-mail did arrived in the right hands to someone very high up in the DFS (I know for a fact they got it and it reached the right person).

   To show how few cards short of a deck you really are, you first admit that things go on in Thayer. That is considered child abuse! Then you go one step further and your stupid ass admits you are still leaving you son at Thayer, thus becoming a party to child abuse! Next you come on here and post my private e-mail I sent you and say your safe because you posted anonymously! You stupid fuck! Don?t you realize e-mail addresses can be tracked to the owners! So what if i didn't have your name your e-mail adress is more than enought to give to the DFS. If they (Missouri DFS)wants to they can track you by your e-mail address and hunt you down like the dog you are!!!! I guess i am smarter than i look!!! You S.O.B!!!

  Also The people I sent you post to in the DFS don?t like what goes on in places like Thayer and especially parents who know about what goes on and still leave their kid in there anyway! This type of stuff tends to piss off the DFS big time! If I were a betting man I would bet on the DFS having you for dinner!
[ This Message was edited by: Devlin on 2004-09-07 02:18 ]
Title: Why I Post Anomalously
Post by: Devlin on September 07, 2004, 05:35:00 AM
In private i have been refered as a loose cannon. I think they are right. God only knows where i will hit next! Maybee Victory Christian Academy or who knows where else. Maybee Thayer Learning Center. I just hit Mountain Park Academy badly. Yes it was a direct hit.

Your in the cannons sites now program parent from hell. Good luck. By they way when i hit someone i hit them with the truth and hit hard and dont take any prisoners.

If you was a smart person you would take your son out of Thayer and run!!! Who knows the DFS may be chasing you right now!! I would get you son and take the head start you have.[ This Message was edited by: Devlin on 2004-09-07 02:37 ]
Title: Why I Post Anomalously
Post by: Nihilanthic on September 08, 2004, 08:05:00 PM
He's set in his opinion that its "best for his son" PERIOD and even if he is being hurt he doesn't care, its whats best for him. It could be a case of cognitive dissonance because he doesn't want to face that he might be wrong. Its like trying to convince a religious person to ponder that there might be a god, for an athiest that there is. The only person who could ever possibly get it through to him is himself. Maybe his kid, maybe not.

I wonder, when people say being beaten/suffering is good for them (or someone else like their kids) if I beat them and make them suffer, is it a favor?  :???: Just curious is all.

Or beating your opinion into them. Should I not be able to do it to them just as they do it to others?

If I ever abused a kid or killed a kid once I go to jail but he looks at averages that only a small percentage of kids die. Lovely! Or its okay to break laws and hurt and make people suffer if its a kid because its good for them! Oh wait, if I did that to him it would be WRONG!

Funny how things never go both ways with them huh.
Title: Why I Post Anomalously
Post by: Anonymous on September 09, 2004, 02:42:00 PM
Hi Anonymous...check your own spelling and grammatical content. Please don't be side tracked by this person being a lousy speller. Some of the smartest people I know can't spell and have to many ideas to put on paper to slow down and check for the MLA format. (Oh and by the way most people for whom spelling matters hire a grunt english major to do the editing for them.) Do you really feel sending you this e-mail merits going back to check content so you won't go over it with a red correction marker? My but it sounds like you think the world revolves around you. What would your therapist say about that?
Title: Why I Post Anomalously
Post by: Anonymous on September 09, 2004, 04:10:00 PM
well said by a "Program Parent" wouldn't that be you Deborah?
Title: Why I Post Anomalously
Post by: Deborah on September 09, 2004, 07:02:00 PM
I'm not sure what causes you to imagine I'm a 'program parent'. Possibly a desire to confuse others and distract from the topic? I can't take credit for that one, but think it was an intellegent response.
Title: Why I Post Anomalously
Post by: Anonymous on September 10, 2004, 12:40:00 AM
Note For Devlin Graves

Mr. Graves, you could not have made a better case for posting anomalously than your most recent submission.  

I assume from the demeanor of your posts, you are a teen-ager or young adult.  What you may not fully appreciate is the impression your posts have on adults.  Far from having us think badly of teen recovery programs, we tend to think that someone like you cut his stay too short.

If your goal is to vent with your fellow psychologically damaged adolescents, then your postings -- and those of your compatriots -- admirably serve that objective.  However, you might want to private-password your site so we adults don't read what you have to say to one another.  Comments such as you have made only self-marginalize your criticism of teen recovery programs.  Actually, I believe that many such programs may well be badly run and that many parents send their teens to inappropriate programs.  

However, your comments will never convince an adult -- the actual parties who send the teens off to these schools -- that they are not worthy of serious consideration as alternatives to dealing with self-destructive teens.  

The other problem with your and many other's posts, assuming you are trying to reach adults with troubled teens, is your failure to propose any alternatives.  The standard rejoinder to a parent with a troubled teen is something along the lines of you-parent-must-have-been-bad-to-the-teen, or the like.   Such comments simply are written off, serving as reinforcement by adults for the need to have their teen sent to boot camp.  

So, Mr. Graves, the long and the short of it all is this:   The hostile and vituperative posts of you and your fellow forum members serve to feed more teens into the boot camp programs you so loath.  Adults see what you and others like you  have to say (and the sad English in which you try to express yourselves) and form the conclusion that if they only send their son or daughter off to boot camp they can save them from turning out like you.  In fact, I have referred two business associates with troubled teens to this website.  One, after reading the various posts has sent his daughter off to a boot camp program.  The other is still thinking about whether or not to send his son.  Tonight I e-mailed him to read your most recent posting.

Thank about it Mr. Graves; how many of your posts have convinced parents like myself that their teens' need more marching and push-ups than therapy?  You just may well be the Bundy's best friends.

Mr. Graves, I like you after all.  You do serve an admirable purpose on this earth.

Your Friend, Nemo
Title: Why I Post Anomalously
Post by: Devlin on September 10, 2004, 01:53:00 AM
Just cover you ass. Thayer may be next on the target list, i will be monitering the place and passing along info to the right people in the state about Thayer. Hopefully the state will do somthing about them, if not we will come to close them down.
Just rember we already closed down on place in Missouri (Mountain Park Academy) they had money and lots of lawyers to fight. We still won and closed them. By the way it was a painfull shut down, when we first started with Mountain Park the had close to 200 kids! When we finally forced them to close the only had 41 kids!

 If i was Willa or John Bundy i would worry. They may think they are safe for now, but Thayer could become a target at any time.
Title: Why I Post Anomalously
Post by: Anonymous on September 13, 2004, 12:15:00 PM
On 2004-09-09 21:40:00, Anonymous wrote:


Note For Devlin Graves

Mr. Graves, you could not have made a better case for posting anomalously than your most recent submission.  

I assume from the demeanor of your posts, you are a teen-ager or young adult.  What you may not fully appreciate is the impression your posts have on adults.  Far from having us think badly of teen recovery programs, we tend to think that someone like you cut his stay too short.

If your goal is to vent with your fellow psychologically damaged adolescents, then your postings -- and those of your compatriots -- admirably serve that objective.  However, you might want to private-password your site so we adults don't read what you have to say to one another.  Comments such as you have made only self-marginalize your criticism of teen recovery programs.  Actually, I believe that many such programs may well be badly run and that many parents send their teens to inappropriate programs.  

However, your comments will never convince an adult -- the actual parties who send the teens off to these schools -- that they are not worthy of serious consideration as alternatives to dealing with self-destructive teens.  

The other problem with your and many other's posts, assuming you are trying to reach adults with troubled teens, is your failure to propose any alternatives.  The standard rejoinder to a parent with a troubled teen is something along the lines of you-parent-must-have-been-bad-to-the-teen, or the like.   Such comments simply are written off, serving as reinforcement by adults for the need to have their teen sent to boot camp.  

So, Mr. Graves, the long and the short of it all is this:   The hostile and vituperative posts of you and your fellow forum members serve to feed more teens into the boot camp programs you so loath.  Adults see what you and others like you  have to say (and the sad English in which you try to express yourselves) and form the conclusion that if they only send their son or daughter off to boot camp they can save them from turning out like you.  In fact, I have referred two business associates with troubled teens to this website.  One, after reading the various posts has sent his daughter off to a boot camp program.  The other is still thinking about whether or not to send his son.  Tonight I e-mailed him to read your most recent posting.

Thank about it Mr. Graves; how many of your posts have convinced parents like myself that their teens' need more marching and push-ups than therapy?  You just may well be the Bundy's best friends.

Mr. Graves, I like you after all.  You do serve an admirable purpose on this earth.

Your Friend, Nemo


I would tend to agree with you Nemo, except that every coin is two-sided. First remember that not all these posters are teens or young adults. Some of them have have not been involved with these programs for upward of 3 decades. You are quick to point out their lack of education as if this is a justification for a treatment progam. What you fail to take into your view is often these programs don't allow these young people to attend school. So do you think this helps or compounds this particular problem? Would you bring this up to your adult friends considering treatment for a child? I think not. If you all need alternatives to long term treatment do some independent research. At least take this much responsibility. There is actually a psychological model that speaks of the effects of institutionalization in the adolescent years. This people are actually fulfilling this prophecy. Take more time with your children, don't be so quick to send them away. Accept that your role as parent should not be up for grabs at the first sign of strife. Does the old addadge "When the going gets tough the tough get going" ring any bells? If your thinking held true the tough should hire an expensive babysitter no matter the cost to the child. What does the parent stand to gain? More free time at the country club, or is it drinks with the Jones down the street, or maybe a long get away to Europe. I guess whatever it takes to free up your life. Remember nobody forced you to have these children. The truth is you had the children now take responsibility for raising them. How dare you come here and put these people down for harboring the problems your ideas acknowledge, yet sweep aside because that would inconvience your lifestyle.
Title: Why I Post Anomalously
Post by: Anonymous on September 13, 2004, 12:36:00 PM
nemo be a "programed" parent with a child at TB.   just trying to justify sending their child away to the island of jamaica.

nemo, did your parents raise you or did they send you off to an island to grow up?

if not; why then would you treat your child in this manner?

if so; i can understand your logic.  then again, i'd be trying to modify your family's tradition of mailing the children off to be raised and educated by the lower income class of jamaicans.

not that there is anything wrong with jamaicans nor the lower class.

that's just the life they have been dealt via their government and time.  if you really want to help them, take the WHOLE family over to the island for a vacation.  spend a ton of money and YOU can personally spur the jamaican economy.
Title: Why I Post Anomalously
Post by: Anonymous on September 13, 2004, 12:48:00 PM
all of the wwasps own facilities overseas have shut down?  TB is the only one left standing after this past weekend.

unless, Ivan destroyed the school?

thank GOD the children are safe? and that pepper spray jay decided to move the children to a "safe" place.  A safe place from a hurricane to many would have been some where off the island.  and not waiting until it was to late to move any of their cherished commodities to safety.  how stupid or convenient?

i suppose you don't mind your child being in harms way via any of the looting that has been reported either?  nor worrying about a clean water supply, food, electricity for a few days.  but i guess this goes right alone with the plan.  no contact with the children any way.  less we forget "chattering pigs" & the media, which is very bias.
Title: Why I Post Anomalously
Post by: Anonymous on September 13, 2004, 06:50:00 PM
Any excuse... any excuse you wwaspies can come up with. But you're sooo hard on those CHILDREN in your care!

Oh, and EVERYONE is biased unless they TOTALLY agree with you! Hah! Who is the manipulator now? Tell me... why are things happening the way they are now? Why are these orginizations and groups of vicims speaking up? Why did Mexico close those places down?

Whose lying? Everyone but you? This brainwashing treatment business is falling apart. You'll need to find a new way to validate your life then those damn Seminars.
Title: Why I Post Anomalously
Post by: Anonymous on September 13, 2004, 07:09:00 PM
nemo must have returned back to wwasp headquarters to obtain some more "program" jargon to toss around on the fornits board.  think for your self nemo.
Title: Why I Post Anomalously
Post by: Anonymous on September 14, 2004, 02:43:00 PM
Please respond at least. Some valid points have been posted. I would love to hear the response.
Title: Why I Post Anomalously
Post by: finlyrite on October 04, 2004, 07:58:00 PM
Let me say this...I posted on the internet - asking for information about Thayer Learning Center - while my son was there.  I received an email from someone stating they had information from parents, cadets and ex-employees interested in filing a class action against Thayer Learning Center.  I gave my phone number to be contacted.  I was pumped for information, asked how I had this information and words were put in my mouth.  I was later told by John Bundy that this person I was talking to was actually his attorney and the entire conversation was tape recorded.  I prepaid 6 months tuition at the time, after checking many of their references and searching for negative feedback - none found at the time.  During my exit interview Mrs. Bundy admitted refusal of giving my son mail that I had directed he be given was a mistake, as Mr. Bundy had admitted in a phone conversation there were some communication problems at Thayer.  I was asked where I stood on payment to Thayer and answered I was paid ahead.  Mrs. Bundy said a credit would be sent if one was due.  My refund has been denied for the reason my son did not complete the program.  Does this sound like a credible and trusting professional organization that you would want to trust with your child?[ This Message was edited by: finlyrite on 2004-10-04 17:01 ]
Title: Why I Post Anomalously
Post by: Deborah on October 04, 2004, 11:23:00 PM
Yet another industry standard. Very common.
I was in touch with three parents from the program my son attended who paid tuition up front. All had retained attorneys to get a refund. The worst story of the three was:
Teen sent to the programs newly opened boot camp. Mom questioned this in a series of conversations and ultimately was labeled advarsarial and asked to remove her son. A rendezvous was planned at WalMart!!! They wouldn't even allow her on campus!!! He left with the clothes on his back!! When a refund was not forthcoming she contacted them. They refused to refund her because she 'withdrew' him. They use the same manipulative bullshit on the parents that is used on the kids. I guess in their warped minds the parent 'was out of agreement'.  :lol: Some of the most screwed up people I've ever had the misfortune to interact with.

In my case, I was in court demanding that my son be sent home for Xmas- he went early November. I was hoping to get him in front of the judge. The program staff testified that if my son left his dad would forfiet $110,000 in pre-paid tuition. I didn't know their policy and couldn't argue that. Staff went on to help paint the illusion that my son needed their 'treatment'. I later found their tuition policy which stated that all but the current month would be returned whether the kid was expelled or withdrawn. They are lying manipulators. In it for the buck.

Parents beware- DO NOT EVER PAY TUITION UP FRONT. You will be sorry if you decide you've made a mistake. Know that they will make the discount attractive. If you go for it, plan to hire an attorney if you expect a refund.
Title: Why I Post Anomalously
Post by: Anonymous on October 05, 2004, 08:54:00 AM
How was your husband able to put your son in treatment without your approval or signature? what state do you live in? Most states it takes both parents especially if there is a joint custody issue.
Title: Why I Post Anomalously
Post by: Deborah on October 05, 2004, 10:08:00 AM
It happens all the time. He flew my son to Ga on Sat, enrolled him on Mon. The program gave my son a dx based on his father's complaints.

One parent places the kid, the other must take legal action to defend their rights.
It becomes a custody battle which includes psychological testing for everyone- more tests $$ if you happen to disagree with the first evaluation; a guardian ad litem; months and months of hearings and mediations which will cost each parent somewhere in the neighborhood of $30-50K, or more.

The parent fighting the placement is not likely to be successful, as the 'professionals' employed by the program will testify on the placing parents (and their own) behalf.

The placing parent can drag a family court matter out until the kid is released from the program, if they are so inclined.

That's how it goes. And the program will do everything in their power to support the placing parent. In my case, they wrote letters to the judge stating that I was advarsarial, disrupting the entire campus :roll: , and not supportive of the 'treatment' my son 'deperately' needed, which THEY of course were providing. Extremely self-serving and has nothing to do with what is in the child's best interest.
Title: Why I Post Anomalously
Post by: Anonymous on October 05, 2004, 01:20:00 PM
On 2004-09-05 14:35:00, Anonymous wrote:


Why I Post Anomalously
 While the Forums certainly stimulate certain individual's passions, there is not always a corresponding stimulation of the intellect; or for that matter, English grammar and spelling.  

For my part, I will continue to posta anomalously.

Oh and yes, Mr. Graves, the correct words are, "Spayed and Neutered".



 :rofl:  :rofl:

ANONYMOUSLY.......not anomalously as you've written several times.  Check your own shit before you start ragging on someone ELSE'S grammar and spelling. :roll:
Title: Why I Post Anomalously
Post by: Anonymous on October 05, 2004, 03:39:00 PM
"ANONYMOUSLY.......not anomalously as you've written several times. Check your own shit before you start ragging on someone ELSE'S grammar and spelling.  "

Have you considered the possibility that the usage was intentional?  

Perhaps by posting "anomalously",  the author is making clear that his or her message is distinguishable from the average level of discourse on this board  -- i.e.,  an anomaly.

Like,  if you were unsure of your sexual orientation,  you might want to post androgynously.  Or,  if you had a bottle of reagent grade ammonia,  you might post anhydrously.   Or,  if you were tired of responding to dim-bulbs,  you might be compelled to post annoyedly.
Title: Why I Post Anomalously
Post by: Queen Bitch on October 05, 2004, 03:47:00 PM
I think we get it...     :roll:
Title: Why I Post Anomalously
Post by: Antigen on October 08, 2004, 07:24:00 PM
On 2004-10-04 16:58:00, finlyrite wrote:

"Let me say this...I posted on the internet - asking for information about Thayer Learning Center - while my son was there.  I received an email from someone stating they had information from parents, cadets and ex-employees interested in filing a class action against Thayer Learning Center.  I gave my phone number to be contacted.  I was pumped for information, asked how I had this information and words were put in my mouth.  I was later told by John Bundy that this person I was talking to was actually his attorney and the entire conversation was tape recorded.  

Ya'll catch this? Someone from Thayer posted to a public forum soliciting information from clients on the false pretense of suing them and giving his lawyer's number (allegedly).

Does this sound like a credible and trusting professional organization that you would want to trust with your child?

No, indeed, it does not! Matter of fact, that sounds a lot like something you'd see on The Sapranos.

Locate the blind spot in the culture--the place where the culture isn't looking, because it dare not--because if it were to look there, its previous values would dissolve.
Terence McKenna

Title: Why I Post Anomalously
Post by: Anonymous on October 08, 2004, 07:41:00 PM
I caught that Ginger; but what I was trying to figure out is if it envolves capt. Nemo?
Title: Why I Post Anomalously
Post by: manchester on October 10, 2004, 12:36:00 PM
It is my understanding that it is illegal to tape record a person without consent. You need to report this person.

On 2004-10-04 16:58:00, finlyrite wrote:

"Let me say this...I posted on the internet - asking for information about Thayer Learning Center - while my son was there.  I received an email from someone stating they had information from parents, cadets and ex-employees interested in filing a class action against Thayer Learning Center.  I gave my phone number to be contacted.  I was pumped for information, asked how I had this information and words were put in my mouth.  I was later told by John Bundy that this person I was talking to was actually his attorney and the entire conversation was tape recorded.  I prepaid 6 months tuition at the time, after checking many of their references and searching for negative feedback - none found at the time.  During my exit interview Mrs. Bundy admitted refusal of giving my son mail that I had directed he be given was a mistake, as Mr. Bundy had admitted in a phone conversation there were some communication problems at Thayer.  I was asked where I stood on payment to Thayer and answered I was paid ahead.  Mrs. Bundy said a credit would be sent if one was due.  My refund has been denied for the reason my son did not complete the program.  Does this sound like a credible and trusting professional organization that you would want to trust with your child?[ This Message was edited by: finlyrite on 2004-10-04 17:01 ]"
Title: Why I Post Anomalously
Post by: Antigen on October 10, 2004, 01:29:00 PM
Depends on the state laws. Probably worth looking into, though.

Distrust all in whom the impulse to punish is powerful.
--Friedrich Nietzsche

Title: Why I Post Anomalously
Post by: Anonymous on October 10, 2004, 01:31:00 PM
I expect the law varies from state to state, but where I am it is perfectly legal to record your own conversation and you do not have to tell anyone about it.
What is illegal is to secretly record Two unsuspecting persons - unless your a cop with a wire tap warrant.
You can pop in radio shack and buy a nifty little divice for about 40 bucks that makes the recording easy to do; an I do recomend always recording conversations with lawyers and insurence companies and program people.
Get those sales people and those family reps on tape. Might be glad you did.
Title: Why I Post Anomalously
Post by: Anonymous on October 13, 2004, 10:29:00 AM
Hide behind a bag, take no responsibility for your sarcastic comments, stay anonymous so no one can confirm or dispell your claims? Hell, no one can even track your posts. You are not mature, balance, healthy, transparent or responsible. Sounds more like you learned well how to judge and manipulate.

ah yes! the Cascade school way!  i too am a graduate-- a jaded, frustrated, let-down-and-in-turn letting-a-lot-of-others-down-graduate of the self-help program that is the financial drain known as the cascade school.  {that IS what was taught... and how to make it all seem so honest... ( an honest and loving man...mmmmm...) [bask in others' warm glow as the reality of life slips me by...] "yes... i am an honest and loving man", although while enrolled (locked-away?)} i had NO CLUE what was actually happening to us all... honestly BRAINWASHED.  
i was a pissy kid, but perhaps a little too bright or honest or something to realise the gravity of the situation----- that my brethren (mostly student gov't reps) who were busted at the giving tree (1992), taking each others' blood orally, were not acting of simply their own accord, but perhaps they were just tending to one of allgood's seeds-- or when another committee-head offed himself (shortly after graduation 1993), citing certain incidents with certain counsellors, which left him feeling completely worthless and abused... and of course, now i find that after TEN years, the emotions are returning-- and not just the ones which i have cultivated for myself, but horrible nightmarish imagery of others' stories from the TRUTH and other workshops.  trauma.
and what of the follow-up?   what follow-up?
personally, i returned once, unannounced, to look around down in whitmore, only to be greeted by p rudy, as she returned from a day on her mountain... only to learn a few weeks later that she told everyone that i was on drugs and looking for free shit------  GREAT follow-up, y'all! that's the support we need after having all of our defenses removed from our repertoires! yes! beat us mercilessly with your words and ideas-- the very ones for which YOU, the staff, were running from when you went to YOUR fucked-up institutions and had your dreams squashed.
taking your anger out on all of us through snide remarks and manipulative brainwashing worked.  we are out here in the real world spreading misinformation, thinking ourselves gods and bearing the fire of the GODS for it.  but you taught us that this is our path.  one of flames.  purification.  perfection..  at any cost.
and now i am learning to unbecome my misery.
i hope we all can... without serious trauma.
Title: Why I Post Anomalously
Post by: finlyrite on March 05, 2005, 07:11:00 PM
it is not illegal, if one person on the phone knows the conversation is recorded.  This information and the copy of the email received was sent to the Attorney General with no resolve.
Title: Why I Post Anomalously
Post by: Cptnemo on May 16, 2005, 10:26:00 PM
Sorry, but Nemo was not involved in this.  

I don't know the Bundy's and have never said anything good or bad about them.  All I have said is that Thayer helped my son.

Anyway, I do not think anything was recorded.  To do so without your consent is a big-time Federal felony.  

Quite frankly, with all that hate and bad blood on this site, little may appear as it actually is.
