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Messages - iamartsy

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Psych Hospitals / Re: Texas Psychiatric Abuses
« on: August 10, 2009, 02:43:27 AM »
That is what I am talking about. I went in when I was 21 and turned 22 there. I was rarely allowed visits with my parents or family. I was also not allowed near my own money. I did call there recently to obtain my nurse's notes and was told they had been destroyed by now. Is that true?

I really do want them. I know they thought the turned me from gay to straight (ha ha). I also know my prognosis was not good. I remain traumatized. I was discharged almost 23 years ago exactly. I still have not forgiven my parents or the the staff there. My parent's essentially forced me into T-lawn. My family still has the family picture that we took from when we had our family day hanging in their house. It makes me ill to look at it. I am in this sweater and a skirt. I was also sick as a dog when they came up to Dallas. The hospital had been refusing to give me antibiotics for respiratory infection I had gotten on a camping trip in wet cold weather. I was running over 100 degrees of fever up until the day before they came up. The hospital staff was trying to teach me "mind over matter". Unfortunately, my lungs were not cooperating with that care plan!

I do consider myself lucky that avoided restraints and room therapy. I was mortified of both. I did sign a 3 day letter one time, and they put me back on suicide watch even though I was not suicidal. My mom happened to call up there and found out what was going on. She was able to get them to let me into that center courtyard thing to walk around. She told them if they really wanted to drive me batshit then to keep me indoors. If you ever wan to meet a severely claustrophobic person it is me.

Thanks to others that have shared their stories here. If you know how I can obtain my records please let me know. My therapist in NYC had them but I think she dumped them in the Hudson after I left. That was our agreement anyway. No joke, I gave her permission. She said that there was nothing there I wanted to read and that it would only upset me further. Now I do want to know what the Nurse's notes said. I do know that much of the staff was very illiterate, so I can only imagine.

Sorry for the lengthy post. This is the first time I am telling my own story here, I think. It has been awhile and I don't remember my other posts.

Psych Hospitals / Re: Texas Psychiatric Abuses
« on: August 07, 2009, 05:22:01 PM »
I had no idea so many of you had replied to my thread. Thank you! There are those of us out there still trying to recover! Thanks again. IAmArtsy

PM me if need be. Or hit the email button. Please drop me a line if my questions are overwhelming. Take care. Artsy


Are you in NYC and do you have insurance. If you do there are outpatient options. Stay the heck away from a inpatient facilities. Where did this case worker come from (CPS?). Are you considered a "person in need of supervision"? How did this come about? Do get a lawyer and contact ASTART, immediately. While facilities are supposed to allow contact; in reality they don't. If for some reason you get sent in before your next post, take a roll of quarters or a phone card. Sneak it in if you have to. That is the only way to use the phone and report an offense.

You guys am I giving good advice? Educational consultants are in no way social workers or case managers. They can be anyone. A social worker, on the other hand, goes through a great deal of eduction, internships, and state testing. Then there is additional supervision and more testing. Kickbacks are unethical and grounds for license revocation.

If these guys agree with what i am saying, then stay in touch with me. I think Psy is most knowledgeable. I used to live on the island and in the city. Unfortunately, a PINs can change everything so post again and let us know your situation.


Good point. I joke with an ex program person on Facebook. It is great. Sometimes we compare stories and talk about people. Other times we point out the absurdity of program sayings that were pounded into us. We both got into our mid-forties and are highly educated in spite of what the program told us.

Psych Hospitals / Re: Texas Psychiatric Abuses
« on: April 29, 2009, 08:56:53 PM »
We had several variants. One was bans, which prevented us from communicating with specific students or specific groups of students. Then there were things such as booths and living rooms, and the most severe was the full-time.

Not sure what the details are regarding chair and room therapy, but room therapy also sounds similar (in name at least) to quiet rooms, which are used in many lock-up and psychiatric facilities. (Similar to a "time out") Patients who were "going off" were locked in such rooms to quiet down.

Dallas in general had a lot of oak and lawn things. Green Oaks facility, West Oaks facility, Timberlawn, Oak Lawn (gay neighborhood), South Oak Cliff (da hood. spent quite a lot of time there. ;))

And other tree related things. I heard, much to my disappointment, that forest lane no longer has a forest. sad.

"Fulltimes" is what I was trying to remember. The only difference was that Chair and Room could last anywhere from 3 mos. - 2 years. It definitely was not to calm anyone down.

I loved Oak Cliff. Great everything. Also liked the Dallas bar scene when I went back for my brother's wedding later. I sneaked off to the bars one night. Since I was supposed to be cured, I had to sneak off. I also liked the the Stork Club!  Is Forest Lane now Mc Mansions? I never go back to Dallas. Actually, I avoid it at all costs. It brings back too many bad memories. As it is, I dislike TX, but am here for now. I hope to get to Denver or back to the NYC at some point.

The Troubled Teen Industry / Re: What is the long term strategy?
« on: April 29, 2009, 07:22:40 PM »
There is nothing to prevent the cruelty from morphing. For instance, with nursing homes you have http:// Even that is only as good as the person who knows how to read between the lines, and who knows of its existence. Most people don't know either, unfortunately.

Yes, but many of us were in different programs. I think it is the comparison crap that keeps us from using each other for assistance or help. Like if you were in CEDU and I was in a psych hospital, it is different because psych hospital has connotation that I am flat out crazy. Also, we were abused in the same ways, but the terms used for the abuse were different. At Timberlawn, there was "chair therapy" or "room therapy"" and at CEDU, there were "Fulltimes". Only at Timberlawn, there were no work assignments that I recall. Chair and room went on as long as 3 months to 2 years. There you have it, vocabulary.

Psych Hospitals / Re: Texas Psychiatric Abuses
« on: April 29, 2009, 06:48:28 PM »
Green Oaks is in North Dallas. In the old days (1985-1986), I think they used to send people on to Timberlawn if they needed "more" treatment. Green Oaks is part of HCA, http:// Back in the 80s there were so many hospitals with lawn and oaks in the name that it was downright ridiculous. Ironically Timberlawn was right next to "Grove Hill Cemetary". Irony, huh? Can you tell I have grown quite cynical?

Castle, you guys had another name for Chair and Room Therapy at CEDU but I cannot remember what it was. Basically no communication with anyone of any kind.

Psych Hospitals / Re: Texas Psychiatric Abuses
« on: April 28, 2009, 12:36:51 PM »
It looks like Laurel Ridge has become part of the old Brown Schools network. Please see this for more info on Texas: http://

It is not a place you want to go for treatment. I had one friend in West Oaks and basically they hold you long enough to detox you. Then you are sent to outpatient for 6 weeks. Some places won't hold you any longer than your insurance will allow. The GAO report, while old, might give you some understanding of TX.

At T-lawn, it was pretty much weekly. That was how you got your privileges. I just quit putting in for much. Maybe one call a week to my parents and that was it. I know it was not the SAME, but imagine going through that BS weekly. It just repeated my family experiences, and this was supposed to cure me of depression? Righto.

Open Free for All / Re: Token Swine Flu Post
« on: April 28, 2009, 11:55:36 AM »
For those of us who are immune compromised,swine flu is  a real worry: http://
For those that don't trust American news go here: http://

Regardless, when you live near Mexico, like I do, it is a read threat. Additionally, I live near the barrio. Am I paranooid? Well, I am not about to join the ranks of Howard Hughes, but I am using lots of Purell!

Open Free for All / Re: Did God help you through the program?
« on: April 14, 2009, 02:32:57 AM »
I feel like I should now quote Kinky Friedman. I hate "Footprints in the Sand". My PDAP sponsor gave it to me just before I left the cult for college. What shit? "May the God of your choice bless and keep you. I respect Him as long as He does not circumcise me anymore". Kinky Friedman

More about him can be found here:

As for footprints in the sand...

Feed Your Head / Re: Hurricane Ike - Update
« on: April 03, 2009, 12:01:29 PM »
That is what I am trying to do. Unfortunately I don't know anyone outside of Texas. I used too know people in NY, KS, etc. but not anymore. Actually I do know someone in Boston, but her boyfriend is a pain in the ass. Worse than that actually. So no one really. I want to go to Denver or Boulder but once again don't know anyone.

type=Abusive in my case.Then and now! That feels good to get off my chest. If anyone can provide me housing for a few weeks in Denver or Boulder please let me know. I have to get away from them.

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