
Treatment Abuse, Behavior Modification, Thought Reform => Straight, Inc. and Derivatives => Topic started by: kosmonaut on December 18, 2002, 05:40:00 PM

Title: hilariously misinformed article about MDMA
Post by: kosmonaut on December 18, 2002, 05:40:00 PM ... =461&rfi=9 (
Title: hilariously misinformed article about MDMA
Post by: Carmel on December 19, 2002, 01:46:00 PM
It sounds closer to an urban legend than anything....I dont think I have read a more entertaining crock of shit in all my life!  This one is right up there with hurling witches into the water to see if they floated or sank.  Cuddle Puddles?  Oh god, I think I just blew a blood vessel from the hysteria of it all.....

What takes the cake is the opener, that MDMA has only been in the country for 4-5 years!  Somebody call the Semblers and tell em it should be permanently removed from all of our lost or hidden files that any of us ever did X.  I mean, it wasnt even around back then, right?  Friggin fools.

I pity the gulible parent that reads this crap and sends there kid to rehab for eating tootsie pops and drinking bottled water.
Title: hilariously misinformed article about MDMA
Post by: marika708 on December 19, 2002, 03:33:00 PM
Is it scarier to me as a parent to picture my daughter with her cute little teenage self, experimenting and trying new's not a huge leap to picture the horrors described in the article and imagine her in that scene, and me helpless, unable to protect her from all of the monsters out there...

Or is it scarier to realize that I was once a cute little teenager who tried a bunch of stupid crap despite my parents best efforts to make me into a little princess...
Title: hilariously misinformed article about MDMA
Post by: Carmel on December 19, 2002, 03:50:00 PM
Well,I am a parent myself....and I thank heavens that I have the wherewithall to know that 99.9 percent of that article is pure lunacy.

It is very UN-easy for me to picture my daughter doing those things because I know that they are so completely untrue.  I would rather my daughter do a hit of X right in front of me if it meant keeping a one more parent from reading that garbage and sending themselves and their children hurtling down a REAL path of terror.  I reminds me of "Carrie's" bible beating mother. Its crap like this article that breeds that brand of insanity.
Title: hilariously misinformed article about MDMA
Post by: marika708 on December 19, 2002, 04:22:00 PM
I agree with you that the article is total lunacy, exactly the same type of fear inducing propaganda that my parents were fed by the recruiters for the atlanta program.  The part I am commenting on is that I can see how easy it would be IF I were not educated and experienced in deciphering the trash to be led down the proverbial garden path in the name of wanting to keep my kid safe from those "horrors".

Aren't scary books worse than movies because your own imagination can conjure up exactly what you need to scare yourself worse than any film director could put together???

I find it interesting to be in the position of being able to view my daughters teenage years with the perspective that I have.  Thank God our generation is not another bunch of lemmings ready to follow each other over the edge of the cliff...
Title: hilariously misinformed article about MDMA
Post by: Carmel on December 19, 2002, 05:19:00 PM
I totally hear you on that point.  And I agree that someone who is not experienced could take take that trash for face value.  

Do you ever wonder at the fact that some people could be so horribly misinformed and actually buy into it?  I guess I have such a hard time believing that anyone wouldnt question something like that.  I guess our parents were duped in the same fashion....however, if someone said my kid was in danger of rolling in feces and vomit on the floor of a filthy warehouse with 500 other kids, running a temperature of 111 (which is ludicrous in itself)I would just HAVE to say wait a this for real?  I guess I chalk it up to the fact that some people dont WANT to know, some peaople dont WANT to be many people want to be shuffled along without incident.....without shame to their family, or bruised pride.....Its a big fat case of DENIAL that so many people are immersed in.  As long as there are sheep there will be the perverted shepard I guess.
Title: hilariously misinformed article about MDMA
Post by: Anonymous on December 19, 2002, 08:33:00 PM
I don't know about anyone else here, but I have done plenty of drugs in my time. I had lots of fun (and sometimes no fun at all) experimenting with drugs, and I can honestly say, that I have never found a drug that would alter my perceptions enough to allow myself to sit in  shit/piss/vomt.

Their scare tactics are gettin so much better, one would have to wonder if they are getting Hollywood writers to come up with this crap.
Title: hilariously misinformed article about MDMA
Post by: dreammagician on December 20, 2002, 01:18:00 AM
Totally hillarious, first of all the bit about it's only been around in this country for 4 to 5 years, yea right? What about the pacifier bit, damn, I'm cruisin to the store to get me a damn pacifier, screw the big bro. hehe. That's as far go reading the article it is so ludicrus.
Title: hilariously misinformed article about MDMA
Post by: girlwithoutbarcode on December 20, 2002, 09:39:00 AM
The type of parent gullible enough to believe hype like the X article in the Beacon was the type of parent who believed the Newtons when they told her the little brown bottle she found in my closet when I was 15 was an inhalent. Which by the way turned out to be a bottle of perfum. It's frightening to think how ignorant my mother was, how easily swayed she was by anyone who sounded confident. What scares me is that there are parents out there, right now, who will fall for the same manipulation at the expense of thier precious children.

- girlwithoutbarcode, Kids Hackensack 1988-90 does not require a majority to prevail, but rather an irate,
tireless minority keen to set brush fires in people's minds..

--Samuel Adams

Title: hilariously misinformed article about MDMA
Post by: Anonymous on December 20, 2002, 04:41:00 PM
The best part of that article was the fact the they let people comment on it at the end. Also there was no "moderating" done on those opinions. If you didn't make it that far, just to clue you in, of the 18 responses that were posted there was only one in support of the article and it's so called facts.
Title: hilariously misinformed article about MDMA
Post by: ClayL on December 20, 2002, 05:14:00 PM
Doesn't blood boil around 110 Degrees? I know you will die at that temp and that SERIOUS brain damage starts occuring at 106.

Doesn't seem that physiology is this guys strong suit. That is assuming he has one....

Title: hilariously misinformed article about MDMA
Post by: METALGOD8 on December 20, 2002, 06:01:00 PM