« on: February 04, 2004, 08:35:00 AM »
I find I have a lot of trouble remembering the specific topics of raps. I remember the template; first we talked about how we were before the seed they the staff shifted it to how we had changed and we talked about how we were now that we were seedlings. The subjects I remember are self respect, responsibility, competition, images. We had like four raps a day, it took weeks for my ass to stop hurting from sitting all the time so I know there must have been many more. Also, does anyone else remember the rap subjects they got told off during? I think the reason I remember self-respect ,as a subject, is because it was during that rap that I got it(the first time.) As I remember it, once your three days were up it wasn't an optional to share; you had to. I remember everyone's hands up like they each dying to say something all the time. I remember being poked by others in the group if my hand wasn't constantly up. So the day I got told off my hand was up and I was hoping not to be called on. I think I had been there a week. Long enough to figure out that you had to say pretty much the same thing as everyone else and hopefully add a little twist to make it your own.
So I said pretty much exactly what the person before me said and found my self on my feet with all those hands reaching, reaching; just as anxios to berate me till I was a sobbing mess as they were to "share".