The Seed Discussion Forum / Five phases or two phases? More questions about the seed?
« on: September 02, 2004, 01:22:00 AM »
Seven steps were totally different then the steps to graduation.
As I remember them in 1976 they were
1 newcomer living away from home with an oldcomer
2 newcomer living at come but coming to the seed all day everyday with no contact with outside world
3 Going back to school or work (I think you became an oldcomer about then.) Still coming to the seed at all times you were not at work or school with no outside contacts, stops on the way to or from the seed, no phone calls etc. This was an odd step for me since I was only twelve when I was told I could go back to work(it was July)school wasn't an option. Believe me I found a job.
4 Three nights when you only had to go to the seed three nights a week and one full weekend day. At this point you could talk on the phone and go out and do things with other seedlings or family. Permission for outings had to be requested at least three days ahead in writing. Staff said yes or no,for their own quirky reasons I could never quite understand. Of course we all knew, that the trully straight didn't want to be out of the raps three nights so most people went more often--or had good excuses ready like I had to make dinner for my family cause my mothers has been working so hard.
Last stage graduation, when you didn't have to come in anymore but after a long time of being told that if you were really strait you would be there all the time regardless many went on to try for staff. Not me, on the night I graduated I swore to everyone it would change nothing. I would still be there helping out the newcomers all the time.
I never went back!
The staff decided when we moved forward and finally graduated. There was no time frame applied to everyone.
As I remember them in 1976 they were
1 newcomer living away from home with an oldcomer
2 newcomer living at come but coming to the seed all day everyday with no contact with outside world
3 Going back to school or work (I think you became an oldcomer about then.) Still coming to the seed at all times you were not at work or school with no outside contacts, stops on the way to or from the seed, no phone calls etc. This was an odd step for me since I was only twelve when I was told I could go back to work(it was July)school wasn't an option. Believe me I found a job.
4 Three nights when you only had to go to the seed three nights a week and one full weekend day. At this point you could talk on the phone and go out and do things with other seedlings or family. Permission for outings had to be requested at least three days ahead in writing. Staff said yes or no,for their own quirky reasons I could never quite understand. Of course we all knew, that the trully straight didn't want to be out of the raps three nights so most people went more often--or had good excuses ready like I had to make dinner for my family cause my mothers has been working so hard.
Last stage graduation, when you didn't have to come in anymore but after a long time of being told that if you were really strait you would be there all the time regardless many went on to try for staff. Not me, on the night I graduated I swore to everyone it would change nothing. I would still be there helping out the newcomers all the time.
I never went back!
The staff decided when we moved forward and finally graduated. There was no time frame applied to everyone.