« on: November 04, 2005, 12:54:00 PM »
I was a grad of the 84 room. I remember playing softball and I was one the guys who work with Robert (a black staff member) at Art's house. I also worked on Art's boat when it sank. I have a lot of fond memories of the Seed, I was on staff for a grand total of about two weeks. I knew right away it was not for me. Suzie was always trying to get other people to do her work for her. The staff members played the same game on me after I left staff-the guilt trip-not good enough. but I hung with some other guys who were pretty decent people and had fun with them. I am glad I went. I was lost, confused and angry 16 year old. I had a lot of resentment when I left.
As the years went by I saw that what I learned at the Seed still applied-so weather I was conned or not the words were correct and to be honest with myself and keep challenging myself still applied. As I stated befoe I was angrya nd went back out for a long time. Then I guess I grew up and don't even drink anymore. I feel a lot better now-but mainly due to growing a pair.