« on: December 01, 2005, 05:40:00 PM »
Quote "I think on my experience and I wonder why you guys feel the need to get so "strokey" and pet each other for living and getting through life. Isn't that what we should be doing anyway? Hell, we all live life."
I give the strokes, because I like the strokes, strokes and pets are good, good....
"If the stove is hot - don't touch it. It's the lesson I was taught, it's the lesson I taught my kid. I guess I am just that simplisitic."
Err.. yes that is pretty simplistic...I think the point is that yes some of us (very few) have the ability or the will, or power to do it on our own, whatever the "it" is, give up, sacrifice, change, love, start doing something, stop doing something... I just always found it so much better, easier, sweeter,(insert adjective) meant more and continues to mean more (to me, no one else) when I made the commitment to a group and shared my success with a group, whether this is your friends, colleagues, AA group, family, church, higher power or yourself (provided of course there is more than one voice...) no seriously though,
Also everyone makes mistakes, slips, screw ups, thats a part of being human, just because something doesn't work the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 8th ... time doesn't mean you just give up... the fun is in the trip not the arrival. Hell it took me 4 times to quit smoking (working on 8+ years this time), but I kept trying, Love you guys & gals!