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Messages - kev (

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Web forum hosting / Have you considered...?
« on: November 30, 2008, 12:16:20 PM »
Hello Fornits, just your friendly, neighborhood WWASP fighter here... :)

I wanted to ask if everyone is satisfied with the large orange "object" (have no clue what that thing is) next to your text logo? Though I realize the decision making aspect ultimately relies on Ginger, I wanted to ask whether everyone besides Ginger is satisfied with your identity as a community (maybe wrong word?)... Perhaps we could sway the nice woman into changing it?

If a graphic designer can't interpret an object on your website... I'll stop there for now..

My interpretation of this image is that is came from a very old design, and you are hanging on to that for some reason (originality, the feelings you felt in creating this site.. etc). But, it is my PROFESSIONAL opinion (if I was quoting your website for a design) would be to update your identity. I think you'd be surprised at the results you will get in people feeling a deeper "sense of belonging", mostly attributed to visually pleasing imagery, and a professional identity... But hey, don't take my word for it, I can send 50 designers your way and you will inevitably get the same response from 45 of them. I rarely speak (or post) unless I can back it up with proof, and I can give you proof in results, if you heed my advice.

My intention is not to criticize, however, I've been hesitant to link up with fornits up until this post, being as my focus is graphic and web development and you have a giant spire or angel or something up there looking at me...

What is that thing and where did it come from? Perhaps we could redo a version of it that is a bit more "web 2.0" once you tell me what it is? Psy mentioned that you won't budge here Ginger, but the way I see it I personally get prodded into actions that may be better for the group (rather than the individual) all the time. Perhaps I'd like to see someone else forced into action by a collective consensus, but who knows, I'm an asshole for the most part. (trust me i really do know im an ass...)

Anyways, please share your thoughts here because I am offering to do the logo pro-bono, and I'm sure Psy won't hesitate to crank out a prototype as well based on his feelings on this issue..

Nostalgia, in this case, is painful for me to see...

Quote from: "psy"
Quote from: "Rusty Goat"
here's my doodad for the day... If'n you can use any of it, go right ahead... personally, I think the "about us" should be short and firm but sweet... we can have a separate page for "expert opinions" or something... oh, and a "youtube" page would be completely awesome. That venue has already demonstrated itself to be a great program bashing/hurting tactic.  RG

here goes:

Welcome to the AP Alliance website.

The AP Alliance consists of volunteers, parents, members of several national, international, professional advocacy groups and organizations. This group includes a large number of survivors of behavior modification facilities, boarding schools, and other “teen help” programs. They have combined efforts to share their expertise, experience and vast information resources in an easy to find location on the internet. The AP Alliance strives to offer visitors to this site a birds-eye view of the troubled teen industry including specific details, information and overwhelming evidence of a proven abusive and deadly track record in programs throughout the United States and abroad.

Throughout this site you will find out why this industry should be shut down and the people, agencies and businesses that contribute to, operate, and profit from it should be held fully accountable. This includes politicians, law enforcement, educational consultants, and doctors. The AP Alliance knows no boundaries with respect to states or countries.

Please take some time to research our site. Thank you for visiting.

The AP Alliance

I think i'm leaning towards this as my favorite as a mission statement.

This is my favorite at this point as well.. Good work Rusty (i know who u are! lol)

18 - I noticed ol' Ben Trane hired a design team or has someone in house doing their development work. I'm not too worried though, they don't even know how to update Joomla's default meta settings in config.php.. Amateurs...  :nods:

keep up the good work folks... headed back to my forums now to post a thread asking for help in research of this topic.

Fine che, I'll count you and hurrikayne as on board as well... though she will probably also be utilized as an editor (if she so chooses she'd like the responsibility that is) as you recommended to me earlier today.

So that puts us at 4/5 volunteers, one more please, and i'll post a beta tester password to these forums, so you can all join us on the new board.. It's bare bones, just the forums inside the design, but with a few mouse clicks i can populate the forums with the design in under 2 minutes...

Quote from: "Ursus"
Certainly there needs to be a critical mass of info and material on the site before going public, but I would also like to throw my 2¢ of emphasis on the LOOK of the site as being extremely important. You absolutely do NOT want to unleash it on the public 'till it looks cohesive and professional. Looking forward to seeing it!

well... i would ask pam, psy, or aaron at this point what they think about the "cohesiveness" of what they've seen. :}

our forums are INTEGRATED INSIDE the design.. if you can imagine that...!

OH, and i'm going to count Ursus and Pam as 2/5 volunteers. Just a little bit of participation folks, please?

sure thing hurri, i actually don't intend on publishing anything without permission. only the forums and the feeds section of the site, to show how seamlessly our information can be displayed and syndicated. psy and i have decided to use the [tag] system on your thread titles to show me what stage you guys are in... for example... [research]- [writing] - [editing] - [FINALIZED]

i posted to the wrong thread with that last message, sorry for the confusion... (HELP PSY, DELETE MY LAST POST ABOVE, I'M REPOSTING TO CHE'S ARTICLE NOW)

Research Banditos / Re: Holding Thread for 3 Springs statements
« on: November 28, 2008, 10:01:23 PM »
yessir masta seh... ;D

waiting on 5 responses before i let the APALL forums go live (only forum inside the portal design, everything else will remain unpublished til im ready)...

 if you want a preview folks, all i need to hear is 5 people to say i can use their writing and/or contributions... just 5 volunteers and we open the forum to the public (registration required)

Sorry, but I AM a grumpy bear...

doesn't matter to me, cause you're also extremely insightful.. ;)

google realizes people try to cheat... if your keyword density is off the charts and you purposefully riddled your content with too many keywords... google will actually penalize your site.. don't cheat, like psy said, let it flow.

if necessary, thats what psy and I are here for, to guide you through the process of getting your content get high rankings. the portal is going to be a great tool to start exchanging links with a variety of organizations. but that's what i'm supposed to worry about, not you guys.. just produce the content, and i'll give it the stage...

"you down with O.P.P., yeah you know me" -Naughty by Nature... lol

sounds good to me, i object to everything on that list, your honor..  :twofinger:

lol i put it in the portal last night as well.. perfect example of what we need... (portal is just for show right now)

cool, looks like we have our next target then, antiwwasp forums will be live tomorrow, i will bring my team into this from there.. first responder can act as a laison of sorts between us, and can coordinate projects for "our side". first, once i bring the forums up i'd like you to hit the member list and PM every midwest survivor asking for details and testimony. I'll scan the forums myself for juicy tidbits, and we'll meet back here with our results, hopefully psy will open the next "project" thread and we'll get it all posted there. (forms huddle) and "BREAK"...

Research Banditos / Re: Holding Thread for 3 Springs statements
« on: November 28, 2008, 06:25:54 AM »
Quote from: "Che Gookin"

Consolidation articles

this function of the forums gives you a perfect example (in the highlighted terms when you query the forums with that string...) of keyword density if you needed a visual interpretation. the highlights show how many times that keyword is seen by google throughout that article. if anyone knew the exact algorithm there would be no competition as everyone would make sites to the formula, and we would lose relevance in the engine as time progressed. my interpretation of SEO is as follows (and is the reason i have the #1 google ranking for the search term "wwasp", psy locked down "sue scheff" in much the same way)...

Listed in order of importance.

1. inbound and outbound links (how many friends does your website have)
2. relevent content and keyword placement within that content.
3. helping search engines understand your content (sitemaps, text navigation, etc)
4. much more to it, but these basics are to help you sculpt content to the needs of the portal.

i can tell you exactly what to produce if thats what this is about. psy will be leading direction of your research. but you will be helping yourselves even more if you work to produce content which i can just ok, instead of running full edits to maintain efficiency for the portal. just trying to be helpful, not dictate your work. if it is better for you to have me handle all the aspects of SEO, let me, just keep producing the compelling works you're all so capable of cranking out and we will zoom past our targets on all major search engines.

well for example, the terms this project will have high keyword density for: "troubled teen" "teen programs" "out of control teen"... go visit google and try to find an "anti" program website in any of the first 20 results or so.. the proof is in the pudding.

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