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Messages - OverLordd

Pages: 1 ... 51 52 [53] 54
OK... let me answer some... no I dont get affended by what thses boards say...
no there is no consequence in the lfe contract
and no they dont tell us to defend the school. its somthing some of us do on our own. i dont defend what i dont know. i only defend what i saw, and heard

Ok, to this anon WWASP, well guess what, why dont you get a log on then so we can talk hmm? If you really believe, trust in, and want to protect the program why dont you get a log in and do it the right way. I don't believe you really know how to, or want to defend against this. I think you feel you need to because of the fact you let them break you.

I turned to speak to God, About the world's despair; But to make bad matters worse, I found God wasn't there.
--Robert Frost, American poet

hey how come all these kids in here who are against the program know so much freaking physcology stuff?

Because we study. I am knowledgeable about cults, yet I don't call WWASP a cult, I just think their a bunch of abusive people that need to be hurt, and this is how they do it. If you acually read about it and get a few books its not that hard.

son? im not related to you. God I hope not. We practice honesty in my family.. so no i dont think you should be calling my son... im a girl

So you going to respond to what I say? Or attack my language? Is'ent that one of the things they do in group or at the simenars or some such place, now lets be a good little WWASPie and respond to what I have to say.

I would rather be exposed to the inconveniencies attending too much
liberty than to those attending too small a degree of it.

--Thomas Jefferson, 1791, in a letter to Archibald Stuart

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / REVOLUTION
« on: June 16, 2005, 10:48:00 AM »
You have my arms in it if you can use me. yet there is no such thing as a peaceful revolution.

A wise and frugal government, which shall restrain men from injuring one another; shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement' target='_new'>Thomas Jefferson  

::beats the WWASPie bitch alot harder than any damned program could.:: The next time your disrespectful to what these people went through I'm going to make it worse.

P.S. You think this is bad, you should see what we do to the pricks at boy scouts that are disrespectful to those that went through a hard time.

I don't believe in God. My god is patriotism. Teach a man to be a good citizen and you have solved the problem of life.
--Andrew Carnegie, Scottish-born American industrialist and philanthropist

woot high moderate risk! god fuck your selfs WWASP!!! Hahaha!

P.S. You know what... moderate is not good enough... im going to go pick a fight now... maybe that will bump me up.

I cannot imagine a God who rewards and punishes the objects of his creation, whose purposes are modeled after our own -- a God, in short, who is but a reflection of human frailty. Neither can I believe that the individual survives the death of his body, although feeble souls harbor such thoughts through fear or ridiculous egotism.
--Albert Einstein, German-born American physicist

i got a list that goes on and on and on and on that says other wise

well guess what son have you ever been to either of those sites? They list goes on and on there as well, and my personal experiance says that those that get out of the program are nothing to be pleased about either, because they are broken people with no indiviually, accept maybe their religion, my friend who came back was forced to stop practicing hers and she is just getting it back.

All national institutions of churches, whether Jewish, Christian or Turkish, appear to me no other than human inventions, set up to terrify and enslave mankind, and monopolize power and profit.
--Thomas Paine, American revolutionary

Ok, those that bend over and take it from WWASP is the topic of this talk. You know the people, there are some on the forum defending this cult of a program, but here is the question... why, and how.

These kids, once they break, are brain washed into the cult, that is what I see, what I have experianced with people that I meet and people that come back from these schools. do they tell these kids to go off and defend the school? If so they are not preping them very well to do so. do they tell these kids to give a glowing story about how they were going to hell and they were turned around? Are there consiquences in the life contract, (Which  by the way is not legally binding in any way shape or form) if they don't defend the school? Why in the world are the students not alowed to come within 100 miles of the school without consent once they graduate.

Its these questions and many more. Are WWASPies ghosting (the term for reading yet not posting) in this forum as I write this? Does what we have to say have any effect? Does any know of a kid that was "unbroken" and returned to normal after being brain washed? All these questions and more come to mind, remember, if we are to take down the enemy, we have to know what they think and how they act once they get out. My friend wont say a word about anything bad about her school, I managed to get afew things from her, but then she clamed up, and she gets upset whenever I ask her about it, or want her to talk to some one about it, this is what I mean when I say "broken"

He that lives upon hope will die fasting
--Benjamin Franklin 1758

thanks!!! its helps though, you kinda sound like my family rep... dont like ppl in the program... to late. i do and im stubborn so until something happens to where we cant see eachtother...then were gonna be together... whatever though i appreciated ur help

Its cool, remember, were here for you, because if we dont stick together, if we let our misery consume us, they win, and the last thing we want is for them to win.

Freedom has a thousand charms to show, That slaves, howe'er contented, never know.' target='_new'> William Cowper, a British Christian poet & hymn writer (18th century)

 im just freaked... beacues i feel like kids are gonna think im wierd or something for going there... or what not...i dont know... im glad with some things that happened in the program... like im not on drugs any more u no stuff like that but...i still hate living at home... and next chance i get im out.. you were abused?

Of course they are going to think your wierd, you got broken by a bunch of adults. Of course he was abused, every one was abused, you were abused and you just dont see it because you, like many people, associate abuse with only the physical. But they used brain washing tech to tell what is happening to you is ok, and that they are trying to help, by forcing you away from your family, by making you scared to leave, and by holding tranquility bay over your head. Remember, they may not hit you, but they are destorying you mentally and emotionally.

I think that all right-thinking people in this country are sick and tired of being told that ordinary, decent people are fed up in this country with being sick and tired.  I'm certainly not!  But I'm sick and tired of being told that I am!  
-- Monty Python

How do they get a "KID" age 18 and over to go to and stay at this facility? It does not appear to be a lock-down facility.

well you see there is this thing called a exit plan, and its how the kids get out, once they turn 18 they can leave any time they want, yet only under these conditions. My friends exit plan was she would be given 200 dollars and a bus ticket to anywhere but a place in Georgia, which is where she lives. So basicly they dont let you go home, if you decide to they "mind fuck" , im starting to like that term, you and wont let you go home, basicly they set you up for failure without them. Continuing on some one at the school my friend was at acually told her that she would be arrested if she left and went home after she was 18.

I tried for years to live according to everyone else's morality.
I tried to live like everyone else, to be like everyone else.
I said the right things even when I felt and thought quite differently.
And the result is a catastrophe.

---Albert Camus

what about those kids who are still in csa and arent doing n e thing to get out. like the le vel one refusers. will they be programized when they leave or are they the ones who remain straight. it seems like the more they refuse the more they put on the seminars and stuff. but then again the more they refuse the less anyone pays attention to them.

I say God bless them, because these are the real children, those ones with spirits that do not bend and break. Those that did not bend over and take it up the ass by the propaganda, like the graduates did. Hopefully they will eventually turn 18 and sue the school for blocking their mental, social, and physical development as well as whatever they want to sue for. I look up to these kids, because thats what they still are, kids, and they wont let any one take that from them, even some bitch with a t-shirt that says "Councilor" or what have you. Its the people that alowed them selfs to break that I feel sorry for.[ This Message was edited by: OverLordd on 2005-06-16 06:51 ]

To whoever started this post, who ever you are, luvlife128, im going to hunt you down, and hurt you very very badly, (Well not really but its what I wanna do) those bastards stole my friend out from under, broke her, and hurt her, then they droped her right back into a abusinve and pointless home sistuation, your a lier and a bad one at that. And it will be shut down, if they did anything or not, it really dose not matter, but I will take them out, because they hurt me and my friend. If it takes my whole life, their going down. And any one that supports them will be out on the street with them, no one hurts me or my friends and gets away with it. You my friend, will pay for what you have said, because one day you will get up and realize its all a lie.

This year will go down in history! For the first time, a civilized nation has full gun registration! Our streets will be safer, our police more efficient, and the world will follow our lead into the future!
' target='_new'>Adolph Hitler

[ This Message was edited by: OverLordd on 2005-06-15 06:26 ]

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Jim Brown
« on: June 09, 2005, 04:35:00 PM »
that was one of the most heart breaking things I ever heard, heres to Jim, may he rest in peace, bless him and his strength of will.

It takes a village idiot to believe that a family needs instruction from the government to raise a child.
-- Anonymous homeschooler

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Help for the new guy
« on: June 09, 2005, 03:33:00 PM »
Oh thank you so so much, this is a welth of information, Its what I need to learn and eventurally start my fight against these bastards, I will see them fry for this, I swear to God I will.

First management had plans and then strategic plans. Now we have vision, and we're only one small step from hallucination.
-- Ansley Throckmorton upon assuming the presidency of Bangor Theological Seminary in Bangor, Main per Information World 8-4-`97

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / How to Freebase Coke
« on: June 09, 2005, 12:26:00 PM »
On 2005-06-09 09:24:00, OverLordd wrote:

""Like this?"

All who doubted or denied would be lost. To live a moral and honest life -- to keep your contracts, to take care of wife and child -- to make a happy home -- to be a good citizen, a patriot, a just and thoughtful man, was simply a respectable way of going to hell.


Step 1. We came to understand that the government is powerless over people's private use of drugs and that the War on Drugs was making the government's life unmanageable.

--Scott Tillinghast

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