« on: June 13, 2012, 10:07:41 PM »
How are things with your secretary Mel? Yeah, those nosy holocaust museum volunteers. You would be amazed at how they react and what they do when they find out that you of all people are on the board along with some other prevalent Straight names. Seems they don’t take to kindly to you all hiding in the holocaust museum pretending to be so compassionate toward the Jewish community. It’s curious how the Jewish community reacts when they find out that they in fact have on their board several individuals who are known for their participation in the torture of thousands of children and were the founders of one of the worst and most damaging cults in sixty years. Strange, they go off on a mission of collecting evidence. They seem to think that you and the others should be fired, or sent to jail or removed from all your association with the Jewish community. Strange how they just don’t take to those guilty of running a torture farm, wonder why that would be. Suddenly, they go to town with gathering information on your tenure there and the funds and you know small things like that.
Seems even at Epstein’s church, it’s amazing the reaction when church folks find out about the Straight stuff and the true background of the church goer.