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Messages - DML

Pages: [1]
I went there from 90-93, was in PG 42, and I knew Glenn Sutton very well, and he was a great guy. I do remember him being very playful, loved to horse around, play sports, and that's why I liked him so much. I do remember him licking people (myself included) but it was never done with any intent other than pure horse play.

He was one of the few people there who made it tolerable, Bruce & Nils as well. I guess I can see how in todays overly PC enviroment, plus all the other added RMA troubles from 1990-2004, how this could lead to him leaving.

He was and I'm sure still is a good man, and I'm saddened to hear about what happened.

And there was never a student in the history of RMA that would ever have a chance of kicking Glenn's ass, even today with the student fully grown & Glenn 15 years older...that man was a beast.

CEDU / Brown Schools and derivatives / clones / Regarding Craig Spitzer
« on: October 30, 2007, 01:11:01 AM »
I remember Craig Spitzer as well, he was a great guy. That really is a shame to hear about that, we were in the same peer group for awhile.

I'm really repulsed by some of the comments in here, in a thread about a man, a young man who died way too early. For you to think that is disgusting, to voice it is 100x worse.

I definitely appreciate not having my full name posted, especially since I am in that first post. I wouldn't want anyone to be able to find my association with RMA via the net.

I was in the peer group with almost all the above named people, before I got held back for taking off a few times...I think I was in Peer groups 41 & 42.

Interesting to see who might be on here from those times...

DL '90-'93

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