
Treatment Abuse, Behavior Modification, Thought Reform => Straight, Inc. and Derivatives => Topic started by: kalimah on April 08, 2002, 09:58:00 PM

Title: materializing in this tremendously surreal space
Post by: kalimah on April 08, 2002, 09:58:00 PM
my sister found this site and its links last week
kinda propelled me to a time and place thats been
barriccaded with some heavy duty hard won defences

compelled to reply anyway
to make my presence known
my incarceration  began 9/17/85 (a foodie?? what the fuck
was that about )
i escaped  with the assistance of  a bottle of tylenol
that almost killed me xmas of 86
17 months  ...ouch

alive, usually well in the east village of nyc
performing artist, pilates instructor, political activist
havent been feeling so well since my recollection
yet i think? it will pass, this sorrow, this rage, ive learned
almost successfully to ignore.
i guess that i am thinking this now
because hope is a useful and precious commodity
naive tthough it may be

my name is missing from the list of names
(Debbie St*m*s)
this did not entirely surprise me because despite
the fact that i did not become outrightly "rebellious"
seeing quite clearly how that would eventually
lead to becoming broken,
i never the less could not lie successfully enough
to be accepted by the "group"

by the way , Andrew D*y is really Andrea
and there was Chrissy Ll**d and that girl
Muriel ??? who had ravaged fingernails.

Tracey Br**ns death saddens me deeply
and i am interested in knowing how the RIPs
ended up RIP

Question: Has anyone been entirely successful
in  forgiving their parents?
i originally posted this on the old list-
noticed there was a new list-
decided to cut and paste it here as well
Title: materializing in this tremendously surreal space
Post by: velvet2000 on April 08, 2002, 11:27:00 PM
Is this Kalimah the same as Kali Ma...Mother darksome and divine? Destroyer and creator....

I went through AARC not The Straights, but no forgiveness for my parents here either.

Welcome to the list,

Title: materializing in this tremendously surreal space
Post by: velvet2000 on April 08, 2002, 11:30:00 PM
Sorry, forgot I was on the Kids board and not The Straights board for a second there.
Title: materializing in this tremendously surreal space
Post by: Kris on April 10, 2002, 11:12:00 AM
Wow Debbie, I remember you so well. I came in 4 days after you. I'm glad you are doing well. I remember a lot of your past incidents & I also remember you changing your homes request from "talk" to "T&R" one morning when I was asking for "nothing" and they yelled at me how we had been there the same amount of time & look at how well Debbie is doing and I'm doing nothing. Ah, those were the days. I also remember we both had our hair died black and I remember Drew making some odd comment about that. Well I'm glad you are happy & doing well, I am too.
Title: materializing in this tremendously surreal space
Post by: Christy on April 10, 2002, 05:07:00 PM
Hi Debbie.  I remember you well too.  It is great to hear from you.  I didn't address my resentments with my parents till about 10 yrs later - I felt sorry for them, I knew they didnt mean harm.  But I did have to address it and that felt good.  The are so regretful it is hard for them to talk about it.  But, they were duped too, you know?  Different times in my life I think more about it.  WHen things arent going the way I wish I often thought "if only I hadnt spent 3 yrs there... what would be different?"  But I did, and GOd help me it is a part of who I am.  I was strong-willed before (part of what got me thrown in there) but I am pretty damn strong since walking away from it in '88.