The Seed Discussion Forum / This forum, Now and then
« on: July 23, 2009, 10:58:55 AM »
This is Gregfl. I originated this forum at the suggestion of Ginger many years ago.
I just am coming in to make a few comments.
This forum was conceptualized as a place where people could come and discuss this topic, this very divisional and controversial topic, in a manner that they could be heard. It didn't matter what side of the issue they took, I provided a forum where people could discuss this topic safely. I deleted names, except the staff who allowed themselves to be named in the national media, and protected everyone else's identity the best I could due to the nature of the topic. To this end no personal attacks were allowed and for many years the forum thrived. We had escapees, staffers, graduates, and Barker insiders calling each other, talking out issues, and many people found peace and understanding on these pages.
Several years ago my daughter became seriously ill and I abandoned moderating this forum. For most the forum had kind of run its course and we old farts had resolved our issues and most of us had even come to respect each other no matter what side of the issue we were on. Most of us had come to understand we were just children when this thing called the seed happened to us and that we no longer had to view it from the eyes of a child. I had hoped the forum would continue without me as kind of a resource for people who hadn't been fortunate enough to be around this forum in its formative and productive years. (to anyone concerned, my daughter is doing fantastic now!)
Unfortunately the forum is now being trolled by people with an agenda. When a forum gets trolled, the 'goodness' gets lost, shouted down and buried under muck. In this case, the debates, the resolution, the intellectual conversations, the ability to see where and why others think as they do, and the coming to terms for many people is lost under juvenile anger, countless logins, profanity and nonsense.
I offer no apology for this because I am not responsible for it. If I still was, I wouldn't let it happen. To anyone reading, please look at the prior condition of this forum as kind of a seperate discussion and I think you will find it enlightening and usefull. To do this, you have to wade thru a proverbial bucket of crap for a glass of water, but the good things are still here.
If I was able I would shut it down and just archive the old pages. I offer my support for those being attacked now and my assurance that if I was still moderating this forum it would not be occuring.
To all my friends still posting or reading, I wish you all well.
I just am coming in to make a few comments.
This forum was conceptualized as a place where people could come and discuss this topic, this very divisional and controversial topic, in a manner that they could be heard. It didn't matter what side of the issue they took, I provided a forum where people could discuss this topic safely. I deleted names, except the staff who allowed themselves to be named in the national media, and protected everyone else's identity the best I could due to the nature of the topic. To this end no personal attacks were allowed and for many years the forum thrived. We had escapees, staffers, graduates, and Barker insiders calling each other, talking out issues, and many people found peace and understanding on these pages.
Several years ago my daughter became seriously ill and I abandoned moderating this forum. For most the forum had kind of run its course and we old farts had resolved our issues and most of us had even come to respect each other no matter what side of the issue we were on. Most of us had come to understand we were just children when this thing called the seed happened to us and that we no longer had to view it from the eyes of a child. I had hoped the forum would continue without me as kind of a resource for people who hadn't been fortunate enough to be around this forum in its formative and productive years. (to anyone concerned, my daughter is doing fantastic now!)
Unfortunately the forum is now being trolled by people with an agenda. When a forum gets trolled, the 'goodness' gets lost, shouted down and buried under muck. In this case, the debates, the resolution, the intellectual conversations, the ability to see where and why others think as they do, and the coming to terms for many people is lost under juvenile anger, countless logins, profanity and nonsense.
I offer no apology for this because I am not responsible for it. If I still was, I wouldn't let it happen. To anyone reading, please look at the prior condition of this forum as kind of a seperate discussion and I think you will find it enlightening and usefull. To do this, you have to wade thru a proverbial bucket of crap for a glass of water, but the good things are still here.
If I was able I would shut it down and just archive the old pages. I offer my support for those being attacked now and my assurance that if I was still moderating this forum it would not be occuring.
To all my friends still posting or reading, I wish you all well.