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Messages - ladyjerrico

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Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Another former 'staightling'!
« on: March 09, 2002, 09:13:00 PM »
I believe you are right, even though there are laws forbidding such behavior in facilities such as Straight, somehow, people seem to find a back door.. and if you've been around long enough, you will find a back door to nearly everything in normal everyday life.. even a job.
I think someone may have been paid a high price to keep their mouth shut of what they saw or heard about, either that or was "forced" into signing a confidentiality form which would empower the facilities like Straight Inc. to go over and beyond what laws were written.
Of course this is ENTIRELY speculation on my behalf. I don't know how they got around to not knowing about most of this.. the world has always been about money and power. I'm sure Straight had more than enough to even buy off the high officials and than some!

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Aren't they all gone yet?
« on: March 09, 2002, 07:44:00 PM »
so if it isn't Straight .. or a place called KIDS.. what does SAFE stand for?
Sexual Abuse For Everyone???

Quotation from "Girl, Interrupted":
"You change the scenery, but not the #@$ situation.. and the warden makes house calls!"

I must agree with Jadenjames, Antigen. At least our misery, troubled times and being a victim of all forms of violence would have been over at Straight Inc. and places like it.
I would rather be alive now.. but if I had a choice back then, I know that at least if I died, I wouldn't have to feel that abuse again!

FYI.. Kathi, this was not directed to what you said.

Isn't there a way to respond to a message that was already posted without creating a new one, and not having the post on these things??

[ This Message was edited by: ladyjerrico on 2002-03-09 16:40 ]

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Plymouth MI. Straight
« on: March 09, 2002, 05:30:00 PM »
Joey, you may remember a "phaser" there by the name of Chris Fisher (female). I know she was there a long time, I'm sure she was there when you were there back in 88.. if so, let me know, and if you remember her.
She was very good to me and one of the few people that helped me without abuse and mental problems.

Straight Survivor of Plymouth MI 1990

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Be good to yourself!
« on: March 09, 2002, 05:22:00 PM »
Lestat, I understand how angry you feel about this program.
If they knew I listened to "Simon and Garfunkle" when I signed myself out, I would have been beaten down and left for dead in a rap session.
When I signed myself out, I felt guilty for about a month to watch TV! My parents had the TV on and I said "I can't watch that, turn it off!", and I paniced!
They told me, "It's alright, your out of there now".. I said "no I'm not, they will find out I watched TV and I'll get into trouble"

I was so paranoid when I left that place that I thought even going outside to walk my dog was a crime! That place brainwashed me so bad to thinking that everything was a sin! I will never forget the paranoia I went through when I left

[ This Message was edited by: ladyjerrico on 2002-03-09 14:24 ]

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / atlanta straight
« on: March 09, 2002, 05:11:00 PM »
Hi Tom,

I can't say that I was in Atlanta.. but I totally understand what you went through, I was in Straight in 90' in Michigan.
I never made it that far in the program, but I have seen people make it to 5th phase and then for something that seemed stupid to me, they were put back to 1st or 2nd phase.
Where I was not many got to 5th phase and even fewer graduated. The 7 months I was there I only saw 4 people graduate and they were there for 3 or more years.

I always thought there was something up with that.. a couple of teens I saw in there would be on 1st phase.
The staff members would approch them and they would take one 1st phaser and talk to them in private.
A few weeks later, they would be on 3rd or 4th phase! I thought that maybe with all the sexual abuse that I read about in articles on the internet, it seemed highly possible they targetted certain people.
I also remember seeing those same staff members put thier 2 week notice in and said that they got a better paying job.. once that 1st phaser was on a higher phase.
Seemed a bit odd to me.. don't you think??

[ This Message was edited by: ladyjerrico on 2002-03-09 14:13 ]

[ This Message was edited by: ladyjerrico on 2002-03-09 14:14 ]

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / asking for items.. the Straight way
« on: March 09, 2002, 05:01:00 PM »
I was thinking back to this, lately I've been having a lot of memories of this place, does anyone remember having to "ask" to pick things up when you were a 1st phaser?
If you did it by accident.. what do you remember in group saying about it?

I know I shouldn't re-hash the past (geez, can I say that word "hash"??).. however, I thought that maybe recollection could help some of us overcome the brutality of embarrassment and ignorance we all went through then.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / still supporting straight...
« on: March 09, 2002, 04:55:00 PM »
Thanks Kathy, just taking a pre-emptive strike against anyone who says "why are you replying to that when it's been on this site over a year".. just coving my tracks.

Thanks for the feedback though :smile:

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / They Lied
« on: March 09, 2002, 04:52:00 PM »
I felt the same way you did, I never knew about desert storm either. My father was the one to tell me and when I asked my good friends, they told me "where have you been? under a rock?" I felt stupid and insecure, I didn't want them to know I was at rehab.
I was thinking about this the other night, I think the reason why they kept us from TV, radio and media stories is because I think they (Striaght) might have had a lot of bad publicity with people who went there, a lot of lawsuits were filed according to what I've seen on the internet.
I feel it was a cover up and they certainly wern't going to subject us to that!

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Straight in Plymouth, MI 1987
« on: March 07, 2002, 08:22:00 PM »
I wanted to reply to a message that I saw from LESTAT49203 regarding restraint in Plymouth MI.

I was there in 1990, and yes, it was alive and active in that facility. I was restrained once for trying to leave on my intake, and another time for "acting out" and kicking a chair.

I am female and wieghed 170 pounds then, which was tiny for me at the time. It took 5 grown men to restrain me on my intake and I still nearly made escape.

The staff pushed my head to the floor and one of them screamed "Eat that carpetting!" my mouth and teeth scraped against that nasty dirty oily carpeting and I was forced back on my feet.

I know that facilities like Straight did restrain "phasers" and no matter if it was a written law or not, they got away with it.

Many things were never told to us, never said to us, and most of it was on a "need to know" basis.

Many hidden and frightening experiences were done at the time I spent there, I wouldn't want to ever see again.

[ This Message was edited by: ladyjerrico on 2002-03-07 17:23 ]

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / still supporting straight...
« on: March 07, 2002, 08:14:00 PM »
uh, sorry, I just realized you posted that message a little over a year ago.. I appologize, but, I did just find this site about 2 days ago.. shrug

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / still supporting straight...
« on: March 07, 2002, 08:13:00 PM »
jeff, I was there for 7 months, I know that can't compare to the several hard long years that some people spent here.. but we all have common ground.
My suggestion to you would be (if your mom has a computer) have her get on this site, find some evidence that would allow her to see for herself what this place was all about.
I feel sad that your mom still treats you like a phaser (sigh, I've been out 11 years and I still talk in feelings, sickening isn't it?). Explain to her that all these people who post these types of messages wouldn't go against the program if we didn't experience first hand all the abuse and all the brainwashing we encountered.
If she still doesn't believe you, I would say to her "why did these places close down if they were so good? why were there so many lawsuits filed with child abuse, neglect, physical, mental and emotional abuse?
They (straight) didn't treat us like people. We were slaves trapped in a death camp nearly!
Your memory is heartbreaking to you and some of us will never really totally get over what has happened.
I, myself, am still searching for answers of why these things were so harsh.. I know we did things that wern't normal, but everyone has something bad to remember in their lives, we lived through the most terrible thing we've ever done.. we paid for our mistakes, we will never forget.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Don't think it can't happen?
« on: March 07, 2002, 07:55:00 PM »
Thank you so much for posting this site. I never thought video footage existed with Straight Inc. it was so secretive, never allowed video or cameras in the Plymouth MI facility.
I was suprised to see it existed!

I think what we all went through with Straight and similiar facilities is a total nightmare and an outrage!
No human should be bound by walls in which the sun never shines nor be treated like prisoners, we all screw up in life and it is not a perfect world.. we were all subdued to a violent and inhumane time in our life.

Thank you so much for that post on this website.
It makes me wish that my memory of everyday could be filmed and seen by those who were and weren't in the program and see what I went through and what other people in Straight were subject to, it would truely be an eye opening experience for all of us.

Thank you so much for allowing that piece of information to be posted here! :smile:

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Strip Searches
« on: March 07, 2002, 07:39:00 PM »
I was told (after 10 hours sitting in a small room to be interviewed) I had to be strip searched for drug paraphanalia, I felt like a prisoner that didn't know why I was convicted.
I know I did wrong.. but I believe that the staff enjoyed doing something like that and humilating you in front of your peers just to make their ego skyrocket!

I understand very well that every action people take in life has a reaction and a consequence to it.. but they went too far!
The staff at Straight really knew how to convince us that things were legit and legal.

To this day my mother thinks that it was the best place for me to be, but she never saw behind the curtain who really was the "wizard of oz" so to speak.

I wish I could film my memory of that place and everyday I had in it.. I'm sure that everyone who was and wasn't in this torchure facility would have quite an eye opening experience

Mary, I couldn't agree with you more.. that place wasn't fit for a dog and I was there from Apr. of 1990 till Nov. of 1990.
Did you find yourself quite sensitive to the sun after leaving there?
The staff never let us outside! And I know for a fact that the staff was hiding a lot of things, just outrageous what we went through.
I tried to email you, but Yahoo told me it was invalid email for some reason.
I sent you a private message through this site, if you would like.. feel free to contact me.

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