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Messages - Loli

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Open Free for All / Re: SLEEPING PROBLEM
« on: July 13, 2011, 04:05:36 PM »
so what's the shit we don't know about MJ?

I mean, I don't know shit because I don't smoke it, but maybe it will help me understand the stoners in my life. I mean how much is there to know? You like it, don't like it, don't care...

I like it when uptight or Type A people smoke. That's what I know.

The Melting Pot / Re: great dramatic quotes
« on: July 11, 2011, 05:09:31 PM »
Don't squat with your spurs on.

Feed Your Head / Re: Superbowl Predictions
« on: January 16, 2011, 08:18:20 PM »
Ok...been a game hound this weekend. Rooting for steelers, gb, and jets.  Steelers vs. Ravens went predictably... always down to the last goal, last minutes.   GB vs. F - what a dull as f*ck game. Falcons' defense sucked. Jets vs. Patriots -  fun to watch Patriots twist... I thought Pats may rally at beginning of 4th but that hope evaporated quickly. What I don't understand is how the Steelers traded Holmes?!!  Holmes will be playing his "ex" next week... should be a good game. BR is a better passer than Sanchez, so we shall see. Would love to see Packers take Bears, and a Packer - Steeler match up. Won a paltry $20 on tonight's game... But it's a round!

So what do y'all think about post season so far?

Jesus Christ, the LAST person Morrison would want to be pardoned by is a Crist.

Feed Your Head / Re: "The Gloria Films"
« on: November 27, 2010, 12:30:09 PM »

CEDU / Brown Schools and derivatives / clones / Re: Article by Rudy Bentz
« on: September 22, 2010, 03:49:44 PM »
Hell, I sure as well would want her to stay away form my son.  But it is a boundary issue for sure, especially in a supposedly "therapeutic" setting.

CEDU / Brown Schools and derivatives / clones / Re: Article by Rudy Bentz
« on: September 21, 2010, 04:56:54 PM »
RB was nice to me because I was a girl. And split before I got to Source - thank you Jesus.  But I remember the stuff you speak of... Still kills me he now resides in Santa Fe.  I lived there for a period and am sentimental toward it. Jill is an artist there.  (But come on Serb, did you mind when she grabbed your ass? Ha!)

Open Free for All / Re: CPAP for Sleep Issues
« on: May 28, 2010, 01:17:44 AM »
I am HATING the vader mask and keep waking up to throw it. It has some weird gurgling thing, and I never get enough air. I feel claustro and can't move, and I need to feel free. Containment is a scary feeling for me. I'm not a back gal either. I sleep fetal. I am going into the sleep doc next week to discuss.
I did look at the site, Castle. The nose pillow mask looks promising. Why didn't they offer it when they came? They only told me about full Vader and the pinchy ones.
I'm not sure what my RDI is.

I was at the hotel lounge yesterday and Rachel Uchitel was on TMZ. I understand her appeal. ... but I could tell she feels like a victim and kept saying that no one knows what her relationship was like with these men and no one should judge... but I do judge. I could give a hoot what some one does with their personal lives as long as they don't f*ck with families. I just don't get that - for any amount of money or validation. It's the same with all the other mistresses going public for payment. Don't say you feel guilty. You don't. Or you wouldn't have done it. It doesn't matter if "his wife doesn't understand him" or they are "going through a difficult time", you just don't do it. ESPECIALLY if there are kids. If I know a guy is married, there is a little switch that goes off in my brain that says: No. I don't even entertain the idea. It is that simple. I think women who would do this to families for any reason are complete douchebags... I don't get why these women are suing these married men for cash either. They claim to be misled. I don't care what kind of BS promises the guy made, if he is married, shut up and go home.  You can't put a cash value on personal integrity.  You have to be heartless to particpate in something that would undermine the safety and stability of a family... of young kids.

One of my friends told she is having feelings for a married guy who is unhappy.  And she finally told they been hooking up. I tolds her I don't want to hear it. I think you are acting like a total shit for some ass who doesn't care about you so go complain somewhere else. I don't believe in situational ethics where its not okay for someone else to do it, but for you? No problemo. Incidentally, her husband had an affair that spanned years, had a child with as mistress and left her. Of course, now he is on #3. So, having been through the pain herself, I do not understand visiting it upon someone else.

Open Free for All / Re: CPAP for Sleep Issues
« on: May 09, 2010, 09:13:19 PM »
So I have my machine, and I am really having trouble sleeping on my back with a Darth Vader mask on. (It's not my sexxxiest look, but wth)  I am trying to stick with the commitment. It is hard. It has been about a week or so. Sometimes, I wake up at 4 am and pull it off. It doesn't hurt, it just feels confining. Will I get over it?  Any suggestions? Also, I feel I don't get enough air.

I tried the less cumbersome one that goes directly in my nostrils, but that pinched, thus the Vader mask. Suggestions welcome.

Open Free for All / Re: Happy Mothers Day To All......
« on: May 09, 2010, 07:44:28 PM »
Gracias! Mis hijos made the best pancakes ever ~
and they cleaned. (It's a miracle!)

I love my boys. Never a dull moment and no Princess Parties to plan. (I would suck at that)

Women a mystery? not so much. I think we are just more nuanced. Men are pretty simple.  Women just don't want to see it.  

Everyone thinks its complicated, but its really not. It is what it is.

Feed Your Head / Re: Religulous
« on: May 07, 2010, 09:11:31 PM »
Well, he offered to pay me to go to the Abstinence Workshop at Church after our divorce. He said he would also go.   I said I'd pay him to go have sex with someone else.

Feed Your Head / Re: Religulous
« on: May 07, 2010, 05:29:10 PM »
I liked this film a lot.  It could have been better produced but its content was on point. My favorite was Bible Land.

I work at a Fundie school, and I just don't get the whole "see the elephant in my pocket" thing. I mean, how could any moron who watches this movie NOT feel ridiculous if religulous? I'm not even an atheist, per se.  I'm just amazed by the natural world, in awe of and appalled by the human world, and comfortable with uncertainty.  To me, good=good. That's it.

I just gave the movie to my born again Catholic ex. The one who offered to pay for me to go to abstinence boot camp after our divorce. He decided if I wasn't going to be married to him, the next best thing was to be nun, and he was wiling to pay me to not do it (with anyone but him of course). I would have preferred a child support.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Re: Fucking mexicans
« on: May 05, 2010, 01:13:49 PM »
I guess the old plaque on the Statue of Liberty is another empty promise... of course it was erected during one of our more stringent anti immigration years...

People are stupid. The gov't itself makes it easier for illegals whenever it sees fit. In the past it was through bracero programs.

I can tell you now that agribusiness would fucking collapse if we had to depend on whities to till the fields. The greatest percentage of welfare careerists are white folks.  Illegal immigration is a salvation in that respect.  Cheap labor.

Hell, its karma anyway... Parts of CA, CO, UT, TX etc. were all Mexico at some point. It was all taken. Manifest Destiny and all that BS.

Honestly, the whole immigration thing is so overplayed in terms of being a real threat.  It's just another place to channel hatred.  All we need are a few realistic common sense approaches that aren't a mask for reactionary hate.  People really take nationalism to an extreme.  

I sure as hell don't want to live in a fenced in country... I'd rather let people in then live behind an Iron Curtain. The people who want build a monolithic Checkpoint Carlos are the same people that scream democracy but run toward Big Brother policies (for all but themselves, of course).

The end of the drug war would also help. It's an epically  proven failure so why spend billions on something that doesn't work?  That is just a major fallacy of common sense. No wonder we are in the hole. We pay billions for no ROI.

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