
Treatment Abuse, Behavior Modification, Thought Reform => The Seed Discussion Forum => Topic started by: ramprato on April 25, 2002, 10:17:00 AM

Title: The Seed, Straight Inc., and Spin-offs on WMNF today!
Post by: ramprato on April 25, 2002, 10:17:00 AM
Just a freindly reminder, we are on the air today at 1 p.m. on ( Hope you guys are able to listen in. Wish I could, but I gotta work:(

Take care...........Ken
Title: The Seed, Straight Inc., and Spin-offs on WMNF today!
Post by: debi on April 25, 2002, 02:25:00 PM
I just finished listening to a portion of the WMNF program. WOW. It brought back some dreadful memories. I was placed in the "Seed" the second day it opened in St. Pete....a life time least for me it was that long ago. I had no idea that so many people felt the same way I do about my experience. Thank you for having this forum.
Title: The Seed, Straight Inc., and Spin-offs on WMNF today!
Post by: Antigen on April 26, 2002, 08:17:00 AM
Hi Debi,
  Glad to make your acquaintance. And glad you caught the show. I bet there are still an awful lot of former Seedlings in the Bay area.

  Yeah, the whole thing was a deeply disturbing and destructive experience. My family got involved with The Seed back in around `70 in Ft. Lauderdale. It's been pretty much downhill from there for my family. I'm OK personally, but the family, for all intents and purposes, no longer exists. Dealing with them is like dealing with Group because they are Group. Even the one oldest sister, who was in college by the time this madness started, has invented an alcohol problem for herself and become a zealous AA proponent.
Title: The Seed, Straight Inc., and Spin-offs on WMNF today!
Post by: debi on April 30, 2002, 04:41:00 PM
I am glad that you are OK.

My family also was struck with all of this madness although I am the only child placed in it. I have not seen my closest sibling since '77/'78. The younger siblings are not very close to me either because they were not in the home I was raised in.

Although I must admit that I am cautiously getting closer to my youngest sister at this time in our lives.
Title: The Seed, Straight Inc., and Spin-offs on WMNF today!
Post by: GregFL on May 10, 2002, 08:13:00 PM
Debi, Welcome. I probably know you, or you know my sister frieda, or my step siblings shirley and Mark Simpson. We were all there. I would love to talk to you. Email me at [email protected]. Sorry I haven't been here for a while, but life has been busy.
Title: The Seed, Straight Inc., and Spin-offs on WMNF today!
Post by: Anonymous on May 13, 2002, 02:45:00 PM
Hi Debi,
I would sure like to know if we were in the St Pete Seed at the same time. I was there form July of '73 through about April of '74. I put the misery as far out of my mind as I could until about a year ago when a group of friends in a bible study brought it all out in me again, causing me to remember and start to deal with the pain. At about the same time, my brother (Greg) began to talk to me about our experiences in the Seed cult. He showed me the message board. At first it was extremely difficult for me, but Greg gently persisted until memories indeed came back to me and I was able to begin so much healing and gain understanding.
Just you remember the strange haircut that was given to so many of us girls at the oldcommer's house? It was like an upside down u-shaped style, cut just below the shoulders. It was awful. Later they came up with some spin-off of the shag where they put girl's hair up in a ponytail on the top of her head and chopped it off. When the ponytail was removed...whalla - you had a "shag".
Title: The Seed, Straight Inc., and Spin-offs on WMNF today!
Post by: Antigen on May 13, 2002, 07:32:00 PM
Oh my! I do remember the mock shag. I was about 8 or 9 when my sister was in. She had the most beautiful, waist length hair.... whacked off by the time the first open meeting came around. So I had to go out and get an identical haircut, little sisters are like that.
Title: The Seed, Straight Inc., and Spin-offs on WMNF today!
Post by: Bigfrank on July 20, 2002, 10:48:00 AM
I was in the seed when I was a young teenager and my oldcomer use to have to drop me off at some other oldcomers house when he went to school, well I remember the old comer at the house I got dropped off at toled me one day because I was shy and didn't want to get up an talk in front of everybody, that if I didn't he was going to pull my pants down and take a belt to my ass right in front of everybody, well he kept his promise and you can only imagine how I felt at 14 to have my pants yanked down and get the belt in front of everybody.....This is the sort of stuff I remember .....
Title: The Seed, Straight Inc., and Spin-offs on WMNF today!
Post by: GregFL on July 20, 2002, 11:41:00 AM
Where did this happen, Frank? What place. I don't remember that ever happening in St Pete, but if it happened to you, I am sorry. What a crock of crap that was. Do us a favor and post your story as a new topic, and welcome to this forum.
Title: The Seed, Straight Inc., and Spin-offs on WMNF today!
Post by: MommaDebi on July 20, 2002, 08:28:00 PM
So sorry Big Frank.

Because they separated the sexes so much I was not a witness to this horrible event! Again I am so sorry, what a place of hell our "well meaning" parent placed us in!
