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Messages - Ryinthesky

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I came in right after the whole suiside went down and from what everyone was saying around the time it happened was that she got up to "throw somthing away" and took a running swandive into the courtyard. Accident my ass. Again this is what went around the boys  upper levels and than down to us but it probably has some truth to it.

Wow looks like the Litchfeilds and Kay's might be going back to their jobs at gas stations and mental hospitals. :twofinger:

As a former student of CSA, TB, and Cross Creek I can vouch espesially for Tranquility Bay CCFC that the school was made of some of peoples worst nightmares. Imagine the prisioners in the movie by Denzel Washington called The Seige. Well it is not quite that horrific BUT it is close. There are no lethal weapons but brutal hands. The thing that bothered me in the school was that it was not students verses the s taff for "survival" but more every man for themselves except on the occasions of two attempted riots. Had certain students not  gotten the cold feet I am fairly confident that somthing terrible or not so terrible depending on your outlook would have happened to Jay Kay. I have physical scars from "restraint", rusty nails in the planks over by the showers, and severe mosquito activity among other things across my arms  and legs. I cannot honestly say I suffer from PTSD or anything similar nor do I break down at the thought of the school (Tranquility Bay) but I will say that I certainly harbor hostilities toward at the minimum TB and CSA. My folks personally brought me to CSA when I went and it was immediate and clear that most of the staff had probably found these jobs while on line at unemployment. I will not 100% discredit some staff as some did care but had a job to do. Either way, this place was not a shall we say "top notch" academy. More like a minimum security federal prison with the farce that they called education. I lasted all of 6 months there and broke a kids  hand (it was an freak accident) and less than a week later I was in handcuffs at Atlanta boarding Air Jamaica flight 57 to Mo Bay. Needless to say this was probably one of the most frightning moments in my life to date but all in perspective.  To summerize this I spent the vast majority of my time there which lasted about a year getting my ass beat by staff, sweating my brains out in observation and not showering for days at a time thanks to glancing blows by hurricanes several times. Finally one day that Swiss Guy who worked as the doc on site from Salt Lake accidentally slipped the tounge and told me in meeting that I was going to Cross Creek in LaVerkin. Jackpot! I say that because compared to Tranquility Bay Cross Creek was like a rigid structure boarding school. Indoor warm showers, great food by comparisons, sports, protective shelter, and near by medical attention. If it were not for the restrictions against personal life placed upon students in terms of socializeing  with the girls the place would be a regular boarding school in most senses. If you can bring yourself above the mental game you can not be fazed Once you make it through TB any other school in the states is a joke. I still decided not to play along with structure and did not do much in terms of levels while I was there but when I was 17 I finally got pulled because my family realized that the program kind of was a dead end for me. My fami9ly is a bit old school Italian and their idea of out of control was out having sex with multiple girls. Long story shortened because this WILL go on for a day I had the chance about a year and a half ago to bid a trip on the equip. I fly at the carrier I am with that would give me 23 hours in Montego Bay starting in the early afternoon one day and ending an hour short of one full day. The reason I did it on a working trip was because I did not feel like shelling out $300 dollars just to go see that pothetic school in Treasure Beach. it was semi surreal to see it from the outside and I felt almost out of place and a touch panicked at momemnts  as if I was still a student of the school. And to think my freinds in school convinced me it could not have been that bad. it was though when faced with the establishment this time from the outdoors.  That night I went to  the bar on the beach and did alot of :cheers:  and put it past me for the most part. A big thank you and f#ck you for the loss of most of my teenage years to those responsible for my captivity. Pardon gramatic errors as I wrote this in a rush.

:fuckoff: You had me about to hoot and hollar.

If it is factual that TB is finally closed I will be quite happy. There wont be much to do in regard to clean up there that is for sure. A few plastic chairs and pencils and we can hit it will a bulldozer and put up the survivor resort!  :seg:  :rocker:  :rasta:

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