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Messages - Wayne Kernochan II

Pages: [1]
The Troubled Teen Industry / art warshawsky
« on: July 18, 2012, 02:17:29 PM »

Though I have a great deal of respect for the message Ginger has tried to get across. Her methods remain questionable. Fornits is a cesspool full of malcontents who will say “anything” to get some personal attention. Its that very “anything” that I think has caused the uproar that Sue has pursued. Though I agree that speaking the truth has probably been more “damning” to Sue than anything else.Those who post the nonsense completely take advantage of the “no accountability” ascociated with the entire site.
 When asked about removing content that is offensive,one recieves a lesson in our US Constitution,and its amendments.
 Everyone is entitled to their own belief in this living document,though I cant see our forefathers intending to give “carte blanch” to anyone to say anything without consequences.
 Its Ginger’s irresponsible actions that have forced her to seek refuge in a foreign country,not Sue’s. She already knows she is caught. I think that is abundantly clear.
 The content at Fornits is a reflection of a group of very sick individuals that could care less about Sue and her deciet. Its more about the continual seeking of attention by any means.
 I think Sue should be tried for her crimes against children by a jury of her peers. If she somehow beats the rap,be assured that she (like anyone else) will have to meet god on her own judgement day. I am guessing that his sentence will be far more harsh than anything the court,or Ginger’s Goon Squad could dish out.
 A Warshawsky

Elan School / Re: Happy Anniversary
« on: July 17, 2012, 09:59:11 PM »
Kill yourself Dan  :suicide:

Quote from: "Wayne Kernochan"
You're pathetic Dan. This book isn't about you, so whine all you want.

I'm done with you. Done with all of this. Elan and you are memories, that's all

Bye Dan  :shamrock:

We heard that before.   :rofl:


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