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Messages - Froderik

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Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Shit List Manifesto
« on: December 27, 2002, 09:24:00 PM »
Thanks, Bill. I know I have kids to raise, but there are survivors out there who perhaps wouldn't mind knowing where joe staff member lives so he could go 'share some feelings' with him (or her). They kept tabs on us, maybe we should keep tabs on them... I hope that you are right about them looking over their shoulders. they may need to.  ::stab:: (This is only a suggestion, not a threat)  :skull:

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Shit List Manifesto
« on: December 27, 2002, 08:31:00 PM »
They say that an idle mind is the devil's workshop...Well, being unemployed has given me time to think about how it's NOT SO COOL how easy the guilty are getting off. I'm sure that there are people out there who would like to see certain ASSES KICKED, or certain people at least publically humiliated. I'm just thinking, the first thing that we need to do, and in fact, I'm going to request RIGHT NOW that our site admin PLEASE consider this - is to start a "Shit list." (Kind of like the "Hall of Shame" that Scott W. has on his site.) Once we have a list of names together, survivors can then send in information as to the whereabouts of these criminals. Then, we could talk about how we're going to 'approach'

them... that's when the FUN could begin...Follow them to work or to any public place and start firing questions at them... Anybody know where "Cassian" Newton lives? Could you imagine the rush that certain victims would get knowing that someone was seriously MESSING with that old fukker? I wasn't even in St. Pete but I hate him anyway...I hope that someone will find it in their heart to post a follow-up to this, I'll be very 'hurt' if no-one does, LOL...

So Ginger, would you be willing to start a page on this site somewhere called the "Shit List?" There could be a space for the name, and a space for the reason(s) why the person is on the list... If for some reason you dislike that title, you could call it "the Guilty" or something... I say let's MAKE 'EM PAY!! NOW!!!

Open Free for All / Lyrics
« on: December 24, 2002, 11:43:00 AM »
Thanks, Anon. Here's another one:

you tell me what to say and when to say it. you tell me what to do and how to do it. and if i ask you why, yoou'll arrest me. and if i call you lie, you'll detest me. you control what i'll be, you control who i see. and if i let you you'll control me. you're the man who owns all the keys to the stores. you're the man who always wants so much more. you're the regulator.

Open Free for All / Lyrics
« on: December 23, 2002, 10:42:00 AM »
land of treason-waste no reason-we are breathing fire we're packs of dogs-we're enemies of men-we are not desired our faces show-we've grown cold-but have not conspired old hearts gone-the suture's on-mother nations mired - like a receptacle for the chosen dead, we find our bodies clawed and with the scent of death we find that we are not so very awed. loyalties burned-the words are blurred-overturn your own walk the dogs and watch the doors-have your other stone stop the toys that march disordered-calculate the thrones feel the pulse descending-decaying hallowed tombs in the starving sense you worship-the nations of debris you ware a coat of sewage that you've never seen. this time is now-the vicious here-a stolen dinner code the license of savage land-that you've always sold so bite that hand that needs you and bless another coal the virus never issues-from a cotton so very old as the lights come down and the guilty blaze; another sort of road - you wash your hands and start to climb the ladder that you stole. slip the latch-and spin the sword-the money lords are poor push the tank-that rolls downhill-their sense of dream absorbed Still the cat that breaks the night- tie him to the core-chase the virtue that believes that what's right is scored - it's a senseless cash in of right for right-what's wrong is never gone and left is just a bastion for the fools golden dawn.

[ This Message was edited by: AlexL on 2002-12-23 07:58 ]

Open Free for All / Lyrics
« on: December 23, 2002, 09:53:00 AM »
yankee soldier he wanna shoot some skag he met it in cambodia but now he can't afford a bag yankee dollar talk to the dictators of the world in fact it's giving orders an' they can't afford to miss a word i'm so bored with the u...s...a... but what can i do? yankee detectives are always on the tv 'cos killers in america work seven days a week never mind the stars and stripes let's print the watergate tapes i'll salute the new age and i hope nobody escapes i'm so bored with the u...s...a... but what can i do? move up starsky for the c.i.a. suck on kojak for the usa

[ This Message was edited by: AlexL on 2002-12-27 08:59 ]

Open Free for All / Lyrics
« on: December 20, 2002, 09:45:00 PM »
jealous cowards try to control
they distort what we say
try and stop what we do
when they can't do it themselves

we are tired of your abuse
try to stop us it's no use

society's arms of control
think they're smart can't think for themselves
laugh at us behind our backs
i find satisfaction in what they lack

we are tired of your abuse
try to stop us it's no use

we are born with a chance
i am gonna have my chance
we are born with a chance
i am gonna have my chance

we are tired of your abuse
try to stop us it's no use
rise above rise above
rise above we're gonna rise above
we're gonna rise above
we're gonna rise above

[ This Message was edited by: AlexL on 2003-03-09 18:56 ]

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / island of misfit toys
« on: December 19, 2002, 04:27:00 PM »
No, not a Kinks lyric, though I know that they wrote a song called "Father Christmas..."

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / island of misfit toys
« on: December 18, 2002, 10:07:00 PM »
If we're on the island of unwanted toys, we'll miss all the fun with the girls and the boys...when christmas time is la la la la la la la...

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / The ecstasy epidemic
« on: December 13, 2002, 05:56:00 PM »

On 2002-12-13 12:32:00, Carmel wrote: "That stupid DFAF site has a listing of warning signs and symptoms of ecstasy use.  I cant help but giggle at this list of things to look out for...
Child-like costumes such as angel wings, glow sticks, glowing jewelry, children's backpack, teddy bears/children's toys, pacifiers...
We are going to have parents putting their kids in treatment for having teddy bears and water bottles."

Yeah, it's pretty damn absurd - but then so is the whole idea of putting kids in that kind of 'treatment' for smoking MJ or FOR ANYTHING!!

[ This Message was edited by: AlexL on 2002-12-13 15:00 ]

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / The ecstasy epidemic
« on: December 13, 2002, 10:42:00 AM »
Carmel wrote: "Is it just me, or is this whole new hullabaloo about X really just a bit humorous? I mean, 10-12 years ago it was just as prevalent in the club scene as it is now in the rave scene....and nobody said a word about it...
it just seems like all of a sudden its all splashed all over the media like its the new heroin or something."  

 - Yeah, seems like whenever the media gets on a topic they milk it to DEATH, LOL...why do you think we were treated to 5000 hours of the goddam OJ trial?!!

"Also, if I recall correctly ex was NOT physically addictive.  There is no such thing as ex withdrawls or simialr nonsense..."

 - Although a potentially dangerous drug, probably NOT addictive...

"Time to take up a new cause with twisted statistics and health information?"

 - Makes sense...

"Demonizing the substance is an easy way to releive themselves of responsibility, while pretending to be saviours.  "Your kids are on drugs, they need intervention"   well, what about stable homelife, non-abusive, non-neglectful parents, an environment free form sexual abuse.  What about all of that? Oh no, they dont deal in real issues, its the kids fault, the kids problem..."


"These people are the snake oil salesman of our generation."

 - Very humorous, and so true!>>>>>FR13

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Pysical Abuse
« on: December 13, 2002, 10:32:00 AM »
MG8 wrote: "Do you remember someone named Michele Dyer? Her mom was/is a realtor in Springfield."

Yeah, Bill...I remember the name, but can remember no face (yet) - Anyway, so her mom could know something or have access to MLS records possibly, eh? - Alex

PS - Anybody from the Baltimore metro area going to the Bonfire that I could hook up with for a ride? Diane? Anybody?

[ This Message was edited by: AlexL on 2002-12-13 07:49 ]

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Pysical Abuse
« on: December 12, 2002, 12:07:00 AM »
"Anyone with memories of abusive events such as these..."
Well, since the jury seems to be eternally out concerning the affidavit thing, would anyone with memories of abusive events such as these PLEASE POST HERE!! It's amazing what a memory jogger that 'dunce cap' post was...I had completely buried that memory...

[ This Message was edited by: AlexL on 2002-12-11 21:14 ]

Feed Your Head / The Manchurian Candidate
« on: December 11, 2002, 10:32:00 PM »
Ok, here's a synopsis (and then some) of the film.... Go here  -  This is much more than I could ever hope to tell about it... ::read::

[ This Message was edited by: AlexL on 2002-12-11 19:37 ]

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / sounds kinda familiar...
« on: December 10, 2002, 11:17:00 PM »
:skull: After looking up "brainwash" at, I ended up here:
Lisa McPherson

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Pysical Abuse
« on: December 07, 2002, 08:36:00 PM »
str8isabuse - I don't know who you are, but thanks! I remember (vaguely - but I  remember now!) Kevin sitting on top of the ladder with the dunce cap on...I don't know about him having his jaw busted (maybe someone else does...) but there are other posts somewhere on this site about him getting his ribs broken and Carl Palumbo bragging about it in his host home. Anyone with memories of abusive events such as these should definitely SWEAR OUT AN AFFIDAVIT if that is something that they're up to doing...

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