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Messages - Lee Burleson-Latham

Pages: [1]
The person defending this place I noticed is signed in as "GUEST"......why? I am also a survivor
of Rebekah Christian Academy. I was there for almost a year starting in October 1972. I saw
and experienced much during my time there. I was beaten horribly with a leather strap with two
thin strips of meatal taped on the ends by Pappa Weatherford for slamming a door. I was black
from the back of my neck down to below the back of my knees. I had to sleep on my stomach
for weeks because of the pain. I was thankful at the time that it was Pappa & not Granny doing
the beating because I think Granny would have enjoyed it & I would have been injured more than
just the bleeding & brusing that eventually went away. I am sure that there are a few girls that
were fine with the place. I can still see their faces but don't remember many names. A couple
girls there I remember (Angie from TX who taught me a few chords on the guitar & was also
not going to conform ;< ) A girl named Annie from IL and very few others as I have spent many,
many years trying to forget the place. I remember the day Brother Roloff's plane crashed...
I felt bad for the girls that also perished but was almost happy he was gone. That is an awful
thing to say I know but I what he truly was as do many of you that were there in the early years
& those of you who say that the place saved you that is great & I am happy for you but I can't
believe that there are still homes open & was shocked to find out after my Mom told me a couple
weeks ago that they still (almost 40 years now) send her crap to make donations. She never has &
never will.

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