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Messages - eric

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News Items / Re: Lawsuit filed against West Ridge Academy
« on: January 26, 2012, 12:40:16 AM »
Quote from: "Wayne Kernochan"

I'll do anything I can to make sure he loses...

I spoke to Ken Allen today.

Fuck you Eric

Quote from: "YV23"
What is the point of the website?

From the site directly:
"This site is a database that chronicles which law firms and “officers of the court” earn a living defending child abusers, sex abusers of children, pedophiles [at] institutions that torture and physically and sexually abuse children."

Particularly those that victimize victims as part of their "legal strategy."

Quote from: "DannyB II"
I am sure Eric Norwood could give two shits about what Felice Eliscue and Wayne Kernochan have to say. Nice try though.

I really, really couldn't.

I don't have the slightest clue about who any of these characters are and what's behind this saga. I really only post here when I'm trying to get the word out to the larger survivor community, because it can be such an ugly place and it's emotionally draining to even read some of these threads. Especially the Howard Sterns of the board. Most of my work focuses solely on Utah, and the Utah Boys Ranch, which - fortunately - does not bring me here often.

I do remember Wayne, though, and the promises he made about his book, because at the time I was the Treasurer for CAFETY and was curios about how that donation system he promised would even work out.

If I re-initiated some kind of psychotic episode of this board's Hatfield and the McCoy family, I'm sorry.

Quote from: "YV23"

I'd like to know the answer you have to his question about people who are falsely accused. It happens. If you are successful with your goal they won't be able to get lawyers either. What do you have to say about that?

That was where this thread went south, and you refuse to address the question

I've answered it 20 times already, but here it is again. Your question is a non sequitur. How would the website keep an innocent or guilty (mind you, this database is strictly for INSTITUTIONS like residential treatment facilities) person from obtaining counsel?

It won't. Even if my goal was to see due process circumvented and every accused pedophile sent straight to Guantanamo Bay without so much as an arraignment, that would be impossible.  

(Is that really what I've made you all think?)

Am I still refusing to address the question, and to blame for Wayne, or are we good now?

Quote from: "eric"
Quote from: "Wayne Kernochan"
You still haven't answered the pertinent questions Eric.

Jesus Christ Wayne, all I've been doing is answering your questions. Even the loaded, irrelevant ones. Watch, I'll do it one last time.

If you keep people who are rightly accused of sexually abused children from getting lawyers, you also keep the ones who are wrongly accused from getting one.

Here is an easy answer: I (when you say "YOU" I assume you mean me, Eric Norwood) have no ability to keep people from getting lawyers. That's impossible. Do you understand that, Wayne? Furthermore, I never said I don't want them to have lawyers. In fact, I do want them to have lawyers, and I hope they are all disgusting lawyers like those at Ogletree Deakins so that I can add them to the website

Okay, Wayne? Do you get it now. Can you be a man and apologize, or, at the very least, leave me the hell alone. It scares me to have such an incoherent, irrational person following me around asking questions that just don't make any sense whatsoever.

Seasons Greetings,

Eric Norwood

Quote from: "cum guzzler"
What an interesting thread...

I know, right?  :feedtrolls:

Wow, this sure turned ugly fast. I didn't know Wayne was such a loose cannon. By the way, Wayne, if you're going to go around calling yourself a writer, you should learn the meanings of words, especially fancy ones you use to sound smart (start with: mensch), you really mixed that one up. Secondly, all I wanted to know is if what my gut feeling about you promoting your book was true, and it was all B.S, which I've now learned that it was. It seems like not even a penny of any profits made its way to a legitimate non-profit, namely CAFETY, who so graciously took you for your word and helped promote it.

Even though I'm tempted to comment on your writing, as a professional, since you may or may not be a survivor of institutionalized child abuse, I'm not going put you down any more...
But all those posts above this that you wrote, the ones where you curse at me and call me names and call me a liar and all that nasty stuff, I will have to address that.

Since 2008, I have been one of the single biggest advocates for those that are abused in the so-called Troubled Teen Industry. I forced the Utah Boys Ranch/West Ridge Academy to stop trying children up with ropes like dogs. I did that, in 2008, without making any promises or trying to sell any books. That same year, I started, one of the most frequently visited websites related to Utah institutionalized child abuse. In 2009, I published a short article titled "Trapped in a Mormon Gulag," which has been read by literally MILLIONS of readers around the world, translated into at least two different languages, is the subject of a play Stephen Temperly is working on, a documentary by Jeff Allulis, numerous radio shows and press conferences, and I've also facilitated numerous lawsuits for victims of sexual abuse at the Utah Boys Ranch / West Ridge Academy and elsewhere. (Ever heard of the attorney Kelly Clark, and the program he's going after?) I set that up. I'd love to compare my work with yours, but I think it's pretty clear how that would look for you, and I'm interested in building you up, not tearing you down. It's kind of saddened me to see you meltdown like this.

I'm not making any money, I'm not promising the moon to non-profit organizations like CAFETY in order to promote my own career. Everything I've done -- and my track record and reputation are well known -- makes you like a complete jack ass for attacking me, specifically some of the nastier things you've accused me of. You're out of line here, bud. So out of line. I'd like to leave it at that, you can apologize for calling me a liar if you want to be a man, but I won't expect anything from you but more crazy behavior, which I'm just not going to engage. You need to learn some respect, young man.


Quote from: "Wayne Kernochan"
You still haven't answered the pertinent questions Eric.

Jesus Christ Wayne, all I've been doing is answering your questions. Even the loaded, irrelevant ones. Watch, I'll do it one last time.

If you keep people who are rightly accused of sexually abused children from getting lawyers, you also keep the ones who are wrongly accused from getting one.

Here is an easy answer: I (when you say "YOU" I assume you mean me, Eric Norwood) have no ability to keep people from getting lawyers. That's impossible. Do you understand that, Wayne? Furthermore, I never said I don't want them to have lawyers. In fact, I do want them to have lawyers, and I hope they are all disgusting lawyers like those at Ogletree Deakins so that I can add them to the website

Okay, Wayne? Do you get it now. Can you be a man and apologize, or, at the very least, leave me the hell alone. It scares me to have such an incoherent, irrational person following me around asking questions that just don't make any sense whatsoever.

Seasons Greetings,

Eric Norwood

Quote from: "Wayne Kernochan"
You're missing a brain.

Oh, Wayne, you big bully... Maybe you should take up that kind offer for anger management classes. You clearly have some issues to work out that seem to be manifesting themselves in my direction, for some unknown reason. Let's not be mean, okay. Adults can disagree, can't they? You're an adult, right?

Program Watch got their money and

I really don't think that they did.

CAFETY never responded when I asked where to send it. Kathryn got back to me this afternoon

That's just not true, I was the Treasurer for CAFETY while you were self-promoting your book and promising everyone the profits... and not once did we receive an inquiry. And, presumably you have an Internet connection, which probably points to, which is a great way to find out where to send "it".

But that's very convenient that Kat got back to you today, just as I brought this up to you. What a coincidence!

you're just an asshole.

And you're a dishonest hack who promises money to charities to try and sell a few extra copies of that literary swill you call a book.

I also told you I'm not self published

 ::OMG:: Oh. My. God. Yes you are.  

Goodnight, Wayne. Go read a book. A real one.

Seasons Greetings,

Eric Norwood

Quote from: "Wayne Kernochan"
Quote from: "eric"
Quote from: "Wayne Kernochan"
You need to stop drinking, or whatever is wrong with you

In other words, you can't support any of the nasty things you've said about me, but are too prideful to admit you are wrong. I don't drink, by the way. This is all real, my friend. Maybe you shouldn't call people liars without any kind of supporting evidence to back it up if you don't like the reaction you're getting. I'm a professional. My credibility affects my livelihood. Call me a liar and I take it very seriously. You can apologize for calling me a liar, or you can go kick rocks. Either way I'll sleep just fine tonight.

With love,

Eric Norwood
Now you're getting boring

Does that mean you'll finally stop this meltdown, or will you turn boring into another vanity book?

Just kidding, don't answer that, pal. Happy Holidays. I hope Santa leaves Strunk & White in your stocking this year.

With Good Tidings and Cheer,

Eric Norwood

Quote from: "Wayne Kernochan"
Do you do alcohol counseling?

Wayne, is that what a temper tantrum looks like?  :waaaa:

Sorry if I hurt your feelings (actually I'm not), but there is no need to denigrate people who really do suffer from alcoholism.

Alcohol has nothing to do with your dishonesty regarding: 1. Me, and things you say I say that I didn't say, and 2. You promising to donate "100% of the profits of your self-published book" to certain charities, which you never did, except maybe to your own PayPal account.

Am I missing something here, pal?

With Love and Holiday Cheer,

Eric Norwood

In other words, you haven't sent anyone a donation yet, besides this shady PayPal account you yourself set up. Is that right?

Did you promise to send 100% of your proceeds from your book to any charities, or didn't you? It's a simple question. And no, your own PayPal account doesn't count as a charity.

Yes or No would suffice.

Quote from: "Wayne Kernochan"
You need to stop drinking, or whatever is wrong with you

In other words, you can't support any of the nasty things you've said about me, but are too prideful to admit you are wrong. I don't drink, by the way. This is all real, my friend. Maybe you shouldn't call people liars without any kind of supporting evidence to back it up if you don't like the reaction you're getting. I'm a professional. My credibility affects my livelihood. Call me a liar and I take it very seriously. You can apologize for calling me a liar, or you can go kick rocks. Either way I'll sleep just fine tonight.

With love,

Eric Norwood

While I served on the board of directors at CAFETY, I heard a lot of promotion about Wayne Kernochan's self-published book and how "100%" of the proceeds would be going to the CAFETY, Program Watch, and the Jani Foundation. At the time, my gut told me this was a marketing plow, but I like to give "survivors" the benefit of the doubt when at all possible. Then I noticed that CAFETY didn't ever receive a cent from Wayne. I can't speak for Program Watch, but I was surprised -- shocked, actually, to read this:
[To] learn that Wayne has said that the proceeds of this book go to the Jani Foundation. The Jani Foundation is not a foundation at all. It is merely the paypal account to Michael and Susan Schofield who made up this fake foundation using their daughters name to create it. Jani, their daughter has been highly promoted and publicized as one of the youngest schizophrenics in the country. She is 9. Michael and Susan have gotten tv shows and now even a book deal to promote this about their daughter. But what is not so readily told is that Jani was abused frequently in her early childhood prior to her diagnosis. Her father in his blogs even admits to abusing her though always excusing his actions and blaming her "illness". The abuse Jani experienced at the hands of her father included being shaken as a 2 month old infant. She was not taken to the hospital after this incident. She has been hit repeatedly by both of her parents, denied food, she has witnessed violence between her parents, she reported being molested by her father to a nurse while in residence at DCHS Alhambra and she has been medicated with overdoses of over the counter drugs to keep her compliant and make her sleep. All of this can be read as described by Michael in his own blog at What you will not learn at his website is that when Jani was 5 and being evaluated, it was discovered she had physical brain damage (ischemic thalamus). Michael and Susan have clamied at times this was caused by a stroke but they also admit that Jani never had a birth injury/ stroke. They also did not disclose the abuse to the drs when they had her evaluated.

This post was not to discredit the experiences of abuse at Elan School or to invalidate any who experienced them. Why I am questioning Wayne is because it does not make sense for him to be speaking out about the absues of children within a school and then to donate money to Michael Schofield who essentially abused his daughter and has tried to hide his actions by bringing attention to himself as a martyr father with a mentally ill child.

In learning about Wayne, the author of this book I have seen mention that he himself had never been a student at Elan himself but I do not know if this is true or not. What I do know is true is that Michael Schofield abused his daughter. That is abuse is no different then what likely happened at this school. All abuses of children are unacceptable.

So, Wayne, I think you've got some 'splaining to do? When were you planning on donating the proceeds to a legitimate non-profit, or was it your plan all along to funnel the money through this bogus PayPal account?


Quote from: "Wayne Kernochan"
Knowledge is power, Wayne

Then you're powerless

And a liar

Wayne, maybe in the vanity-press world where no one gives a shit about what you write or say, you can get away with making baseless accusations instead of sound, reasoned arguments. Maybe when you graduate to being a real writer, you'll learn the difference. Until then, I'll just pity you. Actually, I'll do you one better. I'll buy 100 copies of your self-published booked (what is that, 100 times more than you've sold already) if you can demonstrate me to be a liar. I'm not going to mind your libel, since you have no credibility with anyone anyways, and are most certainly judgment proof, but I'll give you the chance. Prove me a liar, Wayne. I challenge you.

These lawyers defend their clients publicly and get on TV and in the news, but they're going to dump their clients because Eric has a blog

I know, that must be the plan. I guess I'll just admit that at first my plan was to self-publish the most boring, ineffective book possible, sell it to twelve readers/family members with promises of donating proceeds to CAFETY, and then change the Troubled Teen Industry that way.  :roflmao:

But, alas, Vanity Press Wayne beat me to it. Come on, man, give me a break.

One last thing, for Vanity Wayne, jurors don't decide who pedophiles are and aren't. That's just plain ignorant.

In law enforcement, the term "pedophile" is generally used to describe those accused or convicted of child sexual abuse under sociolegal definitions of child (including both prepubescent children and adolescents younger than the local age of consent);[17] however, not all child sexual offenders are pedophiles and not all pedophiles engage in sexual abuse of children.

Knowledge is power, Wayne.  :moon:

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