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Hyde Schools / Re: Report Hyde School, from Breaking Code Silence
« on: December 14, 2021, 03:55:16 PM »
From the HEAL Report

Covering 3 states: Bath Maine (boarding school, still open), Woodstock Connecticut (boarding school, open 1996-2017), and New York (Public Charter day Schools in Brooklyn and the Bronx, still open)

In Maine, the criminal statutes of limitation are 3 years on misdemeanors, 6 years on most felonies, and there is no statute of limitations on murder nor the rape of a minor under age 16 at time of offense.  For civil suits in Maine, the statute of limitations is 6 years.  In New York, the criminal statutes of limitation are 2 years on misdemeanors, 5 years on most felonies, and no statute of limitations for the crimes of rape and murder.  For civil suits in New York, the statute of limitations is 3 years.  Here are your options:
1.  Report crimes such as fraud, assault, battery, false imprisonment, labor trafficking, and child abuse to law enforcement in Connecticut, Maine, and/or New York.  You can call the Bath, ME Police at (207) 443-5563, New Haven, CT Police at  (203) 946-6316, or Bronx, NY Police at  (718) 402-2270 to inquire about filing an official complaint which may provide the probable cause needed to get a warrant for investigation and/or prosecution.
2.  File a consumer complaint with your home state's attorney general against The Hyde School (Hyde) and include your request for compensation for any harm done to you.  You can find the easy online forms for filing such a complaint (which may result in an investigation, prosecution, and/or civil resolution on your case) under your home state's (state where you currently reside) header at .  If your home state is Connecticut or you'd like to file with the Connecticut State Attorney General as a non-resident, here is that link:  If your home state is Maine or you'd like to file with the Maine State Attorney General as a non-resident, here is that link:   And, if your home state is New York or you'd like to file with the New York State Attorney General as a non-resident, here is that link:
3.  If you do not wish to file a consumer complaint, you can contact a private personal injury attorney and look into suing in tort/civil court.  However, if you can't afford the retainer, you should expect to settle out of court with a non-disclosure agreement which may bar you from speaking publicly about the incident because you've agreed (even if with a grumbling assent) to the terms of the settlement.  You can find legal resources at  and legal causes of action related to institutionalized abuse claims at .
4.  You may post a statement about your experience at your program on by sending an e-mail to with subject "Post My Feedback" and we will post your feedback (e-mail printed to .pdf disclosing your name and e-mail address and any information in your e-mail with that subject) to  and add a direct link to those .pdf files to this page .

 5. You may also wish to provide a guest sermon.  Guest sermons are posted at, under Progress Reports/Guest Sermons at  where appropriate, and on program info pages when applicable.  So, one provided by you on your program would also be placed on this page.  Guest sermons should be written into the body of an e-mail and sent to Your first and last name will be disclosed (contact info will not be unless you expressly ask for that).  For sermons available on our site see  (and sermon archives linked on that page).  If you have questions about this option, please contact Please see  to get an idea what your sermon may be worth.

For more info on the above tips, visit HEAL:

From Breaking Code Silence Facility Reporting Map:

Hyde School


616 High St, Bath, ME 04530
(207) 443-5584



REPORT HIPAA VIOLATION (violating patient health care privacy laws)

REPORT A THERAPIST (although Hyde has none that directly work at the school)

REPORT A PSYCHOLOGIST (although Hyde has none that directly work at the school)

REPORT A SOCIAL WORKER (Hyde sometimes has one social worker on staff)
ME Professional Regulation:
National Association of Social Workers:

REPORT A NURSE (Hyde usually has an RN on staff to give out meds)

REPORT A DOCTOR (although Hyde has none that directly work at the school)

For comments, additions, and/or feedback or just generally have questions about reporting, please email

Elan School / The Last Stop, on youtube
« on: December 14, 2021, 03:19:47 PM »
The Last Stop, on YouTube. Also on Amazon Prime.


Hyde Schools / "Joe Gauld still loose?" Maine Times Reader response 1992
« on: December 08, 2021, 02:58:54 PM »
Reader response/Letters to the Editor, Maine Times 1992

Joe Gauld still loose?

I was interested to read Diane L Potter's letter. I hadn't seen the article she was referring to and was very surprised to find that Joe Gauld is not in an institution. As the father of a student at Hyde School in the mid-80s, I have an insider's perspective. Ms. Potter's letter covers some very valid points but she doesn't know the half of it!

When my wife first checked out Hyde school Timothy Wilson was in charge but when we brought our daughter there to start school Mr. Wilson was gone and Joe Gauld was in full charge. What a difference!

Joe claims the school is not for kids with behavior problems, yet most of the students I've seen were there in a desperation situation. The next step for most of them was either running away from home or reform school or jail. That is the only reason the parents and students put up with what they did. One of Joe's fun little games is what he calls a "Family Learning Center." Every student and his or her parents is required to attend one of these every year. This is a group consisting of about 10 students and their families and starts Thursday afternoon and runs through Sunday night Friday, Saturday and Sunday are filled with about 14 to 16 hours of meetings per day. Joe tries to get all parents to stay on campus during this marathon, I guess for even more psychological control. Joe says these are learning sessions but they seem like pure brainwashing to me. From the moment a parent enters the campus for one of these sessions, Joe tries to exercise total control over everything that parent does or thinks. I think parents attend these sessions and debase themselves only because they are so desperate to keep their children out of jail or the street. I saw no real benefit to these marathon sessions.

I have had experience with a number of other schools and various institutions and I've never seen as bad vandalism as I have at Hyde School. One time I was there and saw the boys bathroom in the common building. Somebody had totally trashed it There was rolls of toilet paper in each toilet, wet toilet paper rolls over the floor, and water everywhere. Somebody was unhappy! If Joe and the school really had any respect at all for them I don't think the students would react so badly. In talking to many of the students and parents privately, they would admit they were just "playing the game" so they could stay there. In school meetings they would totally debase themselves to please Joe or the staff. They would say and do anything (and also keep quiet about obvious injustice). There seems to be no respect anywhere at the school from anybody toward anybody.

In two years' association with that school I have seen Joe give his rambling two or three hour talk about the school's founding and his own brilliance so many times it is unbelievable. No matter what he was supposed to be talking about or how short his remarks were supposed to be, he would quickly lapse into that same, rambling, pointless story about his own greatness and the founding of Hyde and how his son Malcolm had stolen a watch when he young and on and on and on.

In our first year there, Joe seemed to have much lacking and be making an extremely poor effort at what he was supposedly doing but he was in control and seemed functional. The second year Joe seemed to be almost all the way around the bend. Malcolm was openly being groomed to fill his shoes and I seriously thought Joe would be institutionalized within a year or two. I feel so sorry for any parents and students there. I would strongly, and in all seriousness, urge all parents, school faculties, etc. to investigate this man very thoroughly before having anything to do with him. Talk to former students, parents, faculty members, etc.

Otaries E. Provonchee Unionwas

Maine Times 1992-09-04

Hyde School Survivors released 69 police reports from Hyde Bath from 2017-2021. There's a kid begging police to be taken to jail, various assaults, and rape. Apparently 11 cases were not included because they still have open investigations.

It's the first link in the link tree:

Confessed Queens killer insulted, then assaulted his female victims on both coasts

JUL 28, 2018 AT 12:55 PM

Danueal Drayton (l.) is facing murder charges for strangling 29-year-old Samantha Stewart (r.) inside her apartment in Springfield Gardens on July 17. (NYPD)

A misogynist murder suspect who confessed to seven slayings denounced his female victims as ?b----es? after being arrested for a brutal bicoastal rampage, a police source said Saturday.

Danueal Drayton, after killing a Queens woman inside her home, used the victim?s stolen credit card to fly cross-country ? where he took a West Hollywood woman hostage and raped her before his Monday arrest by the NYPD, according to the source.

The cold-blooded criminal also ordered a meal from Uber eats and did some shopping with the credit card after leaving Samantha Stewart?s battered body in a pool of blood for her brother and father to find inside her Springfield Gardens apartment.

Drayton, 27, made dehumanizing comments to cops about the unlucky-in-love women who swiped right on a Tinder profile where the sadistic suspect looked more like a charming college student than an ex-con, according to a

While Drayton was wanted for murder in the July 17 strangling of Stewart, 29, police were trying to determine if he actually committed any of the other half-dozen killings that he admitted to following his arrest.

One of the slayings occurred five months ago, where a Bronx father of three died after being assaulted on the street by two men. A homeless man was initially arrested for the homicide, but released on his own recognizance ? even though police say he is charged with murder ? and is due back in court in October.

Police have yet to charge anyone else with the deadly attack.

Drayton identified a man of Indian descent living in Connecticut as one of his two murder victims in that state, the source said. The other killings were supposedly in Suffolk County, California and in either Queens or Nassau County.

Drayton remained behind bars on $1.25 million bail in California, where he fled on a one-way plane ticket after the Stewart killing. Once on the ground, he arranged a date with a local woman who was then taken captive and raped inside her apartment.

The NYPD tracked the suspect cross-country and arrested him at the victim?s home, possibly saving her life.

Though Drayton deleted his Tinder account, cops hope a subpoena will allow them to recover its data and get a better idea of the suspect?s deadly dating habits, the source said. Cops were also checking other dating sites ? including Plenty of Fish ? to locate additional potential victims of the accused sexual predator.

Drayton was a New York City kid adopted by a Connecticut couple who reportedly took in 10 foster kids over 16 years at their suburban home. He was known as Dan on the campus of the Hyde School in Bath, Maine, where he arrived in the fall of 2009 with an eye on joining the football team. A phone message left for his adoptive parents Saturday was not returned.

Drayton, whose rap sheet dates to 2011, was freed without bail by a Nassau County judge just 12 days before the Stewart murder, following an arrest for choking his girlfriend as the couple fought inside a Long Island park.

He was also accused in the June 17 rape of a 23-year-old woman who spotted Drayton?s Tinder profile. Their date ended with Drayton choking her unconscious and sexually assaulting her, cops said.

Analysis: Is Joe Gauld's educational philosophy what the world needs?

Remember some years ago a movement called Buchmanism: a lot of people getting together in a room and confessing their sins of omission and commission - a kind of alcoholics anonymous on a grape juice jag? The whole thing got retitled Moral Rearmament (MRA) and a tennis player named Bunny Austin made headlines by advocating world changing through life changing, the slogan of Frank Buchman himself.

Well, something of this kind is now used as part of a system of growth through courage which has been put together by a man named Joe Gauld, headmaster of the Hyde School in Bath, an institution not primarily interested in studies but in a system which Gauld says builds character and develops each student's "unique potential."

Gauld, according to his own account, began Hyde School with students who had very little academic talent and many behavioral problems. At that time he introduced a series of procedures which survive today though Hyde is now on its feet.

One of the school's methods of achieving the results they claim consists of class meetings - seminars they call them, though there is nothing remotely academic about the assemblies - at which students and adults alike describe and discuss their shortcomings. I attended a Junior Class seminar.
When the entire class and four or five faculty members were assembled, the faculty leader nodded to one student, who began a semi-articulate account of his sins: failure to relate to people, immaturity, lack of the qualities (unspecified) required of a senior at Hyde.

"I can't see you as a Hyde senior next year," one faculty member remarked, apparently intending his failure of vision to be a reproof. The boy's classmates echoed the statement, and avowed that they had seen signs of the shortcomings the young man had confessed to, though specifics were lacking:

"I feel, you know, that you've been different, you know; that you haven't, you know, quite..."

A girl identified as the accused's sister chimed in: "That's it; you don't treat me as a person; you don't seem to even notice me, and at home I feel... " At this point her tears made her totally inarticulate.

The young man now, with much verbal agony, acknowledged the logic of the several charges made against him and declared himself reformed, aware of his inadequacies, and firm in his resolve to amend his life. He was let off the hook.

After some other confessions in which almost identical "problems" were discussed in almost identical language, attention centered on a boy with a delicate and rather frightened face.

He too confessed to immaturity, and was promptly reminded by his classmates of other faults: stubbornness, excessive intellectuality - "You think too much," they told him - and reticence - "You don't relate to others," was their way of phrasing it.

Many voices from around the room joined in the chorus, faculty as well as students; the young man leaned forward and his eyes glistened perceptibly even behind his glasses. He had little to say of or for himself, and his taciturnity seemed to his accusers one more sign of intransigence.

Suddenly a faculty wife turned on him and said, "Aren't you a Jew?"

Two other students took up this new tack, one saying: "That's it; it's his background he hasn't learned to cope with. He should be a sophomore; he's not mature enough to be a Hyde senior next year."

Presently, despite the young man's protestations that he did not want to be put back to the sophomore class, a vote was suggested, a forest of hands was raised, and the boy was no longer a junior. "How do you feel now?" asked the faculty leader.

The student could manage no reply. He got up, walked from the room, and attempted to shut the sliding door behind him; it stuck.

John Henry Martin, chairman of the National Panel on High Schools and Adolescent Education, in a letter about Hyde School, wrote that a class meeting of the kind I witnessed "could become cruelly abusive of individuals or turn into a pseudo religious public confessional. In fact," his letter, written in 1972, continued, "it is neither." Martin did not say whether he had a chance to talk individually, as I did, with a student who had been subjected to this kind of treatment

After the meeting broke up, I asked the faculty member who had been in charge whether the school had a consulting psychiatrist or if any faculty member present had had psychiatric or psychological training. He said no; that years of working with students were the best guide and provided the knowhow to manipulate the emotions of youngsters. Later I was told that the school had indeed consulted psychiatrists, though just how or in what capacity was not divulged.

During the meeting, several references were made to the "Junior Thing," a phrase which meant something to everyone present except me. I asked what it was.

It seems that in the course of last year the entire Junior Class staged a rebellion because, as one of them put it, they wanted to say the hell with the whole thing. Whether this is an intermediate stage in the process of character development was not explained. What happened was this.

In the middle of one night the juniors all got up, and lured from their beds, by false stories, the Leadership School (a small group of seniors chosen for responsibility), the juniors bound them, and locked them up. Then they proceeded to defy the authority not only of the seniors but of the faculty as well.

The Director of Hyde School, Edward Legg, unaccustomed to coping with so much unique potential all at once, suspended the entire Junior Class, instituted what the kids referred to as martial law, dispatched the juniors to their rooms in disgrace, and then one by one readmitted them to the school - when they had repudiated their behavior and recommitted themselves to conformity. This was the group that sat in judgment on one of their classmates and demoted him for immaturity.

Group therapy is, of course, not new; it has been used in a variety of ways besides Moral Rearmament; for seriously disturbed teen-agers, and for prisoners.

A few weeks ago a man from a prison where such therapy is practiced was interviewed on TV:
"You learn how to judge what they think is right and what they think is wrong," he said, "and you play right along with them." Confessions and commitments are relatively easy to obtain where there is the constant threat of martial law, even the kind of martial law that a school can impose.

Class seminars and martial law are not the only methods of character instruction at Hyde School.
One girl had to shovel a pile of sand to a spot a few feet away and then shovel it back again. Other students deemed potentially unique are persuaded to reform and conform by digging ditches; one young man I saw undergoing this form of development had dug himself in up to his chest.

Tough treatment is the rule at Hyde. The headmaster, who writes a weekly newspaper column, described in one of his articles a Russian schoolmaster, Makarenko, whose struggle "is an inspiration for Hyde School's goal of changing American education." The article goes on to tell how the Russian struck a student, not once but three times, knocking the boy against a stove and then picking him up and hitting him again until the young man whimpered. "Makarenko, Gauld writes, "had a commitment to help these kids, but he faced a hostile educational bureaucracy whose naive let-the-child-express-himself philosophy would constantly harass his efforts." At Hyde there is a certain amount of slapping, and kids get thrown into ponds, but I did not see or hear anything worse than a girl thrown into a pond by some other students. As she fought and kicked and shrieked, four students took her by the arms and legs, swung her out over the water, and dropped her in.

"I'm safe with you," the student I was talking with told me; "they won't grab me here." Then he added, "I'd fight them. I'm agile; I got away by jumping a fence."

"I hadn't cried for nine years before I came to Hyde," one student said. "I'm worried about next year (it was late May when we talked together) but I'll make it. I'm going to work hard at my wrestling."

So much for the Makarenko ideal. As for the Russian's "hostile educational bureaucracy." the leaders of Hyde School feel the same kind of antipathy toward American educators, or as the headmaster calls them, "the educational mafia," which he holds responsible for the ''other system," that is, everything un-Hyde. Simplification is one of the headmaster's talents, allowing him to lump together the whole of American education - public day schools, private boarding schools, girls' seminaries, co-education on the Putney model, free schools, open classroom schools, Montessori schools - in a single category, the "other system."

"Our system," Gauld writes, "will necessarily transform child development today into a new system." And again, "We cannot effect this change through the present system of education; It has no philosophy ..." Nevertheless, Gauld is working hard to spread his gospel through pilot projects modeled on Hyde in places as far removed as Illinois, Long Island, New York, and Westbrook, Maine.

Westbrook Superintendent Harold Hickey, who was asked by Commissioner Carroll McGary to look at Hyde, said, "I'm willing to look and talk but I've got a lot of questions to ask. Character building is fine, commitment is fine, but we've all been doing it for years."

Character building is fine if fine character is what you build. How does anybody know?
If a teenager is publicly humiliated, does this build his character? Does it build the character of other students who are encouraged to take part in such a show?

A friend of mine, an Army doctor who wanted to be sent overseas, went to parachute jump school. He told me that any man who refused to bail out of the plane was made to stand in the middle of the parade ground while the entire company marched past. As they came up to him, each man would turn and say, "You dirty yellow coward."

The products of such a school must be disciplined, conformist, trained to perform a particular (usually a distasteful) task with efficiency and dispatch. Such training is not a matter of building character but of influencing behavior. There is certainly a considerable effect upon a person's character but whether this effect is coarsening or humanizing depends on factors which the training does not take into account.

All that is required of a parachute trooper at the critical moment when his behavior matters is not character but a gut feeling; that's all that is required of a trained dog, and, interestingly enough, Hyde School's director uses an analogy of training dogs to describe part of the process at Hyde. When you ask Hyde School's leaders to explain the core of their philosophy, they say, "It's a gut feeling."

I found myself very much interested in Hyde School's philosophy and methods, particularly because, through Commissioner McGary's influence, there seemed a possibility that they might be adapted for use in public schools here in Maine. Consequently, I looked forward to my interview with Joe Gauld; like Harold Hickey, I had a lot of questions to ask.

It isn't easy to ask Joe Gauld questions. He boasts that he reads very little and learns more easily from people than from the printed page, so that questions about educational theory get short answers. Besides, he is almost aggressively anti-intellectual. "Adults are products of an educational system that only plugs them into intellectual solutions," he retorts. In the quintet of qualities to which Hyde is committed ("Why did you pick those five?" I asked; "wouldn't another five have done as well?" "Sure," answered Director Legg) the only remotely intellectual quality is curiosity.

It's also difficult to ask Gauld questions because he is himself terribly sensitive to criticism - curious in a school where open criticism openly arrived at is the ideal for which the students must undergo emotional and verbal agonies at regulated intervals. And, finally, it's difficult to ask him questions because he thinks with the pit of his stomach. You have to feel it, he says; you have to believe. Questions to him mean doubts; doubts mean unbelief; and there is no room and no hospitality at Hyde for the unbeliever.

What I wanted to ask Gauld was what he meant by a phrase he uses constantly in writing about his methods: "unique potential." "Every human being is endowed with a unique potential. The purpose of life comes alive in its development." (from "An Operational Philosophy of Hyde School").

"In education, any practice of parent, teacher, school, community, or even the individual himself (no one has the right to abuse to potential) should ultimately be measured by the sacredness of unique potential." (from The Hyde School National Commitment, October 15,1973).

I was particularly puzzled because in all I had seen and read of Hyde there seemed to be a contradiction: on the one hand, they believed in and were prepared to use force to exact conformity on the part of every student; on the other, they professed to believe in "unique potential," which seemed to mean individual talent; and to want to discover and develop in each student this quality.

When I pressed Gauld on the point, he clammed up; then suddenly he leaped to his feet and shouted to the school's director, Ed Legg, "I don't want this man to write an article about the school. 1 don't want him to talk to any more students or any more faculty members." And he bolted from the room.

With the headmaster gone, I tried my question on Director Legg: "What do you mean by 'unique potential?'"
"It's a gut feeling," said Legg.

There are at Hyde all the regular school activities of classes and sports and extracurricular activities, but almost everywhere the system obtrudes itself. It is not the quiet, well-oiled machinery that functions almost imperceptibly at most established preparatory schools; there's a self-consciousness to much of what the students should do naturally; there's a great eagerness to talk, and talk to a stranger - each time I went there I had to break away because the kids wanted to go on talking at me. And the headmaster himself talks incessantly about Hyde, answering questions that nobody has asked about his experience, his background, his work.

What I missed most in the school was a good, honest, open laugh. Eager, intense, nice young people they were, as all young people are. But they didn't see that their gut feelings and their unique potential and their Buchmanite maunderings were comical, and the faculty didn't understand it either. They didn't see that they themselves and the world around them are funny. Worst of all, they didn't see that the whole serious business can be fun.

by J.B. Satterthwaite

Photography for Joe Gauld stories by Tom Jones

Maine Times  1974-08-02: Vol 6 Iss 44

Strong pushback from a parent when Hyde School tried to take over Gardiner Area High School in 1992:
Letter to the editor, Maine Times 1992-08-14:

It's time that I speak out about my reservations on the Gardiner-Hyde Project at Gardiner High School. Like many parents, my husband and I were at first curious, then more interested as we heard some things that we would like to see happen at the high school, and finally completely turned off.

Joe Gauld (the founder of the private Hyde School in Bath, who will implement his educational philosophy in the high school) is a manipulator par excellence. In large group meetings he deftly skirts around questions without completely answering them. I believe there is reason for our school board to look more closely into allegations of inappropriate and humiliating disciplines that have been made against the Hyde School in the past

Last winter the school board hesitated on accepting the program at Gardiner on a trial basis until they received more information. Gauld demanded he be given "carte blanche" or he would drop everything. The board caved in to his demands. I urge them to be stronger in the future and to be vigilant over the goings on of the Gardiner- Hyde Program.

Many of the Gardiner students who spoke with Hyde students were disturbed by the discipline program known as "my brother's keeper." Hyde students told them that students who knew that another student had broken a rule and did not tell were "shunned" for a certain period of time. The other students were not to acknowledge them in any way. I strongly disagree with this type of punishment or any other that uses humiliation. I asked Gauld in a meeting if this were indeed one of their forms of discipline. He said, "I hadn't heard that," and quickly turned to another hand that was raised.

Recently a student who did not wish to take part in an activity was made to do 100 pushups instead. What, I ask you, does that teach our children? It seems to me that the Hyde people deal with all students the same way. In his meetings with parents, Gauld always described students who could get good grades but had arrogant attitudes. His methods seem to have been borrowed from the Marines and could be harmful to fragile students who lack self-esteem.

The Gardiner-Hyde Program is taking place. From here on in. I would like the participants to win over advocates by example, not by the revivalist tone of many of the presentations. We have been promised that the rest of the student body would not be left out in any way and yet, on Step-up Day when eighth graders go to the high school for a tour of the building, only Gardiner-Hyde students conducted the welcoming tour.

Many teachers who first looked into the Hyde Program came away believing that there were aspects of this program that sounded worthwhile but other parts that were either undesirable or unworkable. Unfortunately, most staff members have not spoken out as forcefully as they might have out of fear for their jobs. There was never a forum to discuss whether or not the plan would be a go, only how to implement it I personally resent any implication that parents or teachers who do not support the Gardiner-Hyde Project are against change. That is a red herring and a way to silence dissent Other school districts have taken a broader look at goals for their schools.

Research shows that the school-with in-a-school concept does not work. Portland High School tried such a project a few years ago and it failed. The proponents of school-within-a- school projects usually believe that, little by little, others will come over to their side. In actuality, resentment grows, and the plan dies. According to the Kennebec Journal coverage of the Gardiner-Hyde Project, there are 150 students slated to start the project off in the fall. The mother of a student who is in the program recently told me there are 88. Who is telling the truth?

Gardiner Area High School, like most high schools today, needs to reassess where if s going in this decade. We need to help students, especially those in the "general" course programs, focus on their career goals. We need to do more to make students feel a part of the school and take responsibility for themselves. Proponents of the Gardiner-Hyde program say that is exactly what they are doing. I don't agree. Students currently participating in a summer program at Hyde must clean latrines and, if they don't perform this duty well enough, they are up at 5:30 for calisthenics. Having to sing solo in front of all your peers at breakfast does not impress me. The Hyde School teaches conformity and submission. As a reporter observed in Maine Times (8/2/74). "I was particularly puzzled because in all I had seen and read of Hyde there seemed to be a contradiction: on the one hand they believed in and were prepared to use force to exact conformity on the part of every student, on the other, they professed to believe in 'unique potential'".

The Hyde people have done one thing very well They have brought together parents who are scared and don't know what to do next with their adolescents. They have listened to these people instead of simply calling them in when the student has misbehaved and allowing them to feel like failures as parents. It is obvious that parents of adolescents who lead busy lives trying to hold down careers and juggle family responsibilities need to come together and talk. But the Hyde Program says. Trust us with your kids. If you are good parents, you will buy this whole program hook, line and sinker." Several parents I've met feel somewhat uneasy with some of the aspects of the program. I urge them to listen to their children and trust their own instincts.

As a guidance counselor, my goal has always been to help students believe in themselves and increase their self-esteem. Self-esteem is something reasonable people can observe in others by looking at degrees of assertiveness, ability to take risks, etc. Joe Gauld and Co. talk about character. Character is much more subjective and is far more value-laden. I can say someone has high self-esteem and yet not necessarily share their values. The people I judge to be of excellent character will probably be those who agree with me on political and social issues, spiritual belief, etc. What is character and how does the Hyde School define it? In the same Maine Times article, Gauld was asked how he determined his five qualities of character, i.e. courage, integrity, concern for others, curiosity and leadership and wouldn't another five have done as well? Gauld answered, "Sure."

Recently I came across several articles in the Maine Times written in the 70s and 80s about Gauld and the Hyde School. As I read them, I saw the same man I had seen this spring touting his Hyde program, spouting the same superficial philosophy, and looking for communities from Maine to Illinois to buy his program. It didn'
t appear that any school district had ever done anything more than express an interest before rejecting Joe and his all or nothing attitude.

There is no doubt that Joe Gauld today is the same fellow who operated Hyde School in 1974. One of his former teachers stated in the same article, "Joe has to dominate everyone. His approach is to find out a person's weakness. He grabs onto that, and no matter what type of progress a student makes, Joe always goes back to that weakness. He strips a person psychologically and gains control over them. Then he manipulates them to his values."

I won't describe all the physical forms of punishment Joe Gauld has considered to make kids "tough" or the descriptions of painful self-criticism seminars in which students are belittled by their peers until they are reduced to tears, but anyone can read these articles on microfiche at the Maine State Library or contact me for a copy.

I urge any community members to contact me who would like to work together to support our teachers, create a learning environment that emphasizes strengths and not weaknesses, and set goals for our schools that can help students become contributing members of the workplace.

Diane Potter, Gardiner ME



Hyde Schools / Re: Maine Times - The Selling of Hyde
« on: November 16, 2021, 07:37:31 PM »
Continued from post...

Actually, Hyde found its most effective vehicle almost accidentally. Hyde, in patriotic fashion, wanted to do something special for the Bicentennial celebration and come up with its own original play to depict the pioneer spirit of the founding of America.   

Within two years, America's Spirit had grown into a full-fledged curriculum for Hyde, which Legg believes is very unique.

At Hyde, a student is required to participate in the America's Spirit curriculum, which includes singing and dancing. Legg, who writes the scripts, designed a five-stage growth process through which students must pass to reach the Hyde standard for personal development.

Academic study are important parts of the America's Spirit program, but traditional public school grading is not done. Success at Hyde is measured more by character growth. Students are given two sets of grades: one for academic performance and one for personal growth. Diplomas are withheld from students who do not grow enough.

Through their own students, Gauld and Legg found that America's Spirit could provide a "learning and growing opportunity" for people of all ages. The 1977 summer school production of Johnny Appleseed by Bath public school kids and the recent Reiche School play, Marie of Maine (both produced with the leadership of Hyde) indicated, even critics agree, that the musical production vehicle can challenge children in a positive manner.

And Hyde has found itself as an educational innovator in an area the public schools are the weakest, the arts.

Still, most public schools in Maine are not ready to turn over the regular school time to Hyde-created programs. There has always been a strong feeling in Maine that private and public schools shouldn't mix. Also, the public-school emphasis now is not on the arts but on the basics. "Parents want their tax dollars working and judge schools by how well their children can read, write and cipher, not how well they can dance and sing," said Haggett.

ED LEGG is a Texan by birth and trained as a lawyer. He was director at Hyde before he was named headmaster in the fall of 1975 after Gauld resigned to take over the national commitment drive. "I know ultimately that this community (Hyde) will come through and will become the model school, offering a re-spiritualization of the country, and beyond that, of all people," he said. When Legg took over, Hyde was at a crossroads.

Gauld had opened the school in 1966 in an old mansion. It was not easy to attract students because Hyde's unusual approach to education was untested. Gauld decided to recruit misfits, who hadn't been able to make it in school anywhere else. "There were a lot of affluent suburban kids with a maid complex," said Legg.

In Hyde's early years, the school quickly earned a reputation for "barbaric" treatment of students, recalled Legg. Students who disobeyed the strict rules of behavior at Hyde were given "heavy thinking-time punishments," which translated into pointless physical labor, such as digging dirt pits six feet by six feet and filling them up. Some students were spanked by Gauld or thrown into the campus pond or made to wear signs describing their personal growth failures. There were runaways and dropouts [and sometimes] fights broke out after sports games between Hyde and public-school students.

To make things worse, Gauld couldn't squeeze the kind of commitment he wanted from the students' families. It was his belief that the entire family had to support the Hyde philosophy, or it wouldn't take with the student. Lack of interest by parents also resulted in critical fundraising problems, which eventually led Gauld to turn over the job of headmaster to Legg.

Legg admits now that the school spent so much time trying to tame its unruly student body and worrying about financing that its national commitment goals got lost.

"We realized it was a choice between picking up every stray dog in the neighborhood or developing this model of education," Legg said. A fire in the mansion deliberately set by one of. the students made the Hyde administration more certain that it had to attract a different kind of student.

Hyde went out looking for "doers," said Legg; students drawn, not forced, to Hyde's philosophy. Acceptance was based largely upon the "quality of family commitment" to Hyde; the school didn't bother with those parents and students who weren't interested in giving until it hurt, personally and financially.

Initially the Hyde student body dropped from 200 to 160, as the campus ridded itself of the uncommitted and the losers. Fortunately for Hyde, their new direction came at a time when it was popular for adults to be "born again" to a cause.

Dr. Greg Carbone, a veterinarian in Arlington, Virginia, who is director of Hyde's fund-raising chores, commented: "Adolescents have dreams. The one thing the school says is to go ahead with your dreams. I found at middle-age the same thing happens about dreams. I needed a commitment to fulfill my potential and I have done things with Hyde I didn't think I could do before. So have a lot of parents." Carbone became instrumental in developing the new Family Learning Center, and parents now put pressure on parents for money, so the administration doesn't have to.

"We are founding a better way, and we can do no less than Jefferson: pledging our lives, our fortunes and our sacred honor."- Joe Gauld

Until Legg become headmaster, Hyde had not done much community action work. Audrey Alexander said she had often looked across the street and longed to have some kind of cooperative program between older and younger students.

Hyde students first began to work at Fisher aiding teachers, tutoring and teaching physical education in the fall of 1975. In the spring, Hyde and Fisher sponsored a field day, and the response from students and faculty was so great the two schools began expiring the possibility of funding a summer' program and a regular fall program.

"Community action seemed the way Hyde wanted to go to reach their goals," said Alexander. "and they went out wholeheartedly with us. Of course. Hyde never does anything halfway on parents for money, so the administration doesn't have to.

We are founding a better way, and we can do no less than Jefferson: pledging our lives, our fortunes and our sacred honor.
Joe Gauld

Until Legg become headmaster, Hyde had not done much community action work. Audrey Alexander said she had often looked across the street and longed to have some kind of cooperative program between older and younger students.

Hyde students first began to work at Fisher aiding teachers, tutoring and teaching physical education in the fall of 1975. In the spring, Hyde and Fisher sponsored a field day, and the response from students and faculty was so great the two schools began expiring the possibility of funding a summer program and a regular fall program.

"Community action seemed the way Hyde wanted to go to reach their goals," said Alexander. "and they went out wholeheartedly with us. Of course. Hyde never does anything halfway. It's all or nothing."

The application for federal education funds for the planned program was too late, so Hyde took the idea to the city school principals, suggesting that the Fisher-Hyde cooperative venture be expanded throughout the public school system. High school students could go through a leadership training course at Hyde, Legg said. Ultimately, he said, senior citizens could be included.

Superintendent of schools Clifford Tinkham turned down the Hyde proposal, saying the city didn't have funds for such a program.

Undaunted, Hyde financed its own modest summer school program in 1976 with 45 elementary school children in cooperation with Fisher School, and everyone agreed at the end of the summer that the program was worth pursuing. Meanwhile, Hyde applied for federal funds and money from the Braitmeyer Foundation in Boston but was turned down. In both cases, the primary reason for rejection was that there was not enough evidence of support from the local public-school administration.

It was at that point that underlying tensions between city officials and Hyde began to become visible. Alexander cooled to Hyde because Hyde students failed to keep their commitments to Fisher students during the joint fall program. The Hyde students wouldn't show up because America's Spirit rehearsals were called unexpectedly, she said. "The school had begun to revolve around the play," she said, and communications between the two schools fell short.

Alexander had basically pulled out of much involvement when the second summer school program rolled around in 1977. Hyde asked the school board for a token $1,000 to support an extra teacher because Hyde had been swamped with 140 applications from children to enroll. Superintendent Tinkham was opposed. He told the Portland Press Herald, "I don't want the public school system to be used by Hyde school. I have a gut feeling that this is the case. I question from whence you come and what is your motivation . . . and I'm not sure it's good for the city of Bath."

Over the objections of Tinkham, the school board approved the $1,000. Last summer, the program was expanded to include performing arts, and the children put on Johnny Appleseed... In the fall, Hyde developed a proposal again for federal education funds, and the school board refused to support it.
School board chairwoman Haggett said the board turned them down because "it was the wrong funding mechanism," but it was clear that the board wasn't interested in helping Hyde. "It made Hyde quite angry and serious problems developed between us.' The standoff led to Gauld's calling of the January meeting.

"It boiled down to feeling pushed around by Hyde or doing what we thought the taxpayers and citizens wanted us to do," [said] Haggett.

"Joe Gauld thought that because parents supported the summer programs, they would support a full-year program. But parents said, 'Watch out for Hyde.'"

Most of the education at Hyde comes from America's Spirit today, said Haggett. "Joe Gauld thinks that more than three hours in the classroom is a waste of time. Hyde is not strong on traditional kinds of learning.

"He wants to take the kids apart and put them back together again.
I don't see how it can work when you only have the kids for a few hours a day. Total change the way Hyde wants to do it can be done only when you have the children 24 hours a day like Hyde, and the total commitment of the school board, teachers and administration. But I don't see that as the public school Goals," said Haggett

"Joe is a visionary. We need that kind of brain working," said Haggett,"but we won't be run over like a bulldozer. The problem is they think they can run things better than anyone else. And they are always going overboard in whatever they do.

"Since they are experimental, if something doesn't work out, they can change direction overnight," she said, ''but it won't work in a public-school setting."

Legg is defensive about rejection by Bath school officials. He claims it happened because Hyde is a threat to the school establishment. He likes to call educators who don't agree with him "unprofessional." And he says Hyde's critics are more interested in controlling students and the system than in education.

"The future of education in the country for all towns lies in public-private cooperation," said Legg. He was more specific in his letter of implication for the job of superintendent.

"I propose we integrate our educational resources of businessmen, senior citizens, parents, teachers, students and such unique institutions is the Bath Marine Museum, the Bath Performing Arts Center, and of course, Hyde School...

"I believe that putting together such an education center and industry in Bath would become within the next 20 years on operation equivalent to the Bath Iron Works.

"It would be the finest education in the country for our children and for our families and it would attract the finest teachers in America to our community. It would serve as a tremendous inducement to bring top people into the Bath area in all professions since this educational opportunity would be available for their children.

"It would [certainly] increase property values, and it would significantly reduce unemployment. as well as generate an influx of new income." Legg said.

"Because part of my proposal would be to create an America's Spirit humanities program for all the children of Bath, 1 believe that together with the Bath Performing Arts Center, we could, make Bath the cultural center of northern New England. To bring the excitement of America's Spirit into our whole community would be an extraordinary accomplishment."

Legg also said the private-public involvement would open the way to reproducing the "finest athletic teams in the area and reduce juvenile crime significantly. This of course could be accomplished without large new outlays of capital because it would bring the impressive athletic facilities at Hyde directly into the community."

The board had no response to Legg's proposal.

Alexander said she is all for innovation in education and has criticized the staidness of the public school system for years. "It's not responding to needs. But If America 's Spirit were applied in the elementary grades, you ultimately may lose a lot of kids along the way."

Legg is hoping to prove all of his critics wrong with the Reiche School program. Hyde invited itself to Reiche this year and put on America's Spirit. The play was such a hit that students and teachers were interested in how they could do a similar production.

"My husband is not keen about the school. He thinks they are demented..." Mimi Lee

Reiche principal Richard McGarvey said he was told to be cautious about Hyde because they were out "to recruit, a word I heard quite often. I was also told they are aggressive, high pressured but decided to go along with them. By far it's the best thing we've done for our students."

"There was a quality of what we got that surpassed anything we could have done in house. During literature classes, Hyde students came to work, on a play with us." The project became Mazie of Maine, the story of Maine native Mazie Grunwald in the 1800s. "We reached a feeling part of the children we had not. been able to tap before," said McGarvey, ?and we found that our philosophy or expectations of kids was about the same,? that they be respectful, responsible, disciplined, good mannered and expects to start programs with the junior and high schools in Portland.

Referring back to the problem with Bath schools, Legg said, "anyone who has very strong vested interests in wanting the public school system to remain unchanged, we are in confrontation with. We are a direct threat because we can show that our way works in a public setting.

"Hundreds of those in the public school system, committed teachers and principals all over the country, should be tremendously excited over what we are doing because teachers have been reduced to being a traffic cop. A dot of those people had their careers linked to something that hasn't worked as well as they had hoped. We have developed a better widget for them."

For now, Hyde is about to embark on a busy summer touring season with the new Roots and Wings version of America's Spirit. Hyde will return to the Circle-In-The-Square Theater in New York for the third year, and the Kennedy Performing Arts Center for the second year. There will be numerous showings in Maine too.

Expansion of on-campus facilities also has priority. A new $400,000 dormitory is planned as well as expansion of the student union and gym. Tuition has increased to $6,900 per year to cover the rising cost of operating Hyde.

Another major project off-campus is development of. a Family Learning Center in Beverly, Mass., and a local PTA program "that really works." Hyde is also loyally working on a "model" to integrate older generations into the community. "There should be day care in public schools and senior centers in school facilities. Rut people are not even thinking about these things," complained Legg. "Teachers are more interested in union concerns and the school administration is interested in how to negotiate with the unions. They are thinking of vested interests, not the interests of the students and community."

The Hyde Concept

HYDE is a different educational experience from the regular public school. Students are accepted because they are achievers and want to be leaders. Character building, not academic achievement, is the most important daily ambition of a Hyde student.

Character building at Hyde is done in different ways. In years past, when the student body was composed largely of students who had not fit in elsewhere, it was accomplished through physical punishment, personal humiliation and strenuous group sensitivity sessions. Today, because the student has been upgraded, there is not as much need for force and authoritarianism; the students, according to administrators, are willing to be led and believe in the Hyde principles.

The traditional academic curriculum is used to challenge a student's intellectual potential, potential being a key word. Community action work, sports and the America's Spirit curriculum are used to teach the students how to reach their overall potential by doing. At almost every - turn, a student is. required to write about his experiences, analyze them and verbalize about the typical routine at Hyde is similar to that in the public schools in which there are college preparatory classes in chemistry, physics, math, political science, history and English. But there are also blocks of time for working with younger elementary school students, in nursing homes or researching a new theme for America's Spirit.

Hyde students are graded on their academic work and their character growth. Personal growth marks are given by a student's peers at encounter sessions. Students who have reached their "unique potential" are awarded a high school diploma. Those who didn't do so well are given a certificate and may return for a diploma later if they can prove to the school they have met the Hyde standards for personal excellence. Hyde is accredited and chartered both for academics and character growth by the New England Association of Schools and Colleges.

by Phyllis Austin
Photography by Tom Jones
June 1978

Maine Times - The Selling of Hyde
Article link:

"Hyde is the model of a new education system. Keep that in mind and accept that it is so. Hyde is already effectively confronting segments of the present system of educating and raising kids in this country. Accept that fact. Hyde is presenting to families in America a vision of the type of relationships that should exist in families. Most of us accept this already."

ON A COLD January night last winter, Joe Gauld, the ebullient, founder of Hyde School, invited to dinner a dozen or so Bath community leaders. He wanted to know what really had poured the city on Hyde, an experimental prop school whose towering goal is to emancipate the public school system.

As it turned out, Gauld did most of the talking . . . and shouting and name-calling. Before the four-hour encounter was over; he mode a proposition to the group: school board members, representatives of the city Council and influential citizens.

Gauld said he wanted to take over the Bath public schools and the entire community to use as an innovative educational laboratory.

"We would be a workshop for the nation," said Sally Haggett, chairwoman of the Bath school board: "From birth to death everyone - would be integrated into a unified educational system with the Hyde philosophy of character building to reach one's 'unique potential' as the basis."   

Hyde then would be able to achieve its deserved national recognition for finding the way to educate people, Gauld suggested. The city of Bath would gain too, as Hyde headmaster Ed Legg later elaborated.

Both could become a leading educational, cultural, commercial and industrial center. The finest, most committed teachers would flock there, as well as top people from all professions, Legg said. His dream for Bath seemed to have no bounds. He envisioned property values and personal income going up, unemployment and juvenile crime dropping and school athletic teams that would be the best. (Athletics is as important at Hyde as academics, and all students are required to participate).

Legg also said that if Hyde and the community joined hands, he could see them together solving growing social problems, like wife beating and alcoholism.

Gauld told the city leaders there could be no compromise; either they were with him and Legg, his protege or they were against him. If the city rejected Hyde's plan, Gauld and Legg threatened to cut off their students' community work with elementary school-students and focus Hyde's energy on another, more appreciative city.

The city leaders rejected Hyde's offer. Haggett said she wasn't even startled by the proposal because Hyde has always been open "about wanting to change the world." In retaliation, Legg suspended Hyde students' work with Fisher Elementary School and Elmhurst, a state home for children. (The programs were reinstated by Hyde trustees.)

Relations between Hyde and community lenders were basically broken off. The confrontation was inevitable, Haggett believes. "Hyde wants to be big nationally. Joe Gauld knows the only way Hyde can be sold to the nation is to show that it has worked in a community like this," she said. "We are a real thorn in their side because they have not been able to take us over."

Haggett said that Hyde has some positive approaches to education that can work in the public school setting, but because Gauld and Legg come on like steamrollers, people are wary of them. "Some citizens, Haggett included, view Hyde as a cult seeking salvation of a person's spirit and mind. "Like any religion, they are zealous and are so convinced they are right they have to proselytize."

A former Hyde teacher, who quit his job lost year, said that "Hyde attracts the religious-oriented types. The kind of dedication one gets into is almost like any ministry, and your life is not your own at the end, Hyde is always shooting for your conversion," said the teacher.

Hyde was true to its word in seeking out another community to take over Portland. Hyde is getting comfortably entrenched in Reiche School, an elementary school of mostly low-income students, and Legg said that he expects to work out cooperative programs with the city junior and senior high schools.

"Portland is better for us. It's urban and will give us more recognition," said Legg. "But we gave Bath the first crack."

However, Legg still hasn't given up on Both. In a defiant move, Legg applied for superintendent of schools. He recently accused the school board of deliberately snubbing him because they didn't send him an acknowledgement of his. application. Their inaction showed "spite, ego and sloppy management," he said in a letter to school board chairwoman Haggett.

About the same time Hyde got the rebuff from Bath, it also got disappointing news from the federal Job Corps.

Last January, the Job Corps signed a $73,383 contract with Hyde to try out the Hyde leadership und training program on Job Corps trainees. The first phase of the three-phase program was for Hyde to tour five Job Corps centers with their musical-historical drama, America's Spirit.

Actress Ruth Warrick, a member of the National Endowment for the Arts and Humanities, had seen an America's Spirit production in New York and "thought the arts would be the way to crack the tough cover the (Job Corps) kids have." Hyde's mission was to show Job Corps trainees, mostly young dropouts-from the inner cities, how they could build up their self-confidence and self-motivation and be more desirable in the job market.

At the time of the signing of the contract Gauld had said, "The door is opening for Hyde . . . this could prove to be a new beginning for American education. The ghetto may very well be the Valley Forge of the educational system."

"We are committed people. People we are in contact with say we are a breath of fresh air to them." Ed Legg

But when the project fell through, Legg announced that it was Hyde rejecting the Job Corps rather than the other way around as the Job Corps says. He said he wasn't interested in the Job Corps because it wasn't interested in character building. The government just wanted a nice trainee recruitment gimmick, he said.

There is no doubt that the failure of Hyde to move in on the Bath public schools and the Job Corps were significant setbacks. But already Legg is viewing them as learning lessons, rather than rejections of Hyde's philosophy of education.

And if one vehicle for Hyde runs out of gas, Gauld and Legg find another one. They are never without plans for achieving their "national commitment" goals, which simply is to become the national model for education.

"You've got to credit Hyde," said Audrey Alexander, principal of Fisher Elementary School across the street from Hyde. "They are constantly open and searching to see what's the best vehicle for them to reach their goals. And they are spreading their ideas."

Here are some of the major developments at Hyde over the last three years that have changed the coed boarding school from a kind of rigorous military boot camp filled with problem teenagers to a "new leadership school of achievers" with more affluent parents.

-Hyde has developed regional groups across the country but primarily in the East, and parents and Hyde alumni are working hard to convert their friends and neighbors to the Hyde way.

-Ultimately, the regional groups' aim is to establish their own Family Learning centers, such as the one on the Bath campus. The center 'is where parents learn what steps they can take to further their growth as individuals and as parents." according to a Hyde admissions brochure. Parents use sensitivity training in group sessions and give each other grades on growth, partially based on this level of financial commitment.

-Joe Gauld is constantly traveling across the country, using national television and newspapers to sell Hyde. He is coming out this year with a book about Hyde's educational experience (to be published by Bantam Books). Gauld hopes it will be popular enough to sell in grocery stores, where it would reach a mass market.

-They Gauld and Legg are establishing relationships with important people in the arts and political circles, such as Broadway producer Ted Mann and his wife, opera singer Patricia Brooks, and Mimi Lee, wife of the acting governor of Maryland. Mann has given over his Circle-In-The-Square Theater to Hyde's America's Spirit production several times. His wife has raised $210 for Hyde with a thrift sale and cleared $3,000 for Hyde with a benefit recital in Alice Tully Hall. Mimi Lee has opened the governor's mansion in Annapolis to America's Spirit and introduced Hyde people to her and the governor's social and political friends. Both Mann and Lee have or had children at Hyde. (Lee said her household is divided over 'the goodness' of Hyde, with one son and her husband believing there are 'fanatics' and 'demented' to another son and daughter who think 'Hyde can do no wrong.' Mimi Lee said she's aware of their good and bad points.)

-And not the least of Hyde's plan is America's Spirit. Hyde's most widely appealing self-promotional enterprise.

Continued in reply..

Hyde Schools / Re: Maine Times - Joe Teaches Tough
« on: November 16, 2021, 06:01:38 PM »

Because Hyde was a new, untried school, Gauld couldn't attract the best students who wanted to go to prestige prep schools in order to get into prestige colleges. So, he asked high school counselors to give him their difficult students. This led to Hyde's being labeled a place for rich kids in trouble.

"The tough ones were really the best to test your concepts," he said. "And they were hard-nosed. Most of the first student body numbering 57 came from troubled families, had flunked out of other schools, had been in scrapes with the law, had spent time in psychiatric hospitals or had just never tried to get anything out of school." While a number of the Hyde students still are problem children, the type of students enrolled has broadened considerably since the beginning.

From the beginning, admission to Hyde was based on the student's sincerity and desire rather than on academic achievement.

"If you bet on character development, you're betting on an attribute and effort rather than on a specific ability," says Gauld. "An individual must like him or herself and laugh at shortcomings. No one should be hung up on whether they are succeeding or falling. They may be failing because they've tackled too big a task."

At Hyde, past school records are never consulted unless the child or parents make a special request. Enrollment is approved or turned down after a grueling interview with the potential student, parents and a teacher.

Getting through the interview, however, can be too much for some students' mettle. Gauld told about one interview in a Sunday Telegram column:

"Sally was sent to me for an interview as sort of a last resort. The Hyde approach seems generally successful, so we were often thought of in difficult cases, and Silly's was a beaut. She had taken complete command of her house and on the side had done in several psychiatrists.

"The Hyde interview is an in-depth session that requires both the students and their parents to take a deep look at themselves and their attitudes. Sally quickly showed she wanted none of that. The teacher had to drag Sally and her parents into my office.

"After several questions, she made the same clear to me. And when I tried to turn my attention to Sally's mother to tell her what she ought to do about that, Sally made it dear she didn't want that either.

"Sally, your remarks insult me, your parents and teenagers. I have a high regard for 16-year-olds, and you are going to act like one in my presence. I don't let little brats like you insult them with your six-year-old behavior in my presence.

"Listen, Sally, I'm not your parents, and I'm telling you either change your attitude around me, or I will jam it down your throat!'

"She left in a huff, slamming things around, while startled visitors looked on. But she was shocked when she found me right behind her.

"The next hour would have done justice to the Keystone Cops. I would get her apology, but she was so used to winning, she couldn't resist getting in the last word.

"During this battle, we had crawled in and out of her family's car twice (I got in before she could lock it). I slapped her three times in response to her screaming at me and chased her once around the grounds when she tried to get away from me.

"We ended up at the Duck Pond, and in her raging frustration, she let go with a well-turned obscenity."

With that, I picked her up, while her arms flailed away, and said with what little breath I had left, 'You either apologize or you're going into the pond.'

"She knew I meant it and finally relented."

Sally never went to Hyde, and her mother complained to Gauld later that he used "extreme" methods.

Of course, all students going to Hyde don't go through that kind of experience, but Gauld said they must understand they're responsible for their actions.

Unless they accept it, Gauld said it would be impossible for Hyde to give the student body such a strong voice in running the school.

Students help teachers decide on courses of study, the dress code, hair length, when to wear blue jeans and discipline for rules-breakers; responsibilities which Gauld believes continuously demand strength of character.

Hyde takes responsibility one step further. Seniors must rank their own graduation awards according to how they feel they have developed as a person rather than according to their class marks. (Gauld contends that if a student has met the requirements for a Hyde diploma, he or she is usually prepared-academically as a byproduct and has little trouble in college.)

At year's end (or if a student is expelled) parents are told they can have their full tuition payment back if they are not satisfied that going to Hyde benefited their child. So far, there have been no takers for that offer, Gauld said.

Hyde doesn't let go upon a student's graduation. Attempts are made to keep up with each other to find out how they're doing. If a student is judged not to have lived up to Hyde's values, the school may ask for its diploma back.

There are others than parents who have shown their approval of the Gauld-Hyde regimen. Foundations and friends have contributed some $1 million in funds to keep Hyde going over the past eight years.

The school has grown from an enrollment of 57 during the fall of 1966 to 170 this fall. It was accredited in 1970 by the New England Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools.

Tuition, which started at $2,600, has risen to $4,150 but that hasn't seemed to dampen the interest of parents who want to send their children there. Gauld says there's a waiting list of students who want to get into Hyde.

Thirty to 40 of the students are on scholarships but the others pay the full room and board price. Most of the scholarship students are blacks and Puerto Ricans.

Opening up Hyde to more minority groups through scholarships is something Gauld says he's committed to. More girls are also attending Hyde than ever before. Initially only boys boarded at Hyde. Now the ratio is 105 boys and 45 girls.

Along with the student body, the campus facilities have also grown. A $170,000 classroom wing has been added to the remodeled court. And covered courts have just opened in Brunswick, nine miles away by a four-lane highway.

But Gauld is an avid tennis player and even that has become a sometimes point of controversy. Gauld is known for getting quite angry with himself on the court and says he gets furious "because I've never conquered a tennis swing." Gauld has had partners walk off the court because of his tantrums, "but my opponents especially have been sensitive to my problems, as well as the kids."

"I understand my actions better after reading Jonathan Livingston Seagull," he said.
"Some people think it's a competitive thing, which is logical. I want to win, sure. But that's not what is at stake for me."

Gauld also says he's been delving into Zen Buddhism to understand how to control himself on the tennis court.

"I can't leave tennis alone," he said. "How do you accept things in life you feel you ought to be able to do and can't?"

Although Gauld knows he must still work at his character development on the court. It's partly due to his drive and won't-take-no-for-an-answer attitude that has gotten Hyde where it is today.

It has attracted Important men to look at Hyde, take an interest in and sit on its board of trustees, among them U.S. Sen. Edmund S. Muskle (D-Maine), Bath Iron Works vice president William E. Haggett and Robert Porteous, Jr., president of Porteous Mitchell & Braun Co.

Others on the board are John Chandler, Jr., of Boston, vice president of the National Association of Independent Schools; Duane D. Fitzgerald of Bath, a partner in the law firm of Fitzgerald and Donovan; David S. Knight of Marblehead, Mass., president of Massachusetts Machine Shop, Inc.; Stephen F. Leon, a consultant from South Harpswell; Leonard C. Mulligan of Bath, president of the Gibbons Oil Co.; Donald A. Spear, a Bath attorney; Philip J. Woodward of Winchester, Mass., a partner in Haussermann, Davison & Shattuck; Charles McKee, vice president of Casco Bank & Trust Co., Brunswick; G. William Fleming, president, Fleming Associates, Inc., Westport, Conn.; and Robert A.G. Monks of Cape Elizabeth.

With Hyde well on its way, Gauld has relinquished the reins of control over the day-to-day activities at the school. He remains in name headmaster, but it's Ed Legg who directs Hyde.

Gauld is Hyde's resident guru, serving as sort of a spiritual advisor who rides shotgun over the operational philosophy of the school.

One of his most important tasks is working with state educators who have shown an interest in developing pilot character development programs based on the Hyde experience [for] Maine's public schools.

At the behest of Gauld), state education commissioner Dr. Carroll McGary visited Hyde last January and went away convinced that Hyde had something good to offer public schools.

He talked to some school superintendents, and three (from Bath, Westbrook, and SAD 9 in Farmington) have been considering an experimental program for this fall. However, no decisions have been made yet.

McGary said, "My general reaction to Hyde is that it has developed an atmosphere where students can really understand their teachers care and come up with a successful system of parent commitment."

The commissioner said he questions some of Hyde's methods, especially in physically roughing up the students, "but there is a group of kids that has shown that it works for them."

To some former Hyde teachers, the prospect of letting Gauld's ideas and techniques loose in the public school system is tantamount to suicide.

One of those critical of Gauld's theories is Gerald Herlihy, director of the University of Maine at Orono's Onward program. Herlihy taught at Hyde during the first three years of its existence.

Ray Fisher of Freeport, who was a student of Gauld's and the first teacher hired by him for Hyde, said he feels Gauld is "so wrapped up in creating a model for education, it's at the expense of the kids.

"It's a big ego-trip, and the demands he places on the faculty are unbelievable; 24 hours a day," he said.

Fisher and Herlihy left Hyde because they disagreed with Gauld's character development approach, which they say feeds on the personal weakness of each student.

?Joe and I had a fierce personality conflict," said Herlihy, whose stormy relationship with Gauld resulted in his being fired several times by the headmaster.

"Joe has to dominate everyone. His approach is to find out a person's weakness. He grabs onto that, and no matter what type of progress a student makes, Joe always goes back to that weakness. He strips a person psychologically and gains control over them. Then he manipulates them to his values," said Herlihy.

The interview for student applicants is a prime example of that, Herlihy said. "Joe psychs out the dynamics between the children and their parents at these interviews and then goes after that kid. The kid is overwhelmed that a teacher would go to all that trouble. He or she eventually gives in."

Herlihy was initially impressed with Hyde when he went there in 1966 after several years of teaching in New York schools with Fisher.

"At first we were all pulling together to get the school going," he remembered. "Then it became clear Gauld wanted to control each of us, and if he couldn't, we were in trouble."

Herlihy said he and Gauld had numerous shouting matches over Hyde's philosophy and hypocrisy and that at the end of his tenure there, Gauld restricted his activities and his contact with the kids "because - he couldn't control me." He left in 1969 to direct Orono's Onward program, which recruits low-income students.

When Fisher was a student at New Hampton, Gauld was his coach in three sports. "He really impressed me favorably," Fisher remembers. "Although he seemed scatterbrained, he appeared to really be interested in kids.

"He struck me as a master statistician and manipulator as a coach. Helping kids was as much an ego trip for him as anything," he said.

In 1965 Fisher and his family were looking for somewhere else to locate, when Gauld called him ''out of the blue" and offered him a job at Berwick Academy. Fisher accepted. When Gauld left Berwick, Fisher followed.

"We teachers did everything the first year; taught, coached and counseled," Fisher said. "We had all our meals at school and lived on the back end of the campus."

Soon his opinion of Gauld changed drastically. "I began to see him as a master at propaganda... some sort of God who wanted those kids to embrace his beliefs."

One of the final incidents which influenced Fisher to leave Hyde was Gauld's refusal to permit the Bath

Brunswick Committee for Racial Undemanding (of which Fisher was a member) to meet on the Hyde campus in 1969. "Gauld said it was too controversial. It was the height of his hypocrisy," he said. Fisher now leaches at ML Ararat High School in Topsham.

Ed Legg, who was friends with Fisher and Herlihy and is described by them as "the company man," disagrees with their assessments of Gauld.

"He's probably the most dynamic, energetic individual I've ever met. Probably for me and most of us around here, he is a man of incredible conscience. He really cares about people, and though he tends to be impulsive at times, it's because he gets so deeply involved in things," said Legg, 31, a University of Texas Law School graduate, former political Worker and veteran of the civil rights and student movements.

Gauld has changed from "being a pretty conservative guy except for his educational philosophy to a true homebred American radical with an open mind," Legg said.

As for Hyde's approach to education, Legg said, "we're trying to radically change the educational philosophy in this country... so a different approach is necessary."   

by Phyllis Austin
Maine Times - Joe Gauld Presents His Educational Philosophy to the World

Maine Times - Joe Gauld Presents His Educational Philosophy to the World
Original: and here

Joe Gauld promotes Bath's Hyde School and its character development program with the zeal of a salesman who has just conceived a better mousetrap.

He exudes an evangelical fervor in his nonstop effort to convince Maine's educational leaders that Hyde, a grades 9-12 prep school, is the new model for what education can, and should be.

Gauld, the founder, headmaster and spiritual leader of Hyde, believes that building a young person's character to cope successfully with a tumultuous world is every school's primary calling. Preparing a student for college admission should be almost incidental.

"Hyde School was founded on a conviction that education must promote among young people a realization of their own potentialities and a respect for themselves as individuals," Gauld says, quoting from the school catalog.

"We feel the growing impersonal trend in education defeats an appreciation of one's self and discourages the type of rugged individual who built this country. The principles on which this school is founded maintain that the qualities of self-confidence, self- discipline and perspective are more important to youth than they have ever [been] before."

It's not unusual for a prep school to espouse character-building. The trustees and parents expect that. But for the most part, students are forced to concentrate on academic preparedness and worry about their character later, Gauld says. Not at Hyde.

Hyde students, parents and faculty are required to make a commitment to the school motto: "COURAGE to meet a challenge; CURIOSITY about life and learning; active CONCERN for others; INTEGRITY of one's own spirit; and the capacity for responsible LEADERSHIP."

Gauld has seen his system work for eight years with "incorrigible" teenagers in trouble with the law as well as underachievers who have never tuned into themselves.

The reason it works at Hyde and should be incorporated into the national school system, Gauld says, is that he's devised a way to convince students they have a "unique potential" and helps them find ways of developing it.

But breaking down barriers to reach a student's potential is difficult, and Hyde uses unconventional and controversial methods of doing it.

Gauld acknowledges that students are put into a wringer emotionally and sometimes physically so they can begin to reach themselves and develop their character.   

Ed Legg, director of Hyde, pointed out that anyone who is accepted at the school must go to the summer session, which he likened to a military boot camp, in order to prepare for life at Hyde.

"My wife says it's like a lot of little puppies piddling on the floor with us rubbing their noses in it. But at the end of the eight weeks, you can see how they're changing, and we have a community going," he said.

Gauld explained further that students are sometimes slapped, publicly paddled, forced to attend regular self-criticism seminars, and in one case, the faculty dunked a girl student in the Duck Pond. If a student really performs poorly, he or she is compelled to live alone and is kicked out of class.

Worse for some students is the prohibition against smoking, drinking and drugs. Tattle-telling is encouraged, and offenders of the rules (drawn up by students and teachers) may have their hair cut Marine recruit style or may be put on a work detail.

Even if a student is making great strides in character building but is overweight, getting through at Hyde can be a battle. Husky or fat students eat at a special diet table, and if they fall to lose the prescribed amount of weight for that week, they flunk their schoolwork for that period.

While these may seem extreme measures to some people, Gauld is self-assured they are necessary.

"The number one test is will a particular rule wash with the kid," he said in an interview at Hyde.

"Some kids would really be insulted if you hit them. But to others, it might be proof you will go to any length to honor your commitment to them.

"I first slapped a student five years ago after arriving at my own point of confidence to do it," Gauld said.

Jenny Rose, a 15-year-old from Lexington, Mass., who will be a sophomore this fall, said she and a teacher had "a little physical combat" when she went to Hyde for an interview prior to enrollment.

"It shocked me, but it wasn't frightening," Jenny said. "It was what I needed.

"All my other teachers had let me get away with things, but not at Hyde. They really showed that they cared by not being afraid to let us hate them until we could take responsibility for ourselves and our friends," she said.

Jenny is satisfied that the Hyde method works for her. She counts herself among the growing number of Hyde students who feel they were plucked just in the nick of time from an outdated educational system that "turns out robots and leads to private and public Watergates. "

Outwardly, there's no hint that a rebellion against the traditional approach to education is going on.

In fact, Hyde looks like any other prep school with money.
An ivy-covered iron fence defines the main part of the wooded 150-acre campus in a residential section of Bath, Maine's most important shipbuilding city since Colonial days.

A gently cursing drive sweeps up to an imposing mansion used for administrative quarters, faculty offices, the cafeteria and library. The 63-room brick house was built in 1913 by John S. Hyde, owner of Hyde Windlass. His lavishness shows in what is now Gauld's office (once Hyde's billiard room) which is decorated with dark oak paneling from an Italian castle, and on every wall are silver lamp sconces.

It all looks very boarding-schoolish. The school motto is appropriately painted on the fireplace and on Gauld's oversized [illegible] is a somber caution from Chairman Mag: "Talks, speeches, articles and resolutions should all be concise and to the point, meetings also should not go on too long."

About the only hint that life is different at Hyde is a toy monkey in a red coat and short blue pants dangling from the chandelier in Gauld's parlor. Hanging around its neck is a sign that says. "Hang in there baby."

The monkey's message is directed at the students, whom Gauld hopes will find strength and humor in it.

To understand the Hyde approach to education, you first have to know Joe Gauld, who believes that 1) he can change the entire concept of education, and 2) he knows kids as well as anyone else in the world and the best ways of extracting character development.

Gauld rose from behind his desk and almost tripped over his three-foot high world globe in his rush to greet me. He wasn't what I had expected.

The 47-year-old educator had just returned from a boating expedition with some of his teachers. He was tanned, tall and lean, with a thick black mustache, sideburns, a full smile, sparkling white teeth and casually dressed in a grey terrycloth shirt and blue trousers. He looked more like an Esquire model than a headmaster.

"Some people think I'm a nut," he said disarmingly.

Without clarifying that point, Gauld then leaned back in his straight-backed chair and rushed into his philosophy about education and character development:
"What American education needs is accountability.
"Our system of education is obsolete and blocks a kid's true growth. The first thing we need to do is change the premise that academics is the key to excellence.
"We've got to stop coddling, indulging, spoiling, protecting and sheltering our kids. We need to find a sense of toughness again.
"Conflict is necessary to real growth.
"Each kid at Hyde gets something tough to do."

Gauld appeared relaxed but intense as he went on. Even when he eased up during our two-hour interview, there seemed to be a million explosions going on inside his head.

He was convincing, charming, commanding, flamboyant, a super analyzer. But at times he got caught up in his own rhetoric.

He kept using the word "tough" to describe what Hyde students should be. But Gauld also pursues that same quality and expects his teachers to do so.

He mentioned a personal confrontation with toughness which he described in his first weekly column for the Maine Sunday Telegram in April, 1973.

Gauld has a fear of height. But to make a point about courage and toughness with his son, Malcolm, he went to Hurricane Island, home of the Eastern Outward Bound program, to climb an 80-foot cliff. (Hyde and Outward Bound have collaborated on endurance testing trials.) Gauld says he climbed the cliff despite his fear of height.

After all, Gauld says he doesn't expect more from his students or his staff than he is willing to do himself.

"One reason I can understand kids so well is that I've been there before. I was the born-loser type too, interested in partying and having a good time more than in developing my character," he said.

Gauld sees himself as a child in many of the students who enroll at Hyde.

"I was well-to-do, came from a middle-class family with strong New England ties. My relatives owned the S.D. Warren paper company in Westbrook. My mother was an alcoholic and my stepfather... a stern authoritarian.

"I grew up in Washington where my stepfather was President Roosevelt's Commissioner of Highways and Conservation for the Work Projects Administration (WPA) before World War II.

"I was really a bad student when I was a child... always looking out the window, unproductive, lazy. I felt I was a born loser and didn't believe I would ever go any place."

Luckily for Gauld, his brother pressured him into studying in order to graduate from Wellesley High School, where the family had moved after the war.

Because of family connections, Gauld got a trial run at Bowdoin College in the summer of 1945. He was graduated from that institution three years later with a degree in economics. Gauld, who always wanted to teach, went on to get a master's degree in math from Boston University, assuming all the while that his character was developing nicely.

Gauld's first teaching Job was at New Hampton in central New Hampshire. He and his wife lived in two rooms, assembled orange crates for furniture and made $1,800 a year.

Gauld taught math and coached basketball, baseball and football at New Hampton. He stayed on for 13 years, becoming head of the math department, director of athletics, director of administration and assistant headmaster.

"I still trusted the system and that it worked. I trusted what was good for me and my development was good for my students. "But it really began to hit me after a while that then was no correlation of success with the educational system and my kids [illegible] really didn't matter who took Calculus One and who didn't, so far as their ability to handle life."

Fed up with education based on good marks, Gauld left New Hampton and tried unsuccessfully to start an independent school in Washington, D.C. He couldn't find financial backers; so, he took an offer to become headmaster at Berwick Academy in South Berwick, Maine.

"I concluded that the only way to affect change was to get at the top of the educational structure," he added.

Gauld's two-year stint at Berwick was tempestuous.

"I was a turkey out to beat the world," Gauld went on. He refused to listen to the wishes of the academy's board of trustees, which angered them to the point they gave him a no-confidence vote after his first year. But the board didn't go so far as to fire him.

"It didn't even occur to them they should fire anyone who, in their eyes, was successful. I had brought in more money and more students, so they kept me," Gauld said. "But I leveled with them and told them Berwick wouldn't be run around the trustees' table, that students and faculty must be given a real voice. Eventually when they saw they couldn't get to me, they fired me, and I resigned. I was much more informal than they wanted."

At loose ends again, Gauld was ready to gamble all he had on a type of school whose chief goal would be to help kids develop their character.

Aided by Sumner Hawley, his right-hand assistant since New Hampton school days (and husband of Gannet Publishing Co. president Jean Gannett Hawley in whose Sunday Telegram Gauld's column appears) he found his green spot in Bath.

After considerable negotiations with financial backers and digging into the Warren family inheritance, Gauld bought for $160,000 the Hyde mansion which was being used as headquarters for the Pine Tree Society for Crippled Children and Adults.

"It was like a bloody revolution the first year," he said. "People thought we had a lot of crazy ideas, and sometimes when the kids would see what the school was doing, they would just turn around and leave.

"At that time, I honestly didn't know if my style of character development would work. My gut feeling was that if it could work, someone would have done it.

"I had seen character developed. I had done it," Gauld said. "I knew it made 'the' difference. I had gone through part of my life without character. Now I had it; I saw the difference it made; and I wanted to show these kids how it pays off."

Continued on reply...

Hyde tries to improve its credibility by attempting to pass off founder Joe Gauld's son in law, Don Macmillan, as a "clinician" in a promotional brochure:

In the following excerpt entitled "A View of Hyde School? From a Clinician?s Point of View" Don Macmillan writes about the primary ways in which Hyde differs from typical therapeutic boarding schools in how it handles students with cognitive, behavioral, and psychological diagnoses, such as ADD, ADHD, substance abuse, depression, anorexia, oppositional defiance disorder (ODD), etc.:

"[Therapeutic boarding schools] tend to embody a problem-solving paradigm in which diagnosed deficits are remedied. Rather than remedy deficits, Hyde seeks to build upon strengths. Hyde offers a holistic approach to personal and family growth that has often proved to coincidentally help many teenagers with issues pertaining to a given diagnosis."

So, rather than REMEDY any issues, Hyde essentially pretends that children's individual challenges and diagnoses don't exist, and so they blame, shame, ostracize, isolate, and punish children who fail to miraculously overcome them. Hyde mandates that students participate in counseling-style groups called "discovery groups" where student and multi-family therapy-type sessions are facilitated by faculty members with almost no or absolutely no training in therapy, mental health care, psychology, or social work, and all participants are pressured to divulge their darkest demons.

When Don writes about a "holistic" approach, we surmise that he is referring to Hyde's cult-like system of mandatory conformity and punishments, a distorted reality in which students and staff are required to master and use a rather simplistic, jingoistic, doctrinaire, and patronizing package of cliches and Hyde-isms to explain everything that occurs at the school. We assume that he is referring to Hyde's manufactured structure where misery or conformity are the only two options, where no licensed therapists, psychologists, or family counselors have ever been employed to help children (and also their families) through the above challenges. Over the last 15 years or so, Hyde has occasionally had one single social worker on staff.

In essence: Hyde chooses to ignore all evidence-based methods and professionals in relevant fields in favor of simply making everything they do up.

"Hyde offers a holistic approach to personal and family growth that has often proved to coincidentally help many teenagers with issues pertaining to a given diagnosis."
                                                                 -*clinician* Don Macmillan

Yes, the husband of Joe Gauld's daughter, Don Macmillan did obtain a master's degree in counseling from Antioch University with a concentration in drug and alcohol counseling. However, there is no evidence that we can find in any state he would have worked in - Connecticut, Maine, or his current state of Minnesota, that he ever obtained a LICENSE to practice any kind of mental health care.

To obtain a LICENSE to practice mental health care, one must generally complete thousands of hours of counseling patients under the supervision of licensed therapists; a process that takes several years. Once licensed, a health care practitioner is overseen by a board of professionals to ensure they are following scientific and ethical standards, and clients/patients may file formal complaints. Having a LICENSE means that a clinician is held ACCOUNTABLE by a group of professionals for their actions.  It's been observed, of course, that the family who runs Hyde has never been keen on having any outside accountability for themselves, even though their marketing materials and scripted pitches may suggest differently.

A clinician is a professional health care provider who works directly with patients in their field of expertise. Can anyone explain how Hyde gets away with representing the son in law of the school's founder, who possesses very little proper training and no licensure, who as far as we know has never worked with children in any sort of medical setting, and who is accountable to no licensing board, as a "clinician"?

Original fb post:

From one Hyde survivor, in response: And listen, as someone who went to school for counseling, got my masters, went through the whole supervision process, and got licensed, I can confidently say that graduate programs usually prepare counseling trainees pretty well for careers as therapists. I had a pretty good grasp on my job during my period of supervision, pre-license. But it doesn't mean I was able to just ignore ethics and practice on my own. On top of that, Don is one of those people with a counseling degree who is DEFINITELY not ready for independent practice upon graduation. I truly don't understand how anyone could finish 6+ years of school, plus internship, and still think that Hyde practices were in any way therapeutic or beneficial to children. It just blows my mind.

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