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Topics - Che Gookin

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Looks like they are going to do the nasty to a WWASP program.

Might want to get in on it. I'm rooting for them for sure.


Hope they get some good footage.

The Troubled Teen Industry / Reminder regarding protest
« on: December 13, 2007, 06:33:25 PM »
A brief reminder... a protest alone is a shout in the wilderness...

A protest with a video camera is a potential hurricane of program destruction...

A SLEW of protests all across the United States with video cameras is a revolution in the making.

HIT them as often as you can.. as loudly as you can.. and long as you can...

And then.. make sure you get the footage up on youtube, liveleak, and other public sites.


FACE the SIGNS in...

The Troubled Teen Industry / US Attorney looking for WWASP info
« on: December 12, 2007, 06:22:28 PM »
Folks, the US Attorney's office is interested in talking to parents who have
made use of WWASP programs. The focus is on the truthfulness of WWASP
advertising, whether parents got what they contracted for, that sort of
thing. The lady gathering the information is based in Philadelphia, so she
wants to hear first from parents in that area or able to travel there.
Anyone with anything they wish to tell her can contact:

Trisha Doyle
Health Care Consultant
U.S. Attorney's Office
615 Chestnut Street, Suite 1250
Philadelphia, PA 19106
Telephone: 215-861-8305
Email -

Good luck.

Jeff Berryman
When I mount my horse, all the windmills in Spain TREMBLE!

Jeff Berryman, aka Sue Scheff's bitchboy, has been making the rounds of CAFETY, Antiwwasp, and I think some other sites posting roughly the same message.

From the appearance of things this message does seem to be genuine. It does appear that in fact the US Attorney is actually investigating WWASP programmes.

This is great. I hope they slap them with federal charges and a nice stay in Leavenworth Kansas.



I want all of you Sue Scheff 'fans' to burn through your list of contacts. Get every single person you know who Sue referred to a wwasp program to make a report also. Particularly if you can find a person who was referred by Sue after it became apparent to the woman that the place was a cesspit. The more or less exact dates come from us via the WWASP Vs. Pure transcript and I'll leave this for the local Sue/Skank experts to post up.

This is what my limited knowledge of federal law indicates to me:

The first civil rights act was not passed due to violations of civil rights in individial states. The first civil rights act was passed because civil rights were of African Americans were being violated while they were travelling from state to state. These violations of civil rights impeded their rights to the free travel and commerce in the United States etc..

I believe is possible to NAIL sue's ass to the cross on federal charges of fraud and possibly being an accomplice to civil rights violations based on the movement of program kids from state to state.

Now I could be wrong.. but you never know..

So you Sue/skank fans.. work those phone lists and get everyone you know who wants to watch sue hung on her own petard and has a legit beef on the phone ASAP.

Of course.. I also strongly encourage anyone with a legit statement regarding wwasp and their many abuses to contact the US Attorney as well.

The Troubled Teen Industry / Jeffy Berryman is still slinking around?
« on: December 10, 2007, 07:20:17 AM »

Isn't this the dude who was pulling the train for Sue Scheff?

The Troubled Teen Industry / Flyers, handouts, booklets etc...
« on: December 07, 2007, 06:20:29 PM »
I'm looking for flyers, handouts, booklets off various sorts to be hosted on the YLF website so that others can use them as they see fit. If you have a flyer you'd like to see spread around at a protest or in public please send it to me.

There are certain obvious limits as to what I'm willing to post on the YLF website due to not wanting to have to relocate my hosting. All informative, well written, and properly formatted submissions will be given proper consideration.

They can be program specific flyers...

They can be flyers targetting parents..

They can be general information flyers that provide links to websites..

etc etc..

Just try to remember that if you don't catch the average person's attention in the first few sentences more than likely the flyer is going to end up in the trash. Keep them brief and specific for your intended audience. If you intend them for program kids you might want to avoid suggesting the are all drug addicts and deserving of their incarceration. If they are parents you may want to avoid attempting to shame them into submission.

The general public, I'm convinced anyway, just wants loads of blood and gore.

I know coverguard posted a letter sometime ago that was an insanely genius device for reaching kids in schools. Can't remember where it is or what became of it.

Private message them to me or at

Thank you.

Web forum hosting / Silk Screening T-shirts
« on: December 04, 2007, 08:37:05 PM »
Anyone know how to do this and can you be persuaded to help me out with a little project?

Teen Challenge / Illinois Teen Challenge Protest
« on: December 04, 2007, 05:49:04 AM »
give me a holler if yall wanna protest an Illinois Teen Challenge.

The Troubled Teen Industry / YLF 2008 raid schedule.. come one come all!
« on: December 03, 2007, 12:30:55 AM »
With the conclusion of the benchmark campaign I'd like to begin organizing an entire month of raids all across the USA.

I'd like to try and see the following:

1 raid or more every month for the whole year of 2008.

Footage from the raid posted on youtube.

Photos posted on various public internet sites.

I'm aiming for this campaign to kick off in January. To prepare for it I'm going to organize a selection of raid patches and t shirts. The t shirts will be avaliable on Cafe Press and I'm not looking to make any sort of profit off of them. The patches will be made here in Korea and will be custom designed for each individual raid.

An example of a raid patch is:

I will also be making up some YLF regional patches for those who wish to wear them as well. This of course is optional as the entire effort demands that the focus be on the raiding of programs rather than the wearing of proper attire.

The patches will be free of charge and made avaliable as a token of my appreciation for your hard work. Also they look pretty damn cool and might just inspire a few questions giving you the wearer a chance to educated some of the bovine like masses on this issue.

The Troubled Teen Industry / A Voice from Elan
« on: December 01, 2007, 07:33:41 PM »
You, me, and anyone else the YLF can round up needs to send a "message" to Elan posthaste.

Facility Question and Answers / Roloffs
« on: November 26, 2007, 06:11:12 PM »
Yo Homies.. Give me the 411 about this duckfarm!

1) Is this a single facility or multiple facilities under the same name?

2) Who owns it?

3) When did it open?

4) Where is it located?

5) When did you attend?

A blow for freedom was struck last night. A brave pair, well Psy was brave and I was secretly praying my butt wasn't going to be slung into jail, was confronted by NO LESS than 4 police cars and one police helicopter. The resulting confrontation revealed:

1) Benchmark claims threats were made against them electronically. I can only presume this means via fornits.

2) Should Psy or myself step onto benchmark property we will be arrested for trespassing.

3) Should Benchmark piss their panties more than they have already they will get restraining orders against us.

I can't fully divulge the information we've gathered so far as it is being processed and examined with a critical eye for usability, but I can say the entire two days have been filled with fun and merriment.

OUR first day involved 1 college girl and a gang fight at Del Tacos here in Redlands.

While we were pulling through the drive thru to gorge upon a fare probably not fit for livestock a young girl asked us if we could buy her food for her and she would give us the money. Apparently a drive thru can't handle someone walking up on foot for reason of national security. We pulled up to the window and the worker said the girl and her two friends couldn't be walking and had to be in the car. We invited the girl into the car, and by that time she had revealed her entire life story and I was pondering stapling her mouth shut.

Once in back the two other fellows wandered off only to run into a couple of their rival gang members. Much to my delight, as I'm a goon who appreciates a good rumpus, a damn good fight broke out. The girl immediately starts howling like a banshee, making me wish I had not forgotten my staple gun at home, and Psy being a gentleman was trying to reassure her that the friend getting kicked in the head wouldn't be brain damaged for life.

Suffices to say the gang rumpus ran its course and the Redlands 5-0 came roaring up. I believe they dispatched two whole police cars and a fire truck for a gang brawl. Amusingly this is the same area that had a similiar incident involving guns the week before according the howling and wailing young waif in the back of the car.

We departed the scene and relieved ourselves of the sobbing young lady into the tender mercies of her pim... boyfriend and took off.

The next day the fun really began...

We tailed a couple benchmark vans... we talked to a few locals.. we staked out the facility...

That night we finally located the majority of the students at the Benchmark brain rape center.

Following a van back we managed to get noticed.. and of course the driver of the van began driving around the block to figure out if we were folliwng her..

Psy stayed on her tail and we pulled up along side and got a good video shot of her with hand held.

Once we parked not far away from the facility we were paid our visit by the Redlands 5-0.. this is the 4 police cars and one police helicopter..

For A VIDEO CAMERA... is it ironic that a possible violent encounter with gang members is given less attention than our use of a video camera?

Beats me..

The police, one of the officers was quite nice and a very helpful in educating us in the possible local filming laws, let us go on our way. Another of the cops was quite irate with us and accused his partner of being all buddy buddy with us..

Another conclusion can be drawn with the proper information, but I'll leave psy to provide that in his own good time.

Today we dropped by the facility and picketed it.

Yep.. two dudes with a camera or two and some signs... we got alot of stares, and a few insults..

But in the end the results were worth it.. Those on the inside.. KNOW we on the outside are there for them..


THE Signs were facing in to the students.. NOT out to the locals for a quick sound byte on the local news.....

We will picket them again tommorrow prior to our departure Saturday afternoon.. MORE to follow and I'll leave it to Psy's scrawny carcass to fill in the details...

go picket a facility now.. face the signs in for the students... DO ETTTTTT!!!!!

The Troubled Teen Industry / Power of Positive Thinking... A YLF Statement
« on: November 19, 2007, 04:40:48 AM »
Please do not mistake me for a tree hugger or a granola chomper. I'm a fairly conservative male in the sense that I believe the government ought to be kept in its place and the people ought to take more control over their lives. However, I do firmly believe that we as a society have a tendency to focus on the negative with our own children and children we encounter in our everyday lives.

I propose a revolutionary change in our thinking, an idea so revolutionary that it has probably been thought up before, but I'm going to take all the credit for it anyway.

I want you soft, pale, flabby arsed(Anne Bonney Excluded obviously) citizens to make an honest effort to acknowledge the children in your life in a positive way.

Yes people I want you to compliment the little rotters.

Don't do it for just the sake of complimenting them, but do it so the event has meaning. I suggest this methodology as a ways and means of practicing what is preached. Rather than tough love I want you, and myself, to go forth and spread the message of praise for a job well done.

Don't limit yourself to just praising for work. Embrace the idea and expand it to include a variety of activities. Perhaps, as an example, you can praise a young man on the street for his awesome display of skateboarding. You can even praise a young lady for her barrel racing abilities or whatever it is young women find entertaining these days other than snorting cocaine and country line dancing.

Make the praise genuine and the dividens will pay off ten fold in the younger population.

But for god's sake get over this idiotic idea that everyone is a winner just for showing up. I don't think our dysfunctional educational system needs anymore encouragement on how to screw up children. Praise children in accordance to their individual merits and accomplishments.

Web forum hosting / Confession of my guilt
« on: November 18, 2007, 05:01:07 PM »
I pissed in the downstairs toilet last night and didn't life the seat.

... sorry.

The Troubled Teen Industry / Using Art to Reach The Masses
« on: November 16, 2007, 06:47:23 PM »
I'm curious about the interest in using Art to reach the wretched masses of mainstream society. Typically they flounce along in their average everyday mundane existences clueless to the culture war being fought all around him.

On one side you have the money hungry class of soulless child abusers and on the other you the disorganized mob of dissidents who struggle on in the name of freedom with drawn "knifes" to take it to the programmes to liberate their imprisoned bretheren.

We saw the results of the film Over the GW and I believe the film did reach some people. We saw the results of the TB documentry and we know that reached people.

So obviously films seem to be a good way of reaching people.

How about pod casts? Would anyone be interested in developing a site that hosts pod casts of those willing to speak who say their bit about their own personal run in with hell?

It seems to me that to read it is one thing.. to watch someone speak about it tends to be another..

Another thought is I know there are several aspiring poets on the forums. Would any of you be interested in putting together a collection of your work?

Not sure it would sell much but who cares? How many of your mates can claim, "Hey mofo I got my poems published!" At the very least someone may well be inspired to use that under utilized gray matter between their ears and make the obvious neuron connections and come to the result that something just isn't quite right with these programs.

The same idea can be used for paintings and drawings as well.

I know Kathy at FICA has something going about this and I know I have some web hosting of my own that I'd be glad to use for this sort of project. I know I talked to another person earlier who said she would be interested in helping. (Must have been my stunning charm and all)

any ideas, suggestions, flaming bags of dog shit?

The Troubled Teen Industry / Youth Liberation Foundation Statement
« on: November 14, 2007, 02:53:22 AM »
Youth Liberation Foundation Statement

Compromising Child Safety

In 1938 Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain stepped stood in front of 10 Downing Street and stated, “I believe it is peace in our time.*" These words, in regards to the agreement forged between Chamberlain and Adolph Hitler, were soon to be proven tragically false. In a short time the majority of the world would be engulfed in a war that would claim millions of lives. The words and actions of Chamberlain provide their own little window of understanding into the dangers of promoting compromise with less than honorable persons and institutions.

Currently we are in the midst of a ground breaking expose of the Troubled/Tortured Teen Industry. The investigation to unearth the industry, as it is sometimes colloquially called, has been conducted by the Government Accountability Office. The GAO was prompted by Congressman George Miller into conducting the investigation. Congressman Miller states, “Across the country and abroad, treatment facilities that in many cases appear to be unregulated, unlicensed, and unaccredited are enrolling thousands of American children. In countless cases, children have reported acts of physical and emotional abuse by staff members at these facilities.*2â€

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