Folks, the US Attorney's office is interested in talking to parents who have
made use of WWASP programs. The focus is on the truthfulness of WWASP
advertising, whether parents got what they contracted for, that sort of
thing. The lady gathering the information is based in Philadelphia, so she
wants to hear first from parents in that area or able to travel there.
Anyone with anything they wish to tell her can contact:
Trisha Doyle
Health Care Consultant
U.S. Attorney's Office
615 Chestnut Street, Suite 1250
Philadelphia, PA 19106
Telephone: 215-861-8305
Email -
Good luck.
Jeff Berryman
When I mount my horse, all the windmills in Spain TREMBLE!
Jeff Berryman, aka Sue Scheff's bitchboy, has been making the rounds of CAFETY, Antiwwasp, and I think some other sites posting roughly the same message.
From the appearance of things this message does seem to be genuine. It does appear that in fact the US Attorney is actually investigating WWASP programmes.
This is great. I hope they slap them with federal charges and a nice stay in Leavenworth Kansas.
I want all of you Sue Scheff 'fans' to burn through your list of contacts. Get every single person you know who Sue referred to a wwasp program to make a report also. Particularly if you can find a person who was referred by Sue after it became apparent to the woman that the place was a cesspit. The more or less exact dates come from us via the WWASP Vs. Pure transcript and I'll leave this for the local Sue/Skank experts to post up.
This is what my limited knowledge of federal law indicates to me:
The first civil rights act was not passed due to violations of civil rights in individial states. The first civil rights act was passed because civil rights were of African Americans were being violated while they were travelling from state to state. These violations of civil rights impeded their rights to the free travel and commerce in the United States etc..
I believe is possible to NAIL sue's ass to the cross on federal charges of fraud and possibly being an accomplice to civil rights violations based on the movement of program kids from state to state.
Now I could be wrong.. but you never know..
So you Sue/skank fans.. work those phone lists and get everyone you know who wants to watch sue hung on her own petard and has a legit beef on the phone ASAP.
Of course.. I also strongly encourage anyone with a legit statement regarding wwasp and their many abuses to contact the US Attorney as well.