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CEDU / Brown Schools and derivatives / clones / Cascade School
« on: July 08, 2006, 10:29:00 PM »
Ya- I was there kicked out also.  Bill was my counsler for a while.  what is your name??

New Info / Pathfinders, and the *sshole Mike Parr
« on: June 21, 2006, 09:29:00 PM »
I went to to Pathfinders around 93....fucked up shit man.  Crazy perversions going on out there.  The word when I was there was that you had to lie about being molested to get out.  I did, so did many I know.  There real creepy sexual undertones going on out there... out of all my time in the system...that was the worst place I went

Cascade was a molestation of the mind and soul.  It was a rape of life which can NEVER be captured in a documentary.  No one can feel what it was to be on banze with an entire population of peers when you are 15 years old.  If anything the experience made me tougher than nales...I would beat the liveing hell out of you yuppies tring to make a film about our dare you.  You wish you knew such fear.  Go to hell.

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