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Messages - alia23

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CEDU / Brown Schools and derivatives / clones / Re: CEDu Watch
« on: January 28, 2008, 11:56:23 PM »

i don't know you or your 16 year old son, but if there is anything that this long long journey has taught me, its that you should never EVER believe that anyone can help your child more than you can yourself.

educate yourself, see a therapist yourself, explore yourself and above all, trust your child even if you don't think they are trustworthy.

there is nothing that fosters bad behavior more than an atmosphere of mistrust.

there is nothing that fosters good behavior more than an atmosphere of trust. 

don't believe anyone who tells you that you aren't the best thing for your child.  maybe you have made mistakes, everyone does.  maybe there are areas you need to improve, so be the example and improve.

the biggest thing in my life has been to see my mom grow.  more than anything she ever told me, seeing her recognize her own weaknesses, and grow, admit her own imperfections, and continue to have self respect taught me that i was capable of doing the same.

you know, this world is very very very very messed up.  your child is probably confused by many of the lies and double standards and dysfunction in the world that you have already found ways to cope with. 

respect your child.  respect their need for independance and try and foster it.  respect their differences.  respect their god given right to make mistakes and fail and thus learn and grow.  trust in their ability to learn and grow.

and for god's sake, dont beleive the hype!  if your son is smoking pot or dropping acid or even doing speed, don't freak out and assume he is bound to be an addict for the rest of his life!!!  in fact, if anything was to ensure that possibility it would be if you cut him off and abandoned him now in this his hour of need.

and i promise you, anywhere you send him now will only seem that way to him.

my advice?  talk to him.  tell him your honest concerns.  make yourself vulnerable to him.  treat him with as a peer, with respect, honor his opinions and consider them, allow him to speak his mind, resist the temptation to talk him out of his mistaken perspectives and have faith in his ability to see the truth for himself.

and if you are truly worried about him developping a drug problem or something, talk to him openly about your fears, and then let it go.  give him time to process and consider what you have said, and don't react to what may seem to you to be him blowing off what you have said.  it takes time, and it takes trust.

our society has a very poor track record when it comes to helping teens, as evidenced by all these myriad programs that have been developped to sometimes help and sometimes pray on frustrated parents like you.

but i am telling you right now, no one can help your child better than you, no one, no organization, no idea, no religion, no set of activities, nothing.  teens need to be allowed to make their own mistakes, and know that their parents will be there to love them no matter what. 

and again, look to yourself.  be the change you want to see in him. 

CEDU / Brown Schools and derivatives / clones / Re: Smushing?
« on: January 23, 2008, 04:59:28 PM »
i have been being told for years that i dont have boundaries and could never figure it out.  i think this is probably why.

i can't verbalize it really....  but i feel like an internal alarm goes off if i try to express a boundary, an alarm that screams "YOU DONT HAVE THE RIGHT TO REJECT ANYONE!!!!!!!!  IF YOU REJECT, YOU WILL BE REJECTED!!!!!!!!  YOU MUST ACCEPT ANYTHING THAT CROSSES YOUR PATH AS YOUR DUTY IN LIFE TO ACCEPT, OTHERWISE YOU WILL SPEND YOUR WHOLE LIFE ALONE!!!!!!!!!!!"

something like that.....

you see why i only use small case now....  cause i hate caps, they mean yelling to me, so i dont use them. 

there is some good to being unjudgemental, but as you can see this is a real exhaggeration.  but you are lucky that i am going thru this stuff now, cause i would not have been able to verbalize these things a year ago, and a year from now, i probably won't want to.

best to you, i am glad you are doing what you are doing.

CEDU / Brown Schools and derivatives / clones / Re: Did you break?
« on: January 23, 2008, 04:26:45 PM »
we had a song:

look at him he's a look good look good,  lookin' good.

look at her she's a look good look good, lookin' good.

everyone was a look good.  there was no truth to the program so all you could do is more and more determinedly accept the obviously plot hole ridden story.  but thats a lot like faith in jesus man, not a lot of difference there, faith is faith....

i dont know what i was.  there were times i thought if i was all cedu wanted me to be then my parents would love me again.  there were a lot of times i beleived what they told me i was, a whore, just in case they were right....i tend to play it safe, so, i figured i should make sure i am not a slut.  then, woops, i guess i am so terrified of intimacy i will just be celibate, otherwise i just can't seem to stop attacking the guys i am seeing for turning me on!  dont they know i am a whore and if i get turned on i will loose control!!?? don't they know what they are getting themselves into by being with me????

so i just stayed alone, for a long long time...

did they break me?  you betcha.  and i never thought what they were doing was right, and i never agreed with them, but i completely gave in.  i accepted that even though i did not see it that way, that was how society saw it, and for the sake of society i submitted.  brilliant.  exponentially brilliant.

see, here's the flaw....  if i were a sociopath, they would never have reformed my behavior that way because i wouldnt have given a damn about society, and the fact that i did, proves that i didn't need to be tortured into caring about society in the first place.  its a loose loose.  so stupid. 

its our world now, lets take it.

update!  she wrote me back, and then i wrote her back:



Is there anything specific that you would like me to know about Martin Wiens?


Christopher Dock Mennonite High School is a faith based Christian high school with theological roots in the Anabaptist tradition of pacifism and non-resistance to violence.  We work towards peace and justice locally and globally.


Martin Wiens has done a stellar job of relating compassionately to students here.  Reference checks were very affirmative of his positive professionalism.  However – a student view from that time was certainly not sought!


Mr. Wiens and I have talked about the CEDU schools 24/7 format.  I would not know of the deep pain that you indicate.


May the God of grace and healing give you hope for today.

Thank you for your prompt response.  I have just recently begun my journey of healing after that terrible experience when I was a 14 year old girl.  I have written briefly to Martin Wiens, and to Bill Valentine.  I have not attempted to contact any other staff at this time.

I personally do not recall any specific instances where I saw Martin do anything abusive outside of the accepted abusive techniques of the program itself.  I also do not know if Martin has 'seen the light' or 'repented' from his ignorant and cruel treatment of children, or even if he has realized that the treatment itself was cruel.

The tragic part about these programs (in my recent research I have found that many similar programs exist, though many of the original ones have been closed down or altered) is that they hire uneducated people who earnestly want to help children and then inject them into the same toxic, abusive process as the children, a process that when described to a liscenced therapist or PHD is easily identified as either brainwashing, torture, or both.

The philosophy the program Martin worked at was based on shame and humiliation, where young children where identified with their 'bad' behavior (such as taking drugs or having sex as minors) and then made to see themselves as the worst possible result of that behavior, i.e. a whore or a junikie or a slut or a liar or any other littany of cruel and hurtful identifications.  These children were trained to go through their memory and find anything they could attach shame to in regards to these bad behaviors and meditate on how shameful they were by nature while screaming at the floor and crying, as well as screaming at other students about how alike and disformed emotionally they are.

These techniques were entirely experimental.  These were also only the base of the program, I have not begun to discuss with you the nature of the all night 'emotional growth experiences' or 'propheets' which were much more clearly brainwashing techniques.  We were forced to stay up all night while doing not so subtle activities which were supposed to shape how we saw the world.  These included such techniques as envisioning our parents and our own faces on pillows while pounding them, or writing our own epitaphs, lying down in a dark room with nothing but candles and being read them outloud.

The greatest and most harmful betrayal about all of the aspects of the program is that they were then kept 100% secret from all the parents; not only the parents but from anyone who was not in the program.  I have lived all this time since I 'graduated' thinking that my parents intended for me to suffer like that in this program, only to find out this year that they in fact had no idea what went on there, and were told an entirely different story about the nature of the program.

The damage to my relationship to my family is now irreparable as my father now has a brain tumor and less than a year to live, along with an almost complete loss of coherency.  I have suffered immense damage from the program I attended, and now see a therapist twice a week to try and unravel my issues with rage and intimacy, having believed since my attendance there that I had no worth, and that unless I berated myself constantly and abandoned all of my own interests that I would endanger the ones I loved.  Many more people out there feel that the program saved their lives, and that without it they would truly be the emotionally dysfunctional monsters these programs systematically convinced us that we were.

I pray every day that they awaken and see who the true betrayers are, not themselves or their parents as we were all taught, but the people who designed and carried out this caustic program.  I continue to be deeply disappointed that while, for example, Bill Valentine claims to have seen the error of his ways and identifies the techniques he himself used as abusive and cruel, no one has stepped up in any kind of public forum to expose the techniques, tried to bring families back together, or tried to protect other teens from being subjected to this kind of abuse.

So maybe Martin has not told you all there was to tell you about his CEDU employment.  Perhaps he still feels that any girl who had sex at 14 is a whore and should be told so regularly and reflect on it with intense emotion for sustained periods of time.  Or perhaps he still likes to "smoosh" (a common practice at CEDU, forced physical contact and cuddling etc.) with various underage boys between his legs while he fondles their chests.  This I witnessed very often specifically with Mr. Wiens.

I am an angry 30 year old woman and these things all happened a long time ago, but they did happen.  Thank you for writing me back, this encourages me that at least there is a chance that you are not mimicking the techniques that took place at CEDU.  I am available to you for any further questions you may have, and can provide you with websites where other survivors of CEDU specifically and other similar programs have started post boards so they can talk about their horrific and often isolating experiences.

Thank you,
Alia Weiner

CEDU / Brown Schools and derivatives / clones / Re: Smushing?
« on: January 23, 2008, 04:28:08 AM »

i always loved smooshing

maybe thats why i have had serious boundary issues with people.  this may have been one of the places cedu strengthened a weakness of mine.


smooshing was a bad thing.

ooo i just can't seem to help myself!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I see that, according to your website, you employ Martin Wiens. He was also employed by CEDU school, where I attended for almost two and a half years.  I am currently undergoing extensive therapy to try and reclaim my mind after the torture that endured at this program, a program that while being endorsed by the Reagan administration, had no qualified staff, no staff that were educated with even a BA in psychology, let alone PHDs, and the methods used there were developed as part of a rogue religious organization and next as an experimental heroine rehabilitation.

Countless teens were subjected to the also experimental techniques of CEDU and no one has been held accountable for the abuse that took place there even though many of the top staff, such as Rudy Bentz, were accused of rape and battery.  Recently Russ Decker, another former CEDU staff at the same time as Martin Wiens and Rudy Bentz, was arrested for putting his 14 year old step son in the hospital when Russ attacked the boy on Christmas morning with a baseball bat when he could not find his gun.

I don't know if Martin Wiens has disclosed the nature of the 'treatment' that took place at CEDU, or even if your organization uses similar techniques.  I am very interested to know the answer to both those questions.

Thank you,
Alia Weiner
Los Angeles, CA

sent to Martin's current employer, on the other side of the US:

[email protected]



he is the one i suspected was sleeping with the guys in my peer group.  but it could have all been in my head.

i got 97%  but that wasn't thanks to cedu, god knows....

You paid attention during 97% of high school!

85-100%  You must be an autodidact, because American high schools don't get scores that high!  Good show, old chap!

Create a Quiz

CEDU / Brown Schools and derivatives / clones / Re: hepburn
« on: January 21, 2008, 07:43:26 PM »
yay, that is so beautiful :)

auntie em, 

i am so there for you.  i have not been online cause my boyfriend and i just moved into a new home, but we are getting settled now.  just let me know what i can do and i am there.  it would be my pleasure to assist in exposing anyone who is still doing this to kids, or adults for that matter.  :)

Quote from: "Guest"
well i think it would have helped me a lot if ANYONE in my family, as soon as i got out, really sat me down and told me 'look, i am so sorry i could not get you out of there, but i know it was wrong what they did, and if you ever want to talk about what they did to you, what they made you do, you can talk to me about it."

i think that would have helped me a lot, cause i knew it was wrong, but i thought everyone in the universe agreed with them, cause thats how they made it out

I've been thinking about this Alia, like Auntie, who's niece is in a program, I have a child in a treatment center RIGHT NOW. Many months since I've  spoken to my child.

What you said above is exactly what I intended to say, however I am worried that my child will disagree, that I'M the one who will appear wrong, after so much convincing the program's ideals are the correct ones.

The graduates of the programs are PRETTY convinced the program is great, saved their life etc., seems anything contradictory is strongly opposed by the graduates.

Would I be seen as anything but the enemy?

hi :)  i dont really know your situation, but if this is your child, why dont you just take her out of the program immediately??

the people who say it is worse to leave in the middle than to see it thru are dead wrong.  no no no no no.  no need to 'stick it out' or 'see it thru'  its like any other sort of abuse, the less the better.
so why is your child still in the program?

CEDU / Brown Schools and derivatives / clones / Re: are you alive?
« on: January 10, 2008, 08:46:34 PM »
Quote from: ""The Dude""
I was a student at RMA in the mid 80's. The heyday. You know what, fuckers? I am alive. I knew about Joe and Bruce. And Twila and Randy. I knew and know it all. Why do you assholes have to get online and tell everyone else about this shit? Get a fucking life and do something with yourselves. Half of my peers are dead or dying. So go ahead and live. Or are you all too afraid?

dude, you're being very undude.

why are you so afraid that everyone will find out what you've been through?

are you afraid that they will isolate and reject you the way that your rma experience taught you people do when they are dissatisfied with eachother?

well, only really mean heartless people desert and reject eachother like that.  real friends stick around even though you are imperfect, and they don't judge you or try and make you into something you're not or project all their self hatred on to you.

i am sorry that you feel it is exposing you that we chose to share our thoughts and feelings on this board, but its a big internet, and you don't have to come here.  don't worry, no one is like sending out ad campaigns for strangers to come find out what happened to you.  we are all just trying to process our experience and feel understood as we grow.

if you decide you want to, i hope you will share your experience with us also, maybe we could learn from it.  


and Doug kim Brown runs that school?

here's the letter i just wrote them:


My name is Alia Weiner and I attended CEDU in the late 1980s, early 1990s.  I am now undergoing extensive therapy to try and uncover my repressed memories of the abuse I suffered at that institution.  It has recently come to my attention that your program has some association with the CEDU/Brown Schools.

I want to know if you emulate the CEDU program in any ways: do you use raps, propheets, full-times or tables.  Does your philosophy center around shame and humiliation as a form of behavior modification.  Please supply me with a thorough compare and contrast of your program and the CEDU program, or if you are too unfamiliar with the CEDU program, please give me a detailed description of the program you do use.

CEDU lied to my parents and my family about me and about their methods, so I do not trust the information that you have put out for parents to read on your website and will be highly suspicious of any information you send me, but be aware that I am compiling a report that I will be bringing to DC to initiate a federal law against any methods that would recreate the kind of trauma I experienced during my time at CEDU.  The more cooperative you are the easier it will be for me to distinguish between which programs are and are not abusing the people who attend them.

Thank you,
Alia Weiner

the email i sent it to was:
[email protected]

hey :)  this sounds to me, based on what i am going thru now, that you were probably wrong.  that what you sensed as denial and jealousy, was probably just people feeling hurt over what seemed to you to be very insightful observations.  but were trained to see things wrong.  your friend and you were both trained to see the same wrong thing, that makes it feel right to both of you, but it doesn't really make it true...

what i've learned is that when i think i see something in someone, and they tell me i'm wrong, i take them at face value.  it requires trust, and it requires the painful realization that my instincts can be so wrong, and the further pain of betrayal in knowing why my instincts can be so wrong (cedu), and all that can be very hard and humiliating.  it can be much easier to 'stick to my guns' and follow the arguement through, demonstrating how cleverly i worked it all out, but at the end of the day if it's wrong, its wrong, and all my explaination doesnt change anything.  

but thats only when i'm wrong.  sometimes people say, yeah, that makes sense, but when they say no that's not me, i try to be extra careful to respect that.

CEDU / Brown Schools and derivatives / clones / 2080
« on: January 03, 2008, 12:31:28 AM »
that was ocd, morbid and probably accurate.

i loved it.

thanks :D

but that doesnt include all the other 'tough love' folk on this board, does it?

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