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Messages - Deprogrammed

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This may be what I am looking at here:
http:// :flame:  :timeout:  ::puke::

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Re: I just
« on: October 24, 2010, 10:13:08 PM »

Of course there are other health issues as well.
Does anyone care to explore this health question with me?

How is everyone's health since STR8?
Mine is on the decline.

What do you think the reasons for your own health decline(if any) since the program?
Are they related?
Survivors..Let's discuss this, seriously. If programmies chime in..let's ignore them at all costs to stay on this topic, so that way we can get through speaking about this and talk about it.

Right now I am suspected of adrenal gland malfunction in some fashion. Since this controls fight or flight response in conjunction with the pituitary gland in the brain. I would like the sceience community to do a study on me and others....To see if the chicken came before the egg.

IF you feel the program has effected your health in negative ways...Let's talk about all of them and how they relate possibly to all of the traumas that we endured there.

The Troubled Teen Industry / Re: Why do Survivors need to Lie?
« on: October 14, 2010, 05:04:12 AM »
Find one post where you think I embellished and lied. Bring it on! Let's examine it.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Re: To DP from RG
« on: October 15, 2010, 07:53:02 PM »

Quote from: "survivor1978fl"
Ah poor Betty, I ran into one of those that visits your beauty salon on the same day you do , knows you well. they asked me if i knew you. Oh boy did I have an answer for them. You know what they said. "We always wondered if that stuff was true, I will make sure all the women know the truth, I never really liked her anyway." So, I took it upon myself to contact those at your beauty salon and tell them myself. Oh I told them about the kids being tortured , how you were charged with crimes against humanity, how created tax fraud, we discussed the penis pump, we discussed the insurance fraud, we discussed the prisoner conditions you forced children into. We discussed how you blew at the first board meeting, we discussed how afraid you are of us because we have the truth, we discussed ALL the crimes to the children and the money crimes. They know it all now. Not so many smiles when you walk in now is there. Oh poor betty. Get over it witch who cant keep a husband, yes we discussed that too.
So, when you walk in there and you get the looks and don't know why, when you suddenly cant impress those "friends" of yours. When suddenly your not the big wheel with the big story you will know it is because of me.


You mam have destroyed more kids, most on a permanent basis. You mam have created tax fraud, had people tortured, commited more crimes than i can count and now
Oh yes, want to know why those dignataries didnt show at your birthday party in Rome years ago, the one you bragged about in the St.Pete times and were foolish enough to list the guest list. They didnt show or cancelled because me and and another survivor called EVERY SINGLE ONE. Yep, then we faxed them the truth.
Sorry you dont deserve spell check

Have we met? I like your style.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Re: AARC's fFirst grad dies
« on: October 14, 2010, 05:08:22 AM »

The Troubled Teen Industry / Re: Why do Survivors need to Lie?
« on: October 14, 2010, 05:04:12 AM »
Find one post where you think I embellished and lied. Bring it on! Let's examine it.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Re: I just
« on: October 11, 2010, 09:16:10 PM »
I just..did not.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Re: AARC's fFirst grad dies
« on: October 11, 2010, 01:25:01 AM »
Quote from: "anonAARCgrad"
Anthony Congo, the first graduate of AARC died this month. He was a great guy and had a terrible battle with mental illness and hardcore drug use.
I am very sorry to hear that, my condolences to his loved ones, sincerely.
How old was he? Are there anymore details of his life you would care to share? I mean this guy was a person , right? What did Anthony enjoy doing in his spare time. This guy is a person. Let's talk about the person in him.
I really would like to know more, please.
Deepest regrets,

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Re: It's Over
« on: October 11, 2010, 01:17:06 AM »
Quote from: "Rusty Goat"
Well Danny, yer barkin up the wrong tree, but ok... I hear ya. No worries. Ya'll have fun and all that jazz... I just call it as I see it from my perspective and am not the LEAST BIT SURPRISED that someone would want to break up with her... One of my CDs is called "The Truth Hurts". Maybe you should read it.

Who are referring to when ye say this: "am not the LEAST BIT SURPRISED that someone would want to break up with her"?

If ye are referring to me either get your eyse checked and check your facts please. I am the one who ended it. If ye are referring to Nic..then ye can just stand down. Nic is a very good person , and I love her dearly and always will. We are just not good together anymore, and need to go our seperate ways to be able to grow . It happens sometimes. So, if ye are talking about Nic like that ye can just totally SHUTTY. Your black and white mentality is sickening. I am sorry ye feel the need to be so cross with me period. This is the last thing I will be saying to you, so read it well and enjoy. I wish you no illl-harm at all.
I really wish no one any  ill harm.
Back to Nic...I respect her enough and love her enough to cut her loose. She has been a mother to my children and a great one at that. Yes Nic has hurt me with some things that she said to me..but I also wish only good things for her, still. If anyone cannot comprehend the kind of love I have for her and humans in this world in general , then I feel that they have not been paying any attention to me at all. In fact it would be safe to say that those people barely even know me. That isn't to say that I didn't let them in. I can say that the regulars around here and elsewhere have noticed how open of a person I am and can really be.
Anyway Enough said.
So, Bill this is it dude...I will be ignoring your posts from now on. I really do mean have a nice life..Just have it. Catch ye on the flip side.
I will still continue to talk about this topic as necessary and comment.
To all of the others out therte that really know who I am and love and support me, I thank you, very much. I really appreciate it. You know who you are.
To all of the nice people that don't know me and have come forward in support with love for me as a survivor and fellow human being , I thank you! I really do appreciate it , even if I do not know you. Sometimes just hearing a few kind words helps out.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Re: It's Over
« on: October 09, 2010, 03:17:42 PM »
9 years in my longest romantic relationship post..the hab.
9 years is hard to let go of right away.
I have so many mixed emotions swirling, even though I feel like I did the right thing by ending it. For my own good and her own good.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Re: It's Over
« on: October 09, 2010, 03:16:07 PM »
Quote from: "seamus"
yeah,mebee i give shitty advice,but lemme re-phrase it.
       Some where you gotta find a way past this,feelin bad aint a life sentance. Me i got my own typically bad way of coping(see previous post) but for me ,it works,(unfortunately time and again), Its kinda like a reset button, iget clean by gettin dirty. but youll find your own path,you will, it may not seem like it,it may not be on your time table,but that wheels gonna turn for ya. Youll find somebody you can trust at some point,and trust is everything,just dont be a fuckup like me . Love or somthin' like it will roll your way,just aint no forcin good to yourself,seems like the rest of the world wants to kick the hell out of you,just dont you join in.  Life is like that. I dont judge .The sun is the sun even at midnight.

Thanks Seamus! :)
I am trying right now, but things are so complex here at my home right now.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Re: It's Over
« on: October 09, 2010, 03:01:46 PM »
Quote from: "Deprogrammed"
Quote from: "Rusty Goat"
Troll status? Jeez. Exposing? What will you think of next? Lying?
I don't try to beat people down or whatever you think like that. The program has nothing to do with it. That's the default argument tactic of survivors... "That's program blah blah blah..." Bullshit DP. I just don't want these good folks here to get suckered. But, then again, it's America right? LOL Sucker away!! Put that in your program and brainwash it!

You brought this issue to the Fornits, not me.
Have a nice lonely life , Bill.
I already said what I had to say.

On second thought I wasn't done speaking my mind on this................Hey Bill, how about people growing and changing and actually giving people other chances. How about stepping down from your high horse once in awhile?
Ye just saying that "default argument tactic of survivors" is very insulting, to not only me  but to other survivors.
Did ye become Mr. perfect now or something.? Are ye above the fray here? I think not...but ye certainly act like ye are.
B/c I say thank you and use my manners with Tony,  ye had to go and have a cow. Well my mom raised me right with manners, so I said thank you. Woooo , let's all have a cow now...Suzi said thank you to Tony!
Ye think me trying to speak of my break-up on here is some sort of joke or eveil plan or trick of mine, Bill? Really?
If so, ye are more paranoid than I ever could have imagined.
My pain is very real. Tony had been over to my house, in which you refused to ever go. He saw how much Nic and I  loved each other. He knows how hard this is on me...whether he and I get along or not.
I have had some really horrible thoughts lately. Tony probably is trying to imagine what I am feeling right now. That is more than I can say for you.
Tony may be a lot of other things and we have had some serious ly major differences along the way, but at least he knows when to heckle someone and when not to. All ye have done since I started this thread is be a jerk to me in my time of pain.
Ye have really said nothing supportive at all to me. Why do ye even bother coming here and messing with me, Bill? Seriously...why?
I came here for support b/c I had no other places to turn. So my thread was pretty str8 forward, and cut and dry here.
Ye know what, Bill? It is sad that you and I are no longer friends , but just remember I am not the one who chose that...YOU did! After how ye have treated me here...I am not leaving the light on this time.
Leave me alone! Spend the time ye heckle me trying to calmly re-connect with your daughter. Family is important. I can tell ye this...I do not have any kids over here dying to move out when they are 18 to get away from me. In fact my kids love me dearly and I them. When I make a mistake I tell them and really own it. Put that in your pipe and smoke it Bill. Smoke something for gods sake!

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