
General Interest => Open Free for All => Topic started by: iknowcedulies on January 16, 2007, 04:44:30 PM

Title: Rep Nancy Pelosi to close Border in June 2007
Post by: iknowcedulies on January 16, 2007, 04:44:30 PM
e mail  this  to  your reps/media  

demand  border  be closed  with  national guard reserves  

demand  walmart  build  a  fence   and  your governor  state reps send national guard.    

al queda on border   demand  ice/homeland security  patrol border.

As noted in a Judicial Watch article, Criminal Illegals Live Freely In U.S. when the Govt. actually does something to enforce immigration laws it can be quite successful. The article notes:

?It took six years after the deadliest terrorist attack in U.S. history for the government to finally complete the crucial database that has so far only been used in three states and is vehemently opposed by immigrant rights groups that claim it will lead to racial profiling. But statistics, anecdotes of success and local police tell a much different story.

In only a few months the database has helped capture 130 illegal immigrants in Southern California who would have otherwise been released on bond for their repeat offense as well as 6,700 jail inmates. A recent example is the case of a previously deported Mexican man with a violent record who lived freely in Southern California. He was arrested for trying to rob a car and when his fingerprints were scanned into the federal database, police instantly determined his criminal past, which includes convictions for child molestation and grand theft auto.

The Los Angeles County Sheriff said that without the new federal database, a criminal such as this would have been freed on bail as deputies waited for hours for federal and state officials to do a background check. The same would happen in thousands of other cases, according to an official who said ?these people would be undetected and released if we didn?t have this capability.?

If closing the borders and enforcing immigration laws are not important to you then we would suggest you rent or buy the movies United 93, True Lies, and The Peacemaker from Blockbuster or NetFlix. In these movies Hollywood actually got it right, and is almost prophetic in True Lies. Then read Osama's exploits south of border - AlQaida in league with Mexican radicals in plot to penetrate U.S., says MI6 report and No place to run and consider some of the more serious alternatives of open borders in a post 9/11 world.

The President and Congress take an oath to uphold and defend the Constitution. Their allowing illegal aliens wantonly to defy our borders and laws is an abrogation of their sworn responsibilities. Let?s hope it won?t take the NY or Washington DC subway system to be contaminated with a nuclear or biological agent?or Dallas, Phoenix, LA, NYC, or Washington DC to be exploded in a mushroom cloud before our Government starts taking their responsibilities seriously and secures the border. Maybe if the politicians who are responsible for ensuring domestic tranquility thought Bin Laden planned on nuking Washington DC while Congress was in session they might just start taking their responsibilities seriously. If not, and if it actually happens, we can re-elect politicians who will.

If we started today, a 1,951 mile long wall along the US-Mexico border will take a few years to build. In the meantime, the illegal flow keeps gushing in. Once the decision to build the wall is made and publicized, a ?last chance? stampede will start. To stop the existing flow and mitigate the surge before the fence is finished we must immediately and dramatically increase the physical presence of the INS on the border. Since the vastly increased manpower requirement will be only temporary until the wall is built, this should be accomplished through the use of National Guard and/or military units. The latter might take changes in existing law but may need to be done to combat the foreign invasion. This action must be taken now. Each day we delay results, another few thousand illegal aliens enter the country, including gang members, hard core criminals, sexual predators, and terrorists.

As proposed by We Need a Fence, this is the kind of border security we need:

Similar border security fences in Israel have reduced terrorist attacks by up to 95%. Applied uniformly on the southern border, they would reduce the transgressions of the common illegal alien even more. For details on the proper way to have border security, see Israel?s Security Fence

Why do we need such a fence? Because illegal alien criminals, gang members and potential terrorists are simply strolling across the unmanned portions of the border. As this paper has detailed, there are currently hundreds of thousands of criminal illegal aliens roaming the streets committing mayhem on US citizens. Many were previously deported, often numerous times, and they simply walked back in. Without such a formidable barrier the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) is woefully undermanned to enforce border security.

If you are still not convinced, go back up to the Criminal section and start clicking on the links or go to the ICE Public Information News Releases and start perusing the press releases. Remember, until finally caught, they are in your city and neighborhood and the ones caught are only a small portion of the criminal illegal aliens still out there.

It is also worth noting that a human side affect of having robust border security barrier is that it will eliminate all the deaths from illegal aliens dying in the desert as they try to sneak across some rather inhospitable areas of the SW border. See: 460 border crossers died in past year. Posters on fence tell of 3,600 found dead in 11 years.

It is also worth noting that while the biggest problem is on the southern border, there are also immigration violations of our northern border, only to a much smaller extent. However, once the southern border deluge is slowed to a drip we can expect the problems on the northern border to grow, although the problem will mostly be near the coasts due to the geographic differences.

In the meantime, we need to recognize that illegal aliens do not have the rights and privileges of American citizens. With the current exception of illegal aliens? children born in the United States, they are all lawbreakers and many are taking advantage of services provided to citizens, making them thieves. They are owed nothing and should not be treated differently than any other criminal that is taking things that do not belong to them.

The fact that most come to the US illegally for economic reasons does not change the fact that they violated the sovereignty of the United States and jumped ahead of all the millions who are following our immigration laws. Americans play by the rules. Few of us would tolerate a line jumper if we are waiting in a queue to buy movie tickets so why should we allow it for illegal aliens?

C?mon America?this is YOUR problem and only YOU can clean it up. Your elected officials will not do this unless you tell them to. Go here to register your complaint. Your thoughts matter.
Title: Rep Nancy Pelosi to close Border in June 2007
Post by: Carmel on January 17, 2007, 10:03:54 AM
Why on earth would terrorists risk a tight crack down on border policy with a targeted attack, when our already inept procedures are allowing millions of illegals and billions of dollars to be mismanaged....draining valuable resources and funding from the defense of our country and the pockets of our citizens?

What these suitcase nuke doomsdayers never seem to get is that in many cases, we are doing a fabulous job of weakening ourselves WITHOUT their help.  Terrorists might be maniacal, but they arent stupid.  Its guerilla warfare people, not every attack is a guy with a C-4 vest on.

Terrorism is about manipulation of the masses, not about blowing things up...its simply a tool to insight fear and mistrust so that we eat ourselves up from the a the case of our poor border security and worthless immigrant management, we are doing a better job of it ourselves than any one car bomb or hijacked plane could ever do.  Do people actually think they are going to strike next right where we are looking?  Forcing us to attempt to fix an already impossibly broken system is just another diversion....a place to look while they plan something entirely different.  Thats the true goal of a terrorist...and this border crap plays right into their hands.  You arent going to see any more shoe bombs or liquid gel explosives in a gatorade bottle.  When we dont catch them, and something explodes, its a small victory....but when we DO catch them and have to rewire our whole system to accomodate the threat...its a massive success, get it?

I also find it terribly amusing that so many border-wall advocates are all of a sudden up in arms about the security and the maintaining of illegals and the border now that they are afraid of being blown-up....never mind that they've been simply BLED DRY for the last 50 years instead by poor policy.  Any of you ever live on or near the border?  Government benefits and employment rates have been drained and stagnated for decades because of the actions of big business and bad management. Oh, but thats not as dramatic as a suicide bomber. Better get on haste.

Title: Rep Nancy Pelosi to close Border in June 2007
Post by: egypt has pyramids on January 17, 2007, 10:15:45 AM
Any of you ever live on or near the border?

Always lived in a border city, and for a couple years I lived within a couple miles of the border and regularly went hiking in the hills that the border patrol uses to find illegals. One time I was walking down the road and came across an illegal sitting on a rock right off the road, his leg was all fucked up, he had obviously taken a pretty bad fall. I don't speak spanish but I asked if he needed help and he said "no no.. immigracion" he was waiting for border patrol to pick him up and take him to the hospital, give him a meal and send him back so he could try again.

I had a job downtown and everyday I went twice to deliver prepackaged meals to the inmates at the INS jail in downtown federal prison in san diego. The restaurant I was working for had the govt contract to make like 300 lunches a couple times per day. I went over with a huge cart full of food and would see them bringing in busloads of new illegals all day long, holding them in this prison area, and then if they didnt committ some other crime they would just let them go or ship them back on a bus. But its not like they couldnt just get out and try again.

Americans are not rutheless savages and people know that the system is not going to murder them if they come across. I dont think that should change really. To be honest I really like mexicans for the most part and the poorer ones down in the shitty parts of mexico are the nicest people you will ever meet. Tijuana is a shithole and the mexican govt really needs to do more to help its people. The reason they come over here is becauset here is nothing over there for them but gutters and corruption and no jobs.

Building a wall isnt going to stop anybody. It will just make it more profitable for the coyotes and smugglers who are the real criminals here.

There is actually a labor shortage in this country right now if you take the time to study the numbers. One reason all the oranges got frozen on the trees is because there wasn't enough people to pick them. A quarter of the tomato harvest at a large farm here in so cal went rotten on the plants because there was nobody to pick it.

Its a complicated issue for sure.

But the border is bullshit, all it is is an economic barrier to keep the poor out and the rich in. I think its human to want to keep what is yours and not share or whatever.

I really dont think they are going to build the wall though. I think they will build it so it covers the city of san diego since development is going right up to the border these days, and push the immigrants out into the desert. Thats what theyve been doing for a while.
Title: Rep Nancy Pelosi to close Border in June 2007
Post by: Carmel on January 17, 2007, 11:03:48 AM
Quote from: ""G420""
Any of you ever live on or near the border?

Always lived in a border city, and for a couple years I lived within a couple miles of the border and regularly went hiking in the hills that the border patrol uses to find illegals. One time I was walking down the road and came across an illegal sitting on a rock right off the road, his leg was all fucked up, he had obviously taken a pretty bad fall. I don't speak spanish but I asked if he needed help and he said "no no.. immigracion" he was waiting for border patrol to pick him up and take him to the hospital, give him a meal and send him back so he could try again.

I had a job downtown and everyday I went twice to deliver prepackaged meals to the inmates at the INS jail in downtown federal prison in san diego. The restaurant I was working for had the govt contract to make like 300 lunches a couple times per day. I went over with a huge cart full of food and would see them bringing in busloads of new illegals all day long, holding them in this prison area, and then if they didnt committ some other crime they would just let them go or ship them back on a bus. But its not like they couldnt just get out and try again.

Americans are not rutheless savages and people know that the system is not going to murder them if they come across. I dont think that should change really. To be honest I really like mexicans for the most part and the poorer ones down in the shitty parts of mexico are the nicest people you will ever meet. Tijuana is a shithole and the mexican govt really needs to do more to help its people. The reason they come over here is becauset here is nothing over there for them but gutters and corruption and no jobs.

Building a wall isnt going to stop anybody. It will just make it more profitable for the coyotes and smugglers who are the real criminals here.

There is actually a labor shortage in this country right now if you take the time to study the numbers. One reason all the oranges got frozen on the trees is because there wasn't enough people to pick them. A quarter of the tomato harvest at a large farm here in so cal went rotten on the plants because there was nobody to pick it.

Its a complicated issue for sure.

But the border is bullshit, all it is is an economic barrier to keep the poor out and the rich in. I think its human to want to keep what is yours and not share or whatever.

I really dont think they are going to build the wall though. I think they will build it so it covers the city of san diego since development is going right up to the border these days, and push the immigrants out into the desert. Thats what theyve been doing for a while.

I agree thats its not a personal or cultural issue.  I think Hispanic people are wonderful people, partly because I am half Hispanic ;)....but I do take issue with the fact that when an average citizen like me who gets gouged by income, property and medicare taxes to the point of borderline poverty....I cant qualify for any government benefits or coverage because I am not utterly destitute.  I agree thats a very complicated issue in and of itself.....but I think the sudden urgency to control the situation due to terrorist activity is mis-directed.  We should have fixed the problem long ago for our OWN citizens...then perhaps we'd be better eqipped.
Title: Rep Nancy Pelosi to close Border in June 2007
Post by: egypt has pyramids on January 17, 2007, 11:11:45 AM
Yeah totally.. I worry more about car accidents than 'terrorism'. I was in Tel Aviv when two suicide bombers blew themselves on buses. I was shocked and when I found out I cried, but the Israelis taught me an important lesson.. life goes on. They are some strong people over there, to deal with that stuff and you should of seen us Americans.. we were wondering why they hadn't nuked the palis off the earth yet!  :rofl:

I agree with all the complaints though. No reason why people here should be paying for non citizens to get services. I fucking hate going to the ER and having to wait in line with a bunch of mexicans with a dozen kids who have the flu. It sucks. In high school a quarter of the kids didnt even go to english speaking english classes.. lol. I just can't wait for white people to become the minority in Cali.. then maybe we can see some of that affirmative action comin' our way? Yea right.. :rofl:

The dude who owned the restaurant I was talking about lost the contract the next year.. not because he was out bid .. no.. because it was a mexican who bid, and the priority goes to minority owned businesses.. say what now?!  :roll: