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Messages - Roy

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Many Parents do believe that the end justifies the means - and know exactly what goes on. The problem is that, in a capatalist society, business is sacred, because $ is sacred. And WWASP sounds Cheap. CEDU Brown Schools/ Rocky Mountain Academy, Boulder Creek Acdemy, CEDU High School and Middle School comes at close to $8000 per month.

This problem most be solved politically, Because capatalist democracy really means "goverment of business, by business and for business" under the pretense of goverment by the people of the people and for the people - CEDU and WWASP represent business and money, and they can only be reformed by revolt on the Order and Magnitude of Enron - where legislators have to act or they risk loseing the false confidence of the people. That's why Regulators and Legislators in Idaho Ignore Legitimate complaints by workers, therapists, managers and advocates aimed toward these places.

Oh I forgot to answer the question where is the "clan book" of dogma? Part of keeping what they do free of critical examination is not having a book. This is Genius and how they can go on brainwashing free of critiqie.

There is a book, but people on the outside can't have it. There are scripts for the workshops - I've read them all - but you can never get them.
hmmmm, I wonder if there are any manuals out there floating around?

Much of you say is true about Idaho, and that was my point. I can't dis on the rivers and the woods though. On that account it is really a great place. I still go over there regularly to enjoy them. And, no problem. You would be right. We all carry some bigoty and work dilligently to decrease it. Actually I love the South and Love making fun if it as much as I do my beloved Northwest and especially my sweet home Idaho and the whole USA and a few other places too. I suppose I didn't make it clear, however. that I don't identify myself with any of particular place. Hey, I've lived all over the place and have liked most all of them (no zenophobia or ethnocentrism here). However, I've been thinking, it would sure be funny to get a bumber sticker that says "God Bless Canada and Mexico." Since I'm not getting any laughs ruffling southern feathers, anybody wanna make one of those bumper stickers just for fun. Thanks for the good advice Karen!!!! And, you are right. This is not to be taken seriously. And since it is annoying to others on the board, I'll do the honerable thing and put and end to it. And to the gentleman from the South. "Its all good."

Thank you for drawing the analogy with the other groups. Also I like the notion of inactivist. And I love the quote. The pen is still greater than the sword (ICBM and smart bomb)and the plowshare greater also. The pen is a plowshare for you and many others. It is my hope that humanity will understand Emerson's words in "Self Reliance: "... envy is ignorance and imitation is suicide and no kernal of nourashing corn can come but from that toil bestowed on that plot of ground that one is given to till" and that "...he who would gather immortal palms must not be hindered by the name of goodness but must first determine if it be goodness" You, and this site, do justice to those statements. keep up the good work.

I wonder if it actually inferred a relationship to "The Seed." But, That may not be the case. What they have said as long as I have been around is that is means See (CE) who you are  And DO (DU) Something about it. My responce to them is "excuse me?" "CE who you are and DU pull your head out of your ass."

The Newmeyer sawmill next to RMA? Yes?

Well, at that location the town wanted the employment opportunities that the "schools" provided. They also thought the place a bit wierd, and this was true of course.

The workshops came out of Life spring. The Summit workshop is exactly the same as the Lifespring Advanced workshop except with the Red green game thrown in from the "basic." The Raps were synanon style. The "consequences" and agreements similar to Scientology ethics, There is a scientologt book of ethics. They do the same with people who are "Out Ethics." But, the schools call it "out of agreement" as you probably know. It's hell to disagree in a facist system. They both do the same thing. First you are isolated, then you do writing assignments until they are satisfied that you can reenter the group and have the "privledge" of talking to people. This occurrs when you are "in agreement" and you are no longer a problem to group-think by virtue of your "agreement" "ethics." This is an old system "propaganda by redefinition of words. Out of agreement is supposed to mean "not honest" but what it actually means is that if you think independently, or disagree, or say anything to anyone that is not something that CEDU culture believes you are a problem and you will be made to suffer by hard work and isolation - hours, days, and weeks, even months of sitting by yourself with only interaction with people trying to convince you that YOUR thought, beliefs, actions are wrong. Of course this is eventually proven correct, when after weeks of isolation and writing things that you don't believe that are never satisfactiry to staff - you go nuts, and do something really stupid, like cut on yourself, explode on someone, break things, thereten suicide or harm to another. This proves them right and you begin to give up your independent self. This is extensively described in literature as thought reform or brainwashing. You either turn around and endorse the beliefs of the group and are then showered with love, or you go to North Idaho Behavioral Health (Mental Hospital) C/O Dr Ulrich, where you will be observed and put on the necessary psychotropic drugs to make someone as nuts as to believe it is reasonable to think for him or herself Compliant. No, thank you for speaking up. I love that name "Antigen." Can I adopt "Antibody?"

God Forbid honey-child. Who would dare dis the holy South? No, blow those trumpets; bow down to them pointy hats, grab them bibles and put them there ten commandments back in front of them there courthouses.

Discrimination is even worse toward us poar Godly southern whites, so let's spread them there confederate flags all over the country, wear them uniforms and burn them crosses in honor of that-there poor white man that's been treated so badly by them godless humanist liberals. Oh my, where is my fan. It's so hot honey-child. I just feel so tired. :wstupid:

I wrote the first piece as annon -- on this thread. But bring on the fire and brimston, the torches and the, hate to Karen - Make her hate. Turn her into a zealot.

No, come after me. Yes I have experienced the tyranny of WWASP. I saw the tyranny in the south with black folks, the tyranny against jewish folks and gays in the northwest and the tyranny in the behavior modification boarding schools by mormon staff. But rememberm we have a rule -"burn the witch" -- then if that was a mistake - burn ROY - the other bible thumper who has the audacity to critisize future Gods.

I'm going to read the book since I don/t pretend to understand the religion very well - its just that what I've seen of it so far turns me off to it.

Asking me to be more precise is a valid request. I would say that I dislike the Kings and/or Gods concept, but mostly I dislike the reproducion of children on a scale that would appear to be exploitive of the earth. I believe large families produce still larger numbers of children that consume scarce resources faster than they can be renewed - causing the less fornunate to starve. Also, I believe that this is unethical in a world where many have little or nothing. Further, the whole notion of kings in the afterlife (but not women) is a repugnant as the origonal statement by that Mormon prophet fellow (what's his name?) that blacks are the "seeds of satan." I know, he withdrew this statement after a prophetic vision, but a lot of people in the South had the same "vision" a bit to late. Call me judgemental of this religion. I am, (and this is definately a judgement), not a problem to me. I see this Mormon (LDS) movement as cultish, unethical, controlling, and power hungry, But,I defend your right to believe in it and defend the right to practice it - even that Racist Christian identity crap if you like it. I don't and I think it is more full of crap than Mormonism - so condem me for that religious persecution while you are at it, and, perhaps you will see the illogic of your line of reasioning. It is not the 50's, but a lot of what LDS does is like it. So, I would just recomend not subjucating women, admitting to past subjigation of minorities, current discrimination of gays, even a policy against mastrubation, monitoring the sex lives of ,arried couples, accountability for interfering generally in the private lives of belivers, and, environmantal responsibity per reproduction -- i.e. birth control.

Most of all, I would suggest a more open intelectual tradition that is inclusive of more scientific dialouge and free thought on issues such as modern astronomy, particle physics, quantum mechanics and biological evolution.

But, we all have the right to believe and practice as we choose. We don't, however, have the right to expect or demand the silence of critics such as myself  :smile: (free speech). Here is some. "I don't care for religious fundamentalism in general, I'm not ashamed of saying so, and, I have as much right to say so as mormons do to knock on my door and try to sell me that cultish social control crap."  :smile:

I'm going to read the book since I don/t pretend to understand the religion very well - its just that what I've seen of it so far turns me off to it.

Asking me to be more precise is a valid request. I would say that I dislike the Kings and/or Gods concept, but mostly I dislike the reproducion of children on a scale that would appear to be exploitive of the earth. I believe large families produce still larger numbers of children that consume scarce resources faster than they can be renewed - causing the less fornunate to starve. Also, I believe that this is unethical in a world where many have little or nothing. Further, the whole notion of kings in the afterlife (but not women) is a repugnant as the origonal statement by that Mormon prophet fellow (what's his name?) that blacks are the "seeds of satan." I know, he withdrew this statement after a prophetic vision, but a lot of people in the South had the same "vision" a bit to late. Call me judgemental of this religion. I am, (and this is definately a judgement), not a problem to me. I see this Mormon (LDS) movement as cultish, unethical, controlling, and power hungry, But,I defend your right to believe in it and defend the right to practice it. I would just recomend not subjucating women, admitting to past subjigation of minorities, current of gays , accountability for interfering in the private lives of your belivers, and, environmantal responsibity per reproduction -- i.e. birth control.

Most of all, I would suggest a more open intelectual tradition that is inclusive of more scientific dialouge and free thought on issues such as modern astronomy, particle physics, quantum mechanics and biological evolution.

But, we all have the right to believe and practice as we choose. We don't, however, have the right to expect or demand the silence of critics such as myself. I don't care for religious fundamentalism in general, I'm not ashamed of saying so, and, I have as much right to say so as you do to knock on my door and try to sell me your cultish social control. I have enjoyed the dialouge. Thank you

I'm not sure what you "annon" are talking about. But, suffice it to say that I am more of the Eastern (pantheist)mindset "god and nature/ universe are one and the same." So, not being a dualist, the notion of a seperate spirit comes as without evidence - but I'm always willing to entertain the notion where empirical data is concerned. I will say that I have not ruled out "spirit" as you call it. I could have you talk with my wife though - she would agree wholeheartedly with you being a quaker and all. But, she also entertains the non-dualist notion as a likely valid hypothisis.

As far a mormons are concerned, remember that I said the people have perhaps fallen onto something ... evil. I am referring to the organized power structure only - not individuals. By "evil" I mean a constructed social reality of CONTROL and POWER. I did not mean to impose any other definition, nor, do I belive that my definition is necessarily the right definition or the only one - all is hypothisis. Yours is fine too. :smile:

I could not agree more that that these folks can only be made to reform by the press. Unfortunately I have already been promised lawsuits and my lawyer tells me they can do it because I was remotely affiliated with them.

I was married to staff of CEDU. It was hell going through the personality changes, the yelling, the mood swings and abuse role modeled by the CEDU culture. My spouse eventually went dead: Became a sleepwalker, was worked to death. There was no life, no thought, no belief, no conversation on anything but CEDU and the kids. This person's whole identity became CEDU and was lost to me. 25 years of hell living with it indirectly. Can you imagine what it must be like for the kids living in it? I invite Spouses and Relatives of CEDU and other programs to speak out.  :???:

I worked with a bunch of these people (mormons). I'm not biased against religion, but this is something more than fanaticism. These people abuse women, spy on their parisioners and the men believe they will be kings in the after-life, so they act like gods now - They love to work for WWASP Programs and CEDU because what they love most is power and control. What it amounts to is tyranny - I've not, in the past, believed in hell or the antichrist, but I'm beginning to think these people have been lured into the clutched of something evil. Keep an eye on this bunch and beware.  :wave:

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