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Messages - SharonMcCarthy

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Open Free for All / Re: Elan discussion from New Forum Policies
« on: December 28, 2010, 01:07:09 AM »
Art you are completely the dumbest humanbeing on this planet. I have not logged into Fornits for over two months you dumb shit. I am sure Mike Crawfors can confirm my statement as true seeing how I have not logged in from my ip address at all. I believe ART you are completely fucking insane. Get a fucken life, I have been so busy with a real life I do not even consider you at all. You are so fucken stupid. Dickhead leave me out of your dumb fornits shit.

Open Free for All / Re: Elan discussion from New Forum Policies
« on: November 28, 2010, 03:53:44 PM »
Quote from: "liarsexposed"
awwee I am so sorry I made you 2 Criminals cry today
Kleenex anyone ?
There's no tellin what sick folks like you will do next
But please.. Continue.. I almost spit my coffee out laughing so hard at you
lmao lmao lmao lmao oh my God lmao lmao you are truly full of yourself today. You think you control my emotions....pffft..tooo funny.....if anything I have a wonderful life and you are not even a factor in it which makes it amazing. I got more than you ever will trust me, and many already know what you are , and who you are. Criminal, why are we criminal because we know what you are, and who you are, and do not take your constant bullshit????? Your a complete asshole and well you got to live with yourself, thank GOD I never got to see your face. So, Mark and I are criminal....bahahahahahahahahaah that is the most priceless load of lies you created inside your delusional brain yet. lmao lmao lmao lmao lmao lmao lmao muhahahahhahahaha too funny..hey I will call ahead and see if your room is ready with your crazy jane...bahahahahahaha too funny.

Open Free for All / Re: Elan discussion from New Forum Policies
« on: November 28, 2010, 10:20:29 AM »
Quote from: "Botched Programming"
Quote from: "mark babitz"
They constantly PM each other back n forth about how they want to stick matza balls up eack others butt and suck it out.

Don't be hating on the Matza balls, I love chicken soup with Matza balls and smoked white fish on a bagel, not to mention liver and cheese knishes
Matza Balls are awesome......omg yummy.

Open Free for All / Re: Elan discussion from New Forum Policies
« on: November 28, 2010, 09:56:54 AM »
This would be my most best Christmas if PSY finally puts a collar on ARTY once and for all. He banned Felice why not the man who has been tormenting the fuck out of everyone for years..Come on PSY I got Faith in you to reach down in there and get the SPIRIT of Christmas time. Hell I would be happier if the cops did right thing and got this guy for the ignorant falsifying reporting he has been doing too.

Open Free for All / Re: Elan discussion from New Forum Policies
« on: November 28, 2010, 09:53:00 AM »
And ARTY thinks he is a big man fucking with a poor single mother who is struggling daily to improve her life, and he is just salty because she has enough sense to know he is a idiot and not have anything to do with. So, he stalks her, trashes her, basically fucks with every aspect of her personal life too. ART trashed my benefit due to jeolousy. Karma buddy it is an amazing thing. You start telling the truth you liar. You hurt people daily and your crimes involves single mothers and children.

Open Free for All / Re: Elan discussion from New Forum Policies
« on: November 28, 2010, 09:50:20 AM »
ARTY is trying to ruin Christmas for my kids, poor Mason who is 4, and Logan who is 9...what a big man you are for fucking with kids ARTY.

Open Free for All / Re: Elan discussion from New Forum Policies
« on: November 28, 2010, 09:43:32 AM »
Arty I had no idea how well you looked in cartoons....hell looks better than in real life.

Open Free for All / Re: Elan discussion from New Forum Policies
« on: November 28, 2010, 09:36:14 AM »
Hey Mark you guys still coming for Christmas?? I got a huge dinner planned...I am so excited to be seeing you dear friend. Hey guess who else is flying in?? ooops forgot no names on here, but we will all have a celebrational blast. Take care and Happy Holidays dear friend.

Open Free for All / Re: Elan discussion from New Forum Policies
« on: November 28, 2010, 09:32:11 AM »
Quote from: "liarsexposed"
Just think once your better people won't say those things anymore
Aweee Marky
Furiously looking for your handy work to harrass me further. Another big Saturday night huh Marky ? Out with ALL your friends I see.
again Marky... Dont lie,cheat,or steal,and you wont get caught.
Then your daily tantrum wont be so important. You might even get better
But I doubt it.
Marky.. Kharma is a bitch. Ask your partner
Awww Little ARTY never going to grow up are you, you speak of Karma so twisted like Karma is actually there for you. What will you be doing for Christmas...alone with your "so-called"friends??? The family where are they?? Has your own kids spoken to you much lately or is it a mere hi bye kinda thing? Let me tell you something you piece of Scrooge shit, nothing will detroy me, nothing. Ask Mark how well me and my children are doing, we are celebrating holidays with love and happiness....where is this karma you speak of?? Hell you got people twisted. Oh an by the way since you destroyed the first benefit, they are throwing two more in its place, but think you or your pieces of shit will know the dates and where hell no. I got smart am keeping that way private. However it would be fun watching you take on a Catholic Church to mess thier stuff up, heck you might just get railroaded if you tried that one. Do not worry they got your name and numbers in case you get a clue, I informed them all about your insane actions. Do not got to worry about cancelling bands ARTY since the kids themselves are playing. You think you hurt me, if anything you made people feel really bad about how you destroyed a benefit for kids...the kids have many backers, and so do I. The invitations already went out, and things all set up....oh poor ARTY cannot touch this one at all..The thing is ARTY pants, is I am good to my community and they know it, and they are here for me all the time. There is nothing I mean nothing you can further more articles for you to place trash on either...What pisses you off ARTY the fact Mark is my dearest friend?? Well buddy boy that will not ever change. So I got a good idea, why don't you just block fornits and stop your stupid spewing daily. You got to see how fucken crazy you are by now. Give everyone an early Christmas present leave people alone. I seriously got a vision of the and crazy jane sharing a room together at the nutty house. That is about the best you one day will have, you fricken fruitloop. So, as you are going insane on a forum, me I graduated oh yeah you stopped shit..lmao lmao lmao....Plus I am years younger than you so I got plenty time to imprint myself more on this life, your time is pretty much up, especially since your a nasty rasty fat piece of shit....All you did was get me to open my eyes wide open more as to who not to talk to in my family, thank you you did me a favor. I have my own family and that is perfectly fine with me. We are all having a kick ass holidays. All you that speak of Karma be real careful Karma may just bite you in the ass soon. Art you truly are sick saying a 4 year old got hurt over Karma???sick fucker. And oh my Karma got better the state stepped in and reopened my crash, I will get fuck your so called Karma buddy, mine got better...lmao lmao lmao.

Open Free for All / Re: Bring back Felice..
« on: November 24, 2010, 01:01:07 PM »
Keep Crazy Jane offline....for everyone's sake. I am glad the moron finally got shut down.

Open Free for All / The Perfect Christmas Gift Idea for FARTY.
« on: November 24, 2010, 12:59:56 PM »
I am willing to chip in a few dollars towards it..It would greatly help FARTY in the long run.

Hell I am just thrilled Crazy Jane finally got banned. I have watched her attack good people and get away with it for years. Art your a stupid man, coming to Crazy Jane's defence shows me what a two faced loser you are. I remember back in August she came to see you and you told me how embarrassing it was in your neighborhood for you to be seen with her. You prayed the neighbors did not associate you with her...Now you defend her actions?? Your just as off clitter if not more than she is. I will pray the voices in your head stop rolling around in there on you. I fully agree with Mike and he finally did right thing. Enough is enough. Gay bashing is cruel and you are sick to do it. Basically half the crap out of your mouth is insane cruelity and everyone knows it ART. Go eat some TURKEY and try to reach into your shriveled heart and gain some compassion this Holiday season. I pray you find peace.

Open Free for All / Re: Elan discussion from New Forum Policies
« on: November 24, 2010, 12:40:26 PM »
Quote from: "mark babitz"
Quote from: "liarsexposed"
I dont want to enter into a discussion with someone who is not willing to have a balanced discussion understanding and respecting each others point of view.
You should be doing Stand up Marky
You lied,you stole,you invaded my privacy and you stole my identity. What could you possibly want to talk about ?
Wait....Dont answer that.. I am not interested
Thats the truth,you know it,I know it,Sharon knows it,Ginger knows it,as does Psy and anyone else who has seen you in action
Huh Gary ?
Grow up Marky

I have maintained consistently that if you can't be civil for 30 days then we will not talk about your problems. I dont want to enter into a discussion with someone who is not willing to have a balanced discussion understanding and respecting each others point of view.You need to loosen up, and quit being so nasty.You have lied,you have stole,you have invaded my privacy and you have tried to steal my identity,You were Staff at one of the most abusive programs in the U.S., and I am still big enough to reach out with help for you.We know you carry heavy guilt for your past abuses of others, but you can still work threw it.I will start the clock for you now as a favor, and a step in the right direction for you. :peace:  :peace:  :peace:  :peace:  :peace:  :rocker:  :rocker:  :cheers:  :cheers:  :cheers:  :cheers:
Art do not presume to know what I think buddy. I think your the most craziest fucker alive...end of story. I think Mark is a completely brillant humanbeing and he is my best friend. So, stop your lying for that would be priceless. I am sure Ginger and Mike are way to busy with the Holiday season to give a flying fuck about babysitting you daily ART. So, do me a favor take your own advice eat some Turkey and STFU...Blessed Holidays everyone.

Open Free for All / Re: Elan discussion from New Forum Policies
« on: November 24, 2010, 12:25:01 PM »
I see ole CRAZY JANE is finally gone....wait you mean Fornits finally got smart??? Well obviously not to smart allowing FARTY to put IP addresses on the forums again. WOW noone learns lessons...Oh ARTY there goes your lovely lawsuit you moron....lmao you cannot victimize others and then sue them...lmao lmao lmao your too stupid seriously your case just blew up in your nasty face buddy...I bet your temper finally got the best of you...So tell me did you get all red in the face and piss your pants..lmao lmao roflmao.....get a life dude for real.

Open Free for All / Re: Elan discussion from New Forum Policies
« on: November 24, 2010, 12:21:26 PM »
Quote from: "liarsexposed"
Still strugglling with the truth Marky ?
I thought you shoved that clock up your ass for safe keeping ?
I didnt ASSume anything
You are a troll,these are the games you play
Mark may from time to time struggle with the truth there ARTY but you struggle daily with reality. Such a sad pathetic life. Do you even have a life there ARTY because daily you spew stupid shit. Everyone sits back laughs at you daily, yes daily...we all got lives and have a blast as you sit tormented like a 3 year old spatting in the wind. You think people actually listen to you??? Muhahahahahaha fucken hilarous thought right there. Lighten up and get the fuck over it. I am tired of you bashing my dearest friend on here. Your sick Art and need help..

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