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Messages - RN on Board

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Here's some information on Haldol - it's a very dangerous drug - can cause death, permanent eye damage and brain damage.

The Troubled Teen Industry / Courtroom Tragedy in GA.
« on: March 13, 2005, 10:28:00 PM »
Death CAN OCCUR with HALDOL - it's not recommended for children....
I'd rather have a hyperactive child than a dead child -

Sudden death is a (rare) possibility with Haldol.

"This is one of a group of psychiatric drugs which causes a serious and sometimes fatal reaction called Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome. It may cause body temperature raising, rigid muscles and coma (passing out), rapid heart beat and breathing, sweating, shaking and seizures. The death rate is 20%.

Haldol causes brain and eye damage with long-term use. With epilepsy, it can change the pattern of seizures."

Children are sensitive to the nervous system reactions of this drug.

Haldol (Haloperidol)


1 injection every 4 weeks
0.5-2 mg 2 or 3 x a day up to 30 mg a day

maximum: 100 mg a day

children: not specified

elderly: lower dose

chronic schizophrenia and other psychoses
major tranquilizer

control of hyperactive behaviour in children

use of drugs for depression (within 14 days)
use of tranquilizers, drugs for tension (within 14 days)

use of other antipsychotic/neuroleptic drugs

use of lithium, levodopa

use of sedatives, sleeping pills, pain killers

use of alcohol

use of antacids

alcohol withdrawal

coma (passed out)

severe depression

Parkinson's disease or Parkinson's-like symptoms



liver or kidney disease

bone marrow or blood cell disease

heart disease, low blood pressure


thyroid disease


brain damage

allergies, especially to other drugs

pregnancy, nursing

breast cancer


severe withdrawal symptoms
strengthening the effects of alcohol

increases effect of other drugs, especially sedatives

Parkinson-like symptoms: shakiness, lack of muscle co-ordination, muscle stiffness

restlessness, sleeplessness


blurred eyesight

dry mouth


urination problems

confusion, lack of judgement

tardive dyskinesia: uncontrolled movements of the tongue, mouth, arms and legs, which may be permanent and may come after stopping the drug

increased psychotic symptoms

changes in mood and behaviour

anxiety, excitement, agitation, restlessness


weakness, being tired, sleeplessness



dizziness, fainting

internal and external spasms

in epileptics: seizures

in the elderly: no thirst sensation, leading to pneumonia

heart problems, heart attack

low white blood cell counts, causing infections

irregular pulse or blood pressure

liver disease

stomach problems, loss of appetite

nausea, vomiting, diarrhea


skin rash, sensitivity to sun

eye damage

impotence (20%), painful, continuous erection

breast swelling (male and female)

menstrual problems

death, sometimes sudden, from any of these causes: disordered body temperature

bone marrow poisoning


blood clots

paralysis of the intestines

cardiac arrest (heart stoppage)

despair leading to suicide

vomiting into lungs*

* (30% of psychiatric patient deaths)


This drug should be used only when there is no other choice.

Sudden death is a (rare) possibility with Haldol.

This is one of a group of psychiatric drugs which causes a serious and sometimes fatal reaction called Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome. It may cause body temperature raising, rigid muscles and coma (passing out), rapid heart beat and breathing, sweating, shaking and seizures. The death rate is 20%.

Haldol causes brain and eye damage with long-term use. With epilepsy, it can change the pattern of seizures.

This drug is eliminated in breast milk and affects an unborn child. It should not be given to nursing or pregnant women.

Children are sensitive to the nervous system reactions of this drug.

Avoid overheating your body in the sun, saunas, hot baths, etc.

Tell your nurse, doctor, pharmacist or dentist about any other drugs you are taking before any new treatment. Check with them before you take any medicine, even if it isn't a prescription drug.

There is no known treatment for tardive dyskinesia (TD). The brain damage done with this drug can be permanent. If symptoms appear, the drug must be stopped. One of the early signs of TD is a "worm-like" movement of the tongue. Stop the drug and see your doctor immediately if this happens to you.

You should not drive, operate machines, play sports, or do dangerous things until you know what this drug does to you.

Stop taking this drug and contact your doctor immediately if you notice any of the problems or conditions listed or anything unusual is happening, especially changes in your eyesight.

Withdrawal symptoms can be severe with psychiatric drugs. If you stop using them, do it slowly.

The Troubled Teen Industry / Who are You to Judge?
« on: March 13, 2005, 10:16:00 PM »
PERRIGARD wrote: "I also feel that those who have mental disabilities do not belong in these programs at all. I am upset that that is the case."
Because people with mental disabilities ARE in these programs they must be better regulated and they must abide by the laws that have been established to protect the mentally ill. THEY ARE NOT DOING SO. There have been numberous reports by staff and patients that facilities like Majestic Ranch, Casa By the Sea, Tranquility Bay, Provo Canyon School and many others are using isolation, hog-tying, forced drugging and exposure to the cold as punishment.  This type of treatment is not only inhumane - it is illegal.  What's particularly outrageous is the fact that it is being done to children under the guise of therapy.  
Remember - one man's medicine is another man's poison.  Just because this may have helped you, doesn't mean it is helpful or therapeutic to the general population of youth.

The Troubled Teen Industry / Courtroom Tragedy in GA.
« on: March 13, 2005, 09:52:00 PM »
I just find it so hard to believe that anyone in their right mind would indicate that Haldol helps children - perhaps it may help some with SEVERE psychosis - but the side effects are not worth it.....Before making a claim do a little research because you really sound ignorant :wstupid:

Use of anti-psychotic agents should generally be reserved for children with serious disorders, characterized by excessive agitation, aggressiveness, or psychosis. These medications can cause major short- and long-term side effects, so they should only be used when a situation is serious enough to risk these side effects. Other names for antipsychotics are neuroleptics, major tranquilizers, and phenothiazines.

Trade Names: Thorazine, Chloramead, Chlordryprom, Chlor Promanyl, Largactil, Promachlor, Promapar, Promosol, Terpium, Sonazine

Side Effects: Sleepiness, irritability, dry mouth, swollen abdomen, blood abnormalities, liver abnormalities, skin reactions, light sensitivity, dystonic, muscle spasm and stiffness, nasal stuffiness, constipation, Parkinson-like tremors. Long-term effects - changes in skin color, cataracts, tardive dyskinesia

Generic Name: Chlorpromazine

Why Prescribed: Severe anxiety, agitation, aggression, psychosis

Comments: Used with caution in children with seizure disorders.


Trade Name: Haldol

Side Effects: Stiffness, sleepiness, irritability, dry mouth, swollen abdomen, blood abnormalities, liver abnormalities, skin reactions, light sensitivity, changes in skin coloring with high doses over long time, cataracts, tardive dyskinesia. Parkinson-like tremors

Generic Name: Haloperidol

Why Prescribed: Severe anxiety, agitation, aggresion, psychosis, Tourette's Syndrome (multiple tics)

Comments: Used with caution in childrenwith seizure disorders.

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