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Messages - survivor1978fl

Pages: [1] 2
Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Webmistress
« on: November 13, 2010, 05:13:12 PM »
Please contact me as soon as you can , I have some news for you. Check your AIM for new number. if its long distance charge for you call me and ill call right back your fame haven bud

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Re: Formal Felony Report on the Semblers
« on: November 04, 2010, 07:02:58 AM »
Several state attorneys now have the case in their hands.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / In Answer to Antigen and Murder
« on: November 04, 2010, 07:01:13 AM »
First Antigen I agree with you let me say this
ISAC did an unsciencetific study and odly enough almost all had back , neck and shoulder problems.
As for me I just went through my eighteenth surgery and now suffer paralysis.
Yes, even the doctors say it was the result of Straight.

As for "Physic Murder" as on scientist put it, i think that part has been said.
As for physical, well let me tell you how and my doctors feel about this
Yes, my condition which i gained while in and shortly after leaving straight is the direct result of having been there.
It cost me my credit, my health, it ruined my life before i had the chance to live.

Personally, The Semblers and their board are short of NOTHING but physcicological murder, assisted suicide, negligent homocide. Yes, we are persuing it and yes i said it.
So Betty you have a choice sue me for slander , prove me wrong and fight for your status.
Or , ignore it which is an admission of guilt in many eyes. Your call.
Your guilty of many other crimes you know it and we can prove it but then you know that too.

I ask other survivors to post the above paragraph on every page they can find so the truth may come out I will take full responsibility after all I said it.

One wonders why the Semblers wont fight it doesnt matter they will soon have to there are a few state attorneys that are considering the case for Grand Jury. Lets see you fight that one.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Re: Formal Felony Report on the Semblers
« on: October 28, 2010, 02:58:06 PM »
I also wanted to say that if you think it should be rewritten we are all open to suggestions. We want to put the best out there.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Re: Formal Felony Report on the Semblers
« on: October 28, 2010, 01:27:08 PM »
I appreciate your input. As for the loving Wes Fager , I worked closely with him and I am aware of what took place. Thanks to many survivors who have sent and collected documents over the years we have more than enough evidence. The Sherriffs office asked for the report and names in which case they must at least send it to the grand jury provided there is enough evidence and thanks to those survivors who have sent in tons of documents we have enough.
I hope we can all work together because Straight and their officials would like nothing better than to divide us now. The report was written for the individual in a particular program pertaining to deaths that took place after 1978. This individual was in the program from 1977 onward. I am aware of when it opened, how it opened and have board meeting notes as well as insurance claims. I am very educated on the workings of the program and have paid a VERY heavy price. Yes, this is rough and dangerous but for those that have past on I think we owe it to them to try.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Formal Felony Report on the Semblers
« on: October 28, 2010, 04:35:10 AM »
Keep in mind everyone is innocent until proven guilty. As survivors we are simply stating what we believe to be true and demanding a full investigation be conducted into each and every individual. We have filed formal complaints throughout several states. If you would like to file a complaint a suggestion follows:

A survivor who is also a paralegal, along with a survivor who is an attorney have drafted the following for you to use in your county if you believe a relative, friends, death is a result of Straight. For obvious reason some things have been left out for you to fill in. I was asked to post it as a favor.
The process is to  call the local county sherriffs office , ask for a cold case detective , be brief in that you want to file a report for a cold case file and fax it over to them. Make sure that you have crediable witnesses and or physicians as well.

Date: October 28th,  2010

To: Deputy

Re: Cold Case Murder File

In 1978 a program was started called “Straight Incorporated”. The State Attorney at the time was ______________ . He pursued criminal charges against a group of individuals for misdemeanors and felonies. It was later plea bargain to the best of my understanding. There still exists a six hundred page report which gives more details.
Starting soon after, approximately three years to the present day many individuals have died. It would not be difficult to prove the relationship between their death and the time they spent at “Straight Inc.”. There are hundreds if not thousands of witnesses and those that will testify that their relative or friends death is a result of their time spent at Straight Inc.
The survivors of Straight Inc. hold in their possession hundreds of documents that indicate fraud, tax evasion, torture, water boarding, kidnapping, corruption of state government officials. Due to the stature of the individuals involved few have been willing to speak out until now or if they did the evidence was quickly buried by officials. A group of survivors would now like a thorough investigation into the deaths that took place as a result of Straight Inc. Below are some of the individuals involved in the crimes that Straight Inc. committed. Be advised that many of these facilities and deaths continue to occur.

Betty Sembler
Melvin Sembler
Helen Peterman
Christopher Cassalor
Cathy Schwartz
David McAdams
Miller Newton AKA Virgil Miller Newton AKA Dr. Miller Newton, AKA Revered Virgil Miller Newton.
William D. Oliver
David Crock
Joseph Zappala
Walter Loebenbergs
H. Goldstein PH.D
Bernadine Braithwaite
Christopher Yarnold
James Hartz
The mother of F. Scott Cassidy
Helen Hunt
Cathy Gettinger

There are at least thirty other names that can not be mentioned here due to the investigation.
All names were adults at the time, held an executive position.
We the survivors are simply stating what we believe , saw and believe we have proof enough to bring the names listed to justice if they are found guilty.

You will also note that these are names that are relevant to Florida. Each survivor must file in his or her own state and county where the alleged crime took place. Keep in mind that being an accomplice in some states carries the same consequences as if one had committed the crime themselves.
If you have any other names to add place them here with the appropriate state. Crimes that have a statue of limitation do not qualify for a complaint to the sheriffs office.

There are also former staff members that have come forward that are willing to testify.
Again, there are family members, former staff, physician, psychologist who are willing to testify or who have already made statements to that effect.

A complaint was also sent to the United Nations for Crimes Against Humanity however, the UN spokesman stated we had enough proof but America had not signed that article. Therefore, they could not investigate the complaint.

HRS has also shut them down in various states for various reasons. This complaint will be sent to every state where a death took place that is believed to be the result of the time spent in Straight Inc.

We are anxiously waiting your response and investigative report.



Above is a rough draft that should be sent to your local sherriffs office

I think we all know who we are and its assisted suicide and negligent homocide

get a hold of you. Please send ginger a note, she has my new number.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Betty&Mel Investigated for Murder
« on: October 26, 2010, 04:34:51 PM »
In seveeral counties in FL Mel and Betty Sembler, Helen Peterman, Chris Casselor, Miller Newton, Nancy Getinger, Cathy Shwartz, Dr. Hugh Burns (But he is cooperating , and always as) and any other executives involved. are under investigation for the following allegations. If they (Defendants) are not listed here and you believe they should be, please list them.
Assisted Suicide - Not statue of limitation
Neglegent Homocide - No statue of limitation
Manslaughter - No statue of limitation

You have the right to report to the county of which you were placed if ANY individual died that you believe was at the hands of straight. This would include North Jersey, Atlanta, St. Pete, Sarasota and any other location.

If you have a relative that died or could have died at the hands of straight then you have the right to an investigation being done even if it is thirty years later. You can also and are obligated to give any information to the authorties if you believe a person died at the hands of another or the negligent hands of another.

Two investigations are underway at present.

Miller and Ruth and some senior staff will also be included in the investiagation with Betty Sembler on the charges of Murder
All, ALL of the Board of Directors from the 1970's to present will also be included in names, evidence , presented to a Grand Jury. there is more than enough documentation. The question of the George Bush commercial is also being reviewed.

A prosecutor is looking into filing charges against the board of directors of Straight Icorporated for negligent homocide, assisted suicide, manslaughter.
Several witnesses have already been interviewed and there is no statue of limitations.
According to our understanding their will be multiple complaints filed , going back to the time of the first death at or because of straight.
This when found guilty makes Helen Peterman, members of the board, Betty Sembler guilty of at bare minimum negligent homocide.
If found guilty that makes them the cold killers we know them to be. There is a quote from a professional psychiatrist that "this comes as close to psychological murder as you can get". However, this wont be about psychological damage to any real degree but about the actual dead bodies. From what I understand these felonies hold a VERY long sentence in prison.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Betty Sembler and Penis Pump
« on: October 18, 2010, 09:52:43 AM »
I recall hearing that Betty was well aware of Mels long time affair with an office worker. If true, Betty why couldnt you keep your man. BTW Betty that skeleton in your closet that happened BEFORE straight. Yes, we know of that too. If anyone has documentation on Mels affair plse post here.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Betty and Mel ruined
« on: October 18, 2010, 09:50:02 AM »
Each week or two there will be posted the documents of crimes they have commited as the documents will prove.
Then justice will be sought through all means.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Semblers Aware and created tax fraud
« on: October 13, 2010, 12:42:02 PM »
Once you view the tax returns for straight for various years it is clear that fraud has taken place. That is why the semblers have been reported to the IRS for an investigation into tax fraud.
All the documents have been copied , sent return receipt requested and Federal Officials notified.
The books for DFAF have been pulled to.

Love you Betty.

Soon all documents will be in one place available to all , in the meantime we survivors are cooperating fully with IRS investigation.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / What happened to ISAC
« on: October 12, 2010, 01:43:10 PM »
Anyone know, i know the site is down, are they still around?

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