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Messages - exsafecounselor

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The best way for me to answer that question is to direct you to the other topic I started right below this one.  There are 2 ex-Safe clients and one mom that commented about their time at SAFE.  I do not know what happened to your friend individually.  During my 2 1/2 years at SAFE, no kid who graduated did so unequipped to handle the real world.  There were kids who did not finish their aftercare and who did not stay sober.

I am confused as to what you mean by destroy.  If you would like to be more specific about details you can PM, if you dont want to post something.  I had friends who worked there until recently.

Ask the court for a contiuance.

I left SAFE in late 1995.  I worked there for 2 1/2 years.  I started when Straight closed and SAFE opened.  I worked there during the HRS investigations and the admissions moratorium.  Did you have any questions?

It was called Substance Abuse Family Education (SAFE) or dba Associated Counseling and Education.  I personally have never heard of a program called SAFETY.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / David Key???
« on: February 02, 2004, 03:18:00 PM »
It is unethical.  The rule, simply stated, is once a client, always a client.  No dual relationships.

The Troubled Teen Industry / My 16 year old daughter's first love
« on: February 02, 2004, 10:21:00 AM »
If you look at the forum description, you will read this, "Resources for people considering specialty schools, boot camps or wilderness therapy for their kids. This is an uncensored, unmoderated forum where all viewpoints are both welcome and fair game for debate. It's a snap-shot of the Teen Help industry. Some days it's inspiring and heart-warming. Other day's it's pretty damned ugly. Enter at your own risk."

"So kindly fuck off while you still have the legs to carry yourself...."  So why is it that you resort to threatening violence?  Are you not able to discuss things maturely?  Do you lack the emotional development to deal with your feelings appropriately, so you have no choice but to lash out?

The Troubled Teen Industry / My 16 year old daughter's first love
« on: January 29, 2004, 12:38:00 PM »
She said "Why would you want to be so manipulative and controlling in your childs life.

And of course that poor boy is thinking only of her he is being tortured in a wilderness program, and you are about to sabotage his progress to meet your own adgenda.

I am sad, for your children for that boy it is a shame."

So I guess I left a few words out that did not seem ridiculous.  I want to know where she and anyone else gets the idea that setting boundaries and enforcing them on your child is controlling and manipualtive.  It is a fact of adolescent development, that teens need structure and discipline.  They are emotional tornados developing into adults.  Providing this structure actually relieves stress, in the fact that the teen now has fewer choices to agonize over.  Kaydeejaded just needs to read a book about adolescent development.

To use a program analogy-remember when you were an oldcomer, the newcomers were driving you nuts and you had all these responsibilities to get done.  Do you remember the sense of relief you had when your responsibilities were taken away and you had fewer things to worry about.   Its the same principle.  

[ This Message was edited by: exsafecounselor on 2004-01-29 09:41 ]

The Troubled Teen Industry / My 16 year old daughter's first love
« on: January 29, 2004, 12:17:00 PM »

I have read many of your post in the past.  But this one takes the cake. Do you really believe the crap that comes out of your mouth?
[ This Message was edited by: exsafecounselor on 2004-01-29 09:17 ]

[ This Message was edited by: exsafecounselor on 2004-01-29 09:18 ]

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / I am an exsafe counselor
« on: January 29, 2004, 11:08:00 AM »
I could not imagine a person like you being on staff either.  We agree!

[ This Message was edited by: exsafecounselor on 2004-01-29 08:08 ]

Wanted to make more money.  Thats why I left

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / I am an exsafe counselor
« on: January 28, 2004, 01:49:00 PM »

You are correct.  Thanks for the spell check.


Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / I am an exsafe counselor
« on: January 28, 2004, 01:46:00 PM »
Just replied this afternoon.  Sorry for the delay.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / I am an exsafe counselor
« on: January 27, 2004, 06:39:00 PM »
It is quite a bit of reading, but it talks about everything.  If you have a specific question, I will answer it.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / I am an exsafe counselor
« on: January 27, 2004, 03:19:00 PM »
Okie Dokie :wave:

I am sorry if my posting bothered you

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