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Topics - Hydemom

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Hyde Schools / Sexual assaults and inappropriate behavior by Hyde Staff
« on: August 27, 2007, 10:25:38 AM »
Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2007 1:01 am    Post subject: Honor  

My name is Weston M. Price

I attended Hyde school (Bath) roughly during the years of 1987-1988. I never finished, I was a discipline problem and never quite cared for any of the staff. In my time at Hyde I saw, or participated in:

Seeing a student (Stuart Grenik sp(?)) being struck by Joseph Gauld Sr (I was not the only one witness to this)

A sexual relationship with a teacher (with me)

My parents being paid off by Hyde to not press charges in regards to certain violations (see aforementioned relationship).

There is no substitute for evidence, facts, and actual testimony. Having been at Hyde for probably the worst time in it's history, I can attest to quite a few things regarding the school, it's founder, it's history, it's 'unique potential'.

Note, oddly enough. I am also a survivor of Straight Inc (Atlanta chapter).

Yes, I have a question.  What would you call a Character Based School who has every opportunity to avoid a lawsuit by simply keeping the pedophile away from the victims yet refuses to do so?  I call this plain STUPIDITY, don't you?

I am the parent of a girl who was sexually fondled by a staff member with the initials LD.  Although Hyde would like you to believe that some lunatic parent made up a story about their daughter being molested by LD, this is not so! It's called "DENIAL" Hyde, when one wants to pretend something didn't happen in order to live with ones self.

 LD did sexually fondle my daughter. The only reason we did not file criminal charges was because the attorney explained that our daughter would be put through more than she could handle going through a criminal trial. It was explained that she would be re traumatized. LD should consider himself lucky.

I asked over a six month period that LD not be allowed on campus.  Hyde would not agree to this no matter how hard I pleaded.  Their stance was that because LD was a parent at Hyde, (he was asked to resign from staff after we pursued this) he had every right to be on campus for his daughters activities, parent weekends, seminars, and the like.  As far as I was concerned, this not only gave him an opportunity to sexually harass other female students, it re traumatized my daughter by seeing him, as well as sent a very poor message to the other students about what kind of behavior would be tolerated on campus. After our many pleadings fell on deaf ears, we filed a lawsuit under Title IX.

 When confronting Malcolm by phone and asking how he would like it if it had happened to his daughter, his response was, "my daughter could handle it."  Geez Louise, poor thing.  I hope she never has to go through something like our daughter. I am still waiting for Malcolm's apology and explanation for such a stupid remark. Also pretty sad that a head of a school would take this type of attitude. Hyde was however kind enough to offer that our daughter should move to the other campus. I guess this is how they offer assistance to a victim. Let the perpetrator stay where he is and enjoy his life in paid campus housing, and send the victim off to another place where she will feel even more isolated, not have any friends, etc.

  In my estimation the whole sick culture at Hyde is pathetic, but I guess wherever there are desperate parents, there will be places like Hyde.  Good luck to all of you.  If you have any questions I would be happy to answer them.  I also would be happy to speak to any incoming parents who might like to know more about Hyde.

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