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Messages - Lars

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« on: November 06, 2005, 02:59:00 PM »
Some of the teachers I had there were decent instructors in the classroom. Some, to put it kindly, were not.  As I detailed on another topic, the grading system was unconscionable and hurt students like myself.

But what is really mind-blowing is that these teachers are put in charge of these incredibly intrusive and humiliating "family learning seminars" without having any formal training whatsoever!  It's a recipie for disaster - they're not satisfied unless you and your parents are reduced to tears, having exposed something shameful and disturbing about your private life.  It's theraputic and educational malpractice at the very least.

Hyde Schools / Comments from current Hyde students
« on: November 06, 2005, 02:15:00 PM »
To the former parent who thinks a wimp's been writing this stuff:

Maybe your kid discovered himself there, but for others like myself, the true discovery and growth occured after we escaped from their repressive one size fits all program.

I became more outgoing and personable AFTER I left.

I discovered I was a top student AFTER I left.

I became happy and confident AFTER I left.

And by the way, I was a lot tougher, both physically and mentally, than most of the true believers there.  Believe it. :wink:

« on: November 06, 2005, 11:14:00 AM »
On 2005-11-06 01:36:00, Anonymous wrote:

As far as Hydefan. It is obvious that he is a member of the school or should I say a member of the Cult at Hyde. It truly amazes me how anyone who "buys into Hyde" talks EXACTLY the same way. The lingo is all the same! This is certainly signs of a Cult and I don't think even THEY realize how deeply involved they are in the indoctorination! If you read these posts, go to and look at the "reviews" for the school book, you will see that the "Hydettes" all talk the same! You might think some of it is all the same person, but it isn't. All Hyde people who "buy into the program" are programmed to speak the same!

As far as Lars and Antigen and TommyFromHyde, it truly amazes me how anyone who didn't buy into Hyde talks EXACTLY the same way. The lingo is all the same. They use words like Cult and indoctorination. If you read these posts, you will see that the "non-Hydettes" all talk the same! You might think some of it is all the same person--and it just might be!"

Hey Hydefan,

Did you see the words cult or indoctrination in any of my posts?  No you didn't, although you're too dense to see that in many ways, these terms are not inappropriate.  I'd use words like like overzealous, self-righteous, insensitive, close-minded & sadistic.

Actually, I'd say some of the folks up there meant well and really thought they were helping people.  But you know what they say about good intentions.  Again, you're being completely insensitive as to why folks on this board are venting and concerned that incoming families aren't getting the real picture.

So I'll say it again in terms that even you can understand:  Get lost, Troll!

Hyde Schools / Don't identify yourself on this board! Hyde is lurking!
« on: November 05, 2005, 06:57:00 PM »
What could Hyde do legally?  Nothing, that's what.  Sue for defamation?  We're talking about an institution, not a person, and in any case, defamation has to involve false statements - not the truths being exposed on this board.  Don't fall for any legal fearmongerming crap.  They can't do a thing about the postings on this board legally.  Our statements are fully protected by the First Amendment.  Keep on telling the truth!  [ This Message was edited by: Lars on 2005-11-05 15:58 ]

Hyde Schools / Don't identify yourself on this board! Hyde is lurking!
« on: November 05, 2005, 06:12:00 PM »
I graduated in '90, only the Bath campus existed then.  I recall that they were in the planning stages for the Connecticut campus.

I have nothing to hide(no pun intended)...and nothing to fear.

Hyde Schools / Don't identify yourself on this board! Hyde is lurking!
« on: November 05, 2005, 05:50:00 PM »
I hope they ARE having a close look at what's on this board.  Maybe it'll clue them in as to why so many of their former students and parents, even those like myself who "successfully" made it through the program, won't have anything to do with the place and won't give them a dime.

I've included enough information about muyself on this board for them to figure out who I am.  What are they going to do - put me on 2/4?  If they want to inquire as to why I feel so strongly they're welcome to ask.  I do understand the trepidation those still involved with the program might have about giving out too much info about themselves.  From my past experiences, I think they're justified in worrying that the school might use it against them.  All I can say is have courage, and I don't mean the "courage" on the Hyde shield.  I mean real courage, real integrity and real leadership.

Hyde Schools / Comments from current Hyde students
« on: November 05, 2005, 03:06:00 PM »
As a lawyer, I say forget the legal analysis and consider this: any place that forbids criticism (other than of one's own self) and/or independent thought is an unhealthy place to send your kid.  And private institution or not, it's contrary to our American values.

To any kids there, I say speak your mind and when they say you've got attitude, tell them that their stifling of free speech and independent thought is contrary to the values we hold dear as members of a free society.

Our country is a marketplace of ideas that are exchanged, fought over, compromised, etc.  It's a big part of what makes our nation great.  Hyde is only interested in their ideas - discussion of anything that brings them into question is not tolerated there.  

Speak your mind.  And if you feel that anything they inflict on you amounts to abuse, report them to the proper authorities.

Hyde Schools / Warning about Hyde School from an educational consultant
« on: November 05, 2005, 12:39:00 PM »

I, too, tried come up with something offensive.  I got a guy to accompany me with his guitar and did a passable Axl Rose imitation, screeching out the "I used to love her, but I had to kill her" song by Guns & Roses.

The faculty went BALLISTIC.  The look on Joe Gauld's face was priceless.

Of course, they made do another "audition" with a less offensive song.

They had absolutely no sense of humor. [ This Message was edited by: Lars on 2005-11-05 11:23 ]

Hyde Schools / Warning about Hyde School from an educational consultant
« on: November 05, 2005, 11:38:00 AM »
It wasn't called "America's Spirit," but it was the same cheesy Up with People-type garbage.  I hated having to do that crap.  Remember "auditions," where everybody in the school had to get up in front of the entire student body and faculty and sing a song solo no matter how lousy their voice?  Now THAT was downright abusive and cruel.

[ This Message was edited by: Lars on 2005-11-05 08:42 ]

Hyde Schools / Warning about Hyde School from an educational consultant
« on: November 04, 2005, 11:08:00 PM »
Oh yeah, and I would've happily traded the "Sly Stallone in Rocky IV" build for the "Tim Robbins in Shawshank Redemption" build just to not have to perform in one of their cheesy musical productions.  :lol:

Hyde Schools / Warning about Hyde School from an educational consultant
« on: November 04, 2005, 10:56:00 PM »
Pretty funny, I didn't get it because I thought I should be allowed to have sex because of my muscles.  Obviously, Hydefan here has no sense of humor (As I recall, neither did any of the Hyde faculty).  

This dolt has finally shown his true colors.  He's what most message board posters refer to as a troll.  One key to quality discussion on boards like this:  Don't feed the trolls!

Ignore this schmuck, he (or she) just isn't worth responding to anymore.
[ This Message was edited by: Lars on 2005-11-04 20:00 ]

« on: November 04, 2005, 10:35:00 PM »
To the Anonymous guy who thinks I'm blaming others,

I appreciate that you're not really trying to rip me or pull the Hyde "you just don't get it" business as to my post.  But I do feel compelled to address a few things you said.

Punishing a bright student because they aren't a "leader" in class is downright disgaceful.  I never said I was screwed in life by the time I got to college, I was merely pointing that due to an unconscionable grading system, I had fewer options at that time than if they had graded my work simply on its merits.  And I have a right to take them to task for it.

Also, my post may have appeared rhetorical in form, but in substance, it wasn't.  I was there. These things actually happened.

Of course, the typical Hyde approach is to have  the student always blame him or herself.  In the real world, that isn't always the case.  We have the right to vent our anger when others wrong us, when an institution wrongs us.  Hey, I moved on.  I worked hard AND played hard in college (a much healthier approach than the grim, all "work" approach that is central to the Hyde experience), got into law school and made a life for myself.  I make good money and enjoy kicking the government's butt in court. I have a beautiful wife and two beautiful kids.  Life is good.  Believe me, I'm not blaming them for anything in my life now.

Those of use who endured that place have a right to vent, and, I believe, a moral duty to warn prospective parents.  My parents bought into their bulls*&^ and it was three years of my life that I'll never get back.  If anything good came of that, it's that I now thank god for every day I have on this earth that I can live my life the way I should - without having to share my intimate secrets with strangers, without know-it-alls trying to mold me into something I'm not.

What I'm seeing in these discussions is a lot of people like me who had terrible experiences there.  And a few of the pro-Hyde folks who respond to our anger by responding the way the school did:  you don't get it.   It's a free country and as a lawyer who fights every day to uphold the constitution, I think you've got the right to say what you want on these boards.  But understand that if you're coming on here to defend the school and in doing so, telling folks that they just don't get it, that they, not Hyde School failed, well, I have to say that you really ought to consider keeping your $.02 to yourself.  It's just not appropriate in a forum where people are clearing some of the bile from their souls.

Life is not a Hyde seminar.  And neither are these discussions.

Hyde Schools / Warning about Hyde School from an educational consultant
« on: November 04, 2005, 09:36:00 PM »

     I started at Hyde in the summer of 1987, before the first of my two junior years there.  They didn't call their wilderness trips "outpost," they called them "attitude trips"  On these and on "2/4," their favorite meaningless torture exercise was called the "cheops" pile.  They had a monstrous pile of sticks out in the back field and they'd make us move the pile about a hundred yards down the field stick by stick.  Then, when the whole pile was transferred, they'd have us move it back again, stick by stick.  Just for kicks, if they felt our attitude wasn't good, they'd halt process to have us do some calisthenics.

     Oh yeah, and the sports programs there were BRUTAL.  It was as if they didn't consider being on a sports team to be a character building experience unless they ran you until you were puking.  True, I was in ridiculously good physical shape (I'm talking muscles on top of muscles - no kidding).  But what good is that when you can't even get laid without getting publicly shamed for it when people found out?

I wasn't exaggerating when I said that going to college was like being let out of prison (Why Arizona State?  Check out Playboy's girls of the Pac-10 pictorial and you'll understand why - especially after you've spent a few winters in Maine).

Hyde Schools / Warning about Hyde School from an educational consultant
« on: October 30, 2005, 03:04:00 PM »

They most certainly did tell my parents to throw me out on the streets.  If I knew then what I know now, I would have reported them (my parents AND the school) to the state department of social services.  I would have wound up in foster care, but I wouldn't have had to go back to Hyde.

At Hyde, they probably consider me to be one of their "success stories," but I think I did well after Hyde in spite of the place.  I did graduate with a "diploma" (only given to about 5 or 6 out of the 35 kids I graduated with, the rest got a "certificate" or a "document" - another screwed-up aspect of the program).  But by the second half of my senior year, I knew how to play their game and did so while trying to be as humane as possible to the underclassmen (I never took pleasure in making them do calisthenics at 5:30 in the morning).

« on: October 30, 2005, 12:52:00 PM »
To Hydefan,

You should have some understanding for the kids who have had mental health issues treated as character problems by the know-it-alls at Hyde.  Do you have any idea how terrible that is?  Clinical depression is a horrible, debilitating illness and to have it labled "laziness" or "attitude" is just ignorant and cruel.

Or, how about highly intelligent students whose college prospects get screwed because of the grading system that brings down their average because they aren't considered "leaders" in class?  

Try to have some understanding of why people on this board are so angry.  It's not just a bunch of malcontents.  The place was, and from the comments of some of the posters whose experience was more recent, still is deeply and fundamentally flawed (and even dangerous).

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