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New Info / Re: Rocklyn Academy(Canada)
« on: August 31, 2010, 10:24:10 AM »
I am so sorry you experienced this Bridget. The same stories keep coming out of this place. Its beyond appalling. Have you or your parents contacted a lawyer? Document everything you can-get a hold of medical records relating to your injuries and illnesses from the hospital or local dr office. Make sure you document each case and the name of the person who refused seeking treatment when you were ill or watched you undress or watched you shower or forced you to clean up other people tampons or vomit. File a report with the OPP Grey Bruce detachment and call your MPP.

Call the Ontario Child Advocate Office.
1-800-263-2841 or 416-325-5669

 Let your parents know they weren't the only ones scammed. My daughter's experience was much as you've described it. I suggest removing your private email, and communicate through private pms here-its an open board and you must be careful to keep name and details private. You may end up with rocklyn staff emailing. You might want to check the rocklyn girls facebook site and see if anyone is having any luck with legal aspects.

Here is a search of other posts on rocklyn-keep scrolling down.

New Info / Re: Rocklyn Academy(Canada)
« on: June 21, 2010, 05:37:07 PM »
Another resource :Canadian Centre for Abuse Awareness

New Info / Re: Rocklyn Academy(Canada)
« on: June 21, 2010, 08:04:33 AM »
How many girls are still there?
 Did they ever forcibly keep you there? Which police force returned you, and did they know your age?

The shower search is disturbing. Especially try to document anything that happened around these events, or any other type of possible assault or forcible confinement. Put your notes in logical order, including names of staff and girls involved.

Call the  OPP and file a complaint. 1-888-310-1122

Secondly call the Child and Youth Advocate. Tell them what happened. They might be able to steer you towards a lawyer or start an investigation themselves. These guys are operating through loopholes in our system.

Child Advocate for Ontario: 416-325-5569 toll free-1-800-263-2841

This document might be helpful-there is a contact Number of the bottom.

If you dad now is concerned he has been a fraud victim-though some parents realize this years later-its important to get the ball moving and now because there is a limited time in which he can sue.Good luck. I'm very sorry you went through this experience too.

The Troubled Teen Industry / Re: Sheila Morrison School - new entry
« on: May 04, 2010, 01:16:23 PM »
Interesting. Thanks for posting this info.

Open Free for All / Re: How long ago were you in a program?
« on: May 04, 2010, 01:14:31 PM »
At Rocklyn Academy, staff either sat in the room or actually listened on the line while parents were called-once a week for 15 minutes IF they didn't come up with an excuse to not allow any calls. If the student attempted to complain, life was going to be miserable and more than likely other excuses made to remove any priviliges, like outings and usually result in removing a level or not being able to move up. Of course, it could also mean removal of phone priviliges completely.

Emails( to parents only allowed) were also monitored both ways, and held back frequently without either student or parent being told.

There was no way for students to express safety concerns to an outside person.

The Troubled Teen Industry / Rocklyn Academy(Canada)
« on: December 18, 2007, 03:17:57 PM »
Sorry another bump for Rocklyn. Hopefully a parent researching this for second semester will think long and hard, and hopefully any of the girls who are able to come home for Christmas  will understand they cannot be forced to go against their will. Better help is available within community agencies, and is provided free by OHIP. Sixty thousand dollars a year  is a scam for shoddy and potentially dangerous care provided. Honestly i don't know how those people sleep at night.

The Troubled Teen Industry / Rocklyn Academy(Canada)
« on: December 16, 2007, 05:42:03 PM »
bumping this up. Hopefully some of the girls who come home for the holidays might get a chance to find this-the ones that actually get to come home. They have expanded the program to cover 365 days a year-so if they want, they can deny the girls a visit home if they don't "earn it"..and charge big bucks no doubt for the extra time there. :(  Not alot of incentive for the staff to help the girls get a visit home. Bet a few of them lose a level or more in the next week in order to justify keeping them. Very typical and predictable.

The Troubled Teen Industry / SUNHAWK "ACADEMY", St George, Utah
« on: September 06, 2007, 02:56:03 PM »
Quote from: ""Anne Bonney""
Quote from: ""Guest""
Quote from: ""Guest 100468""
Unfortunately, you won't find much help on this website - my advice is to continue doing research and meeting the people at the facilities to determine where the best fit is for your son.  This website you've stumbled on will only give you criticism for even considering placement.  These are some angry kids...

AMEN to that!  Although not all here are "kids", there are a lot of angry folks, many with good reason, and many because they are negative followers not interested in proactive helping - only tearing down.

No, what we're doing is challenging parents to use some critical thinking skills and see this industry for what it is.  A money making sham.  I'm 42, went through a program over 20 years ago that nearly destroyed my life.  I'm the parent of two grown children, one of whom scared the living shit out of me for about 6 years or so, so I'm not talking out of my ass here.  

Its real easy to simply dismiss what's said here because of the volatility, but if you slow down for a minute and think about what these kids have been through.  They're angry for a reason.  A good one.  If you're a parent, it should be important enough to you to sift through the so called 'bullshit' to find the meat of the issue.

Don't send your child away.  I would have much preferred juvie to a program.  It doesn't fuck with your soul as much.

It is sometimes hard to read here because the pain is so palpable. But i have learned a tremendous amount reading here in the past month. Its not pretty reading, but any parent who realizes how many programs, how many kids have similar experiences and that a clear pattern emerges. We had no idea. A parent who is warned here may save their own child the suffering our child experienced.

The Troubled Teen Industry / Re: sunhawk
« on: September 06, 2007, 02:29:30 PM »
Quote from: ""dawn cox""
Quote from: ""Guest""
Hmm. Whether to send your son to a brainwashing camp full of really sick child abusers who operate off of truly bizarre, disturbed principles and are guaranteed to seriously hurt him, or not?

I don't know! Maybe you should read the rest of Fornits before you make such a hard decision.

Are you a parent? Do you have a troubled teen? If so can you give me some words of wisom because we are totally lost here. He is currnetlt a run away, failing school and doing drugs. Aside from juvy which i feel is horrible what else can we do??? I appreciate all the help!

I am a parent, not from this facility though. My dd had a terrible experience and we know now we risked her life by not knowing what a scam this industry is. Please talk to your family dr. Get a referral to a community agency. Go to family counselling.

The Troubled Teen Industry / Rocklyn Academy(Canada)
« on: August 22, 2007, 10:03:32 AM »
There seems to also be very high staff turnover.. :-?

The Troubled Teen Industry / Rocklyn Academy(Canada)
« on: August 18, 2007, 08:12:24 AM »
Quote from: ""Oz girl""
From what I can tell from the net these 2 guys were just run of the mill canadian school teachers before they opened this place in 1999. Anyone know of any prior connections to this industry? How would they have brought such an idea to Canada?

No idea, but they seemed to pick the tricks of the trade up fast. Lots of connections to US troubled teen schools now. If a girl is resistant or showing serious problems, she ends up in wilderness, usually in Utah, fast. The parents are asked to give them permission to do this in the contract. This is a huge money maker. Tuition is 48,000+. Then they bill for therapy, gym, riding, outings on top of that-but are not clear about that part up front.

The Troubled Teen Industry / Rocklyn Academy(Canada)
« on: August 17, 2007, 07:50:51 PM »
Quote from: Ursus
Hmm.  Background, experience, certification, and degrees (if any) of staff are notably absent from info on the website
These people really do believe in controlling each and every aspect of these girls' lives!  Holy canoli!! Take a look at the subsections of the Student Guide, e.g., 'Procedures & Consequences':.
Quote from: Ursus

You should see the actual handbook.  :-? Very concerning was the monitoring of all contact with parents-phone and email, and the mail is read by staff. Emails are withheld often. Its a very restrictive environment. It was difficult to get any clear information about credentials. The admissions director is Dr. Darryl Williams, though it looks as though he has removed the "dr" from the website. The desgnation remains on many of the rocklyn links that can be googled. They seem to be affiliated with most of the US websites advertising in this industry.

The Troubled Teen Industry / Rocklyn Academy(Canada)
« on: August 17, 2007, 07:46:13 PM »
Quote from: ""Oz girl""
The vernacular it uses is very similar to that of an Australian or British normal private girls school. Does anyone know who owns it?

From what we can tell Bob Shaw and Dale Stohn.

The Troubled Teen Industry / Rocklyn Academy(Canada)
« on: August 17, 2007, 11:00:02 AM »
Rachael-Do you know if the gov't places ANy regulations on these type of schools? There seems to be no one overseeing safety or ensuring students are advised of their rights.  There are 2 more programs that have opened in Ontario-Pine River Institute which seems to at least have real medical supervision, but who knows. And there is another school for behavioural issues called Pinehurst School. Who's accountable? The money these places charge is astronomical. At Rocklyn at least, the services provided did not justify what they were charging. It all looks good on the website. What you see is not what you get in that case.

The Troubled Teen Industry / Rocklyn Academy(Canada)
« on: July 29, 2007, 02:00:34 PM »
yes, i am a parent. Rocklyn is definitely not the abuse/torture experienced by students at other facilities. There are however, many red flags-and i was horried by some things going on there, and i have no doubt students are at risk in that environment. The website makes it look like an exclusive girl's school-it is not.

The ministry does not oversee the credentials of the teachers or the quality of those credits. Very few, if any of the teachers are certified. In fact, there seem to be a lack of proper credential overall. They admit everyone from kids with major drug issues, sexuality issues, psychotic, eating disordered and no medical supervision. Very scary the numbers packed off to Utah wilderness when they don't buy in and conform. Really the authorities need to know there are kids there.

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