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Messages - Nihilanthic

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The little face in the middle getting a facial is, of course, all the little children whooter is out whiteknighting trying to save by having them sent to programs because public schools aren't safe anymore and parents need breathing room to learn how to read from a script to parent over a phone for a few months before the terrified child-bot comes back, granted they can afford it. Apparently people of normal means somehow manage to get by but it's purely luck and clearly they're in dire need of being sent to an RTS.

I wish I could remember when/who posted that someone felt all teens should get locked up in a RTS to deal with issues in their lives just because, I think it's relevant or something. I should also embellish this paragraph a bit more before I wax rude, perverse and recalling of the ways of the gookin - for he is the father, I am the son, and when we eat kimchi the holy ghost comes out and lingers a while in stagnant air; better keep a window open.

Anyway, nothing, who art in nothing, nothing by my name, says that Reuben should put up or shut up and give us a contact number so we can report him to the shitty poster's abuse hotline and then threaten to expose him for jerking his greasy dick to cuckolding porn on the fan-upload section of some AB/DL slash fiction page about Captain Planet and Ronald Reagan.

:sue: :sue: :sue: :sue: :sue: :sue: :sue: :sue: :sue: :sue: :sue: :sue:

I think the problem her is danny was skipped over for his puff puff pass and is being a little twit about it.

Quote from: "Whooter"
Stepping back a little I think the key is to insure that place you are sending your child does background checks whether it be a program, public school system or daycare.  Pedophiles do not differentiate or care where the operate.

In our public school system we are seeing a new case being brought to court every week.

Get ready for a shock. According to a major 2004 study commissioned by the U.S. Department of Education – the most in-depth investigation to date – nearly 10 percent of U.S. public school students have been targeted with unwanted sexual attention by school employees.
Full article


Too bad the program industry doesn't bother trying to find out what the rate is. Then again it would be quicker to find the percentage of kids who weren't.

The Troubled Teen Industry / Re: Academy at Sisters
« on: July 13, 2010, 08:25:48 PM »
Whootie white knighting me was the best laugh I had in fucking ages.

Hey whooter who the fuck are you? Are you Reuben or not?  :boycott:

The Troubled Teen Industry / Re: Academy at Sisters
« on: July 13, 2010, 01:04:14 AM »
It's nobody's fault but my own, I admit it.

Sorry everyone.

The Troubled Teen Industry / Re: Academy at Sisters
« on: July 13, 2010, 12:18:52 AM »
Okay I will!!! I won't anymore I'm sorry.

So what do we do about whooter saying I mess with kids because I don't even

The Troubled Teen Industry / Re: Academy at Sisters
« on: July 13, 2010, 12:10:10 AM »
Also that's what he was going to post I bet. I'm so ashamed.

 :waaaa:  :waaaa:  :waaaa:  :waaaa:  :waaaa:  :waaaa:  :waaaa:  :waaaa:  :waaaa:  :waaaa:  :waaaa:  :waaaa:  :waaaa:  :waaaa:  :waaaa:  :waaaa:

The Troubled Teen Industry / Re: Academy at Sisters
« on: July 13, 2010, 12:09:39 AM »
Hi Relic thanks for understanding.

The Who, what is a good program for a young man with tranny issues?

The Troubled Teen Industry / Re: Academy at Sisters
« on: July 12, 2010, 11:51:07 PM »
So where's that horrible shit you were going to say about me, hmm?

 :sue:  :sue:  :sue:  :sue:  :sue:  :sue:  :sue:  :sue:  :sue:  :sue:  :sue:  :sue:
 :sue:  :sue:  :sue:  :sue:  :sue:  :sue:  :sue:  :sue:  :sue:  :sue:  :sue:  :sue:
 :sue:  :sue:  :sue:  :sue:  :sue:  :sue:  :sue:  :sue:  :sue:  :sue:  :sue:  :sue:
 :sue:  :sue:  :sue:  :sue:  :sue:  :sue:  :sue:  :sue:  :sue:  :sue:  :sue:  :sue:
 :sue:  :sue:  :sue:  :sue:  :sue:  :sue:  :sue:  :sue:  :sue:  :sue:  :sue:  :sue:

The Troubled Teen Industry / Re: Academy at Sisters
« on: July 12, 2010, 11:40:07 PM »
I'm still waiting on just what your INTERNET INVESTIGATION brought up.

The Troubled Teen Industry / Re: Academy at Sisters
« on: July 12, 2010, 11:39:48 PM »
I'll be sure to speed that process along by turning myself in.

How about I repost the dox here, will that make you come out, whootie?

The Troubled Teen Industry / Re: Academy at Sisters
« on: July 12, 2010, 11:13:11 PM »
Yeah everyone except Morgan right.

Quote from: "funsize"
Only if u people understood the meaning of theraputic touch..which u obviously don't...
So what is it?

Quote from: "funsize"
like get over urself u won't win thiis..u will loose..u dnt knw wat its like to be in our shoes to have gone through wat we went through..
So what is it like?

Quote from: "funsize"
calos hard and it scks alota the time..
I'm sorry.

Quote from: "funsize"
but the threapy is amazeing..and regroup may sound like bullshit to u people but ur tlking to sme1 who has had almst 300 hours of it..
What is it?

Quote from: "funsize"
it helps if u do it rite..
So how DO you do it right?

Quote from: "funsize"
calo isn't a prison..they dnt abuse us..they dnt treat us wrong..were at calo cse we were treated wrng and r lives ended up getting fcked..calo is our second chance and if ur stuck on all this prison bullshit I feel sry for u..maybe if u wea younger u cld of had a place like calo to help u..and to the pple who say they've seen wat they do..then u knw me..and knw how calo has helped me an kept me safe...and restraints??? I've been in so many.but they rnt abuseing me in it at all there keeping me safe frm hurting myself and others..dnt get me wrng calo has its faults but who dsent?

I can't figure any of this shit out.

The Troubled Teen Industry / Re: Academy at Sisters
« on: July 12, 2010, 11:07:02 PM »
The white knight circle jerk about who is mad and who is the most mad and why should they be mad and how mad they are.

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