Author Topic: Ivy Ridge/WWASPS Sensationalized News Reports  (Read 7110 times)

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Ivy Ridge/WWASPS Sensationalized News Reports
« Reply #30 on: November 30, 2005, 09:35:00 PM »
We did do many Doctor visits here prior to sending him . THe area Physch told us he needed to go! We followed the Doctors advice. THere were multipe meds he was on, a diagnosis of Bipolar, which I I want to bring him home.

I think there is a fine line between right and wrong here. I am walking that line
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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« Reply #31 on: November 30, 2005, 10:06:00 PM »
Why don't you err on the side of caution and bring him home?  Get a second opinion from another doctor.  

There are options for drug and mental health rehabilitation in every state.  Otherwise we'd just shoot everyone or send them to a secluded island on the first offense.  Treatment doesn't have to happen in a locked facility out of your own state.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline trnsz

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« Reply #32 on: November 30, 2005, 11:05:00 PM »
I think there is a fine line between right and wrong here. I am walking that line "
Bring 'em home!  The only thing that is truly, horrificly wrong is that kids are being locked away in these facilities.  And please, I tell you from personal experience, the pain and trauma might not show through for many years, but when it does, pray your child has the strength to move on.  

As an adult who was in a WWASPS program myself, I speak from my own experience.  Even in the unlikely event your child has been protected from physical abuse by the facility, and can't get access to drugs or alcohol while locked up, things come crashing down later.

Part of the perceived success of these programs is that survivors often don't talk about their experiences, but live in mental torment silently, while the family goes for decades believing they provided help!  For "program parent" or family, I can imagine coming to the realization that they spent $30,000 to $100,000 to abuse and possibly permanently damage the child has to be traumatic as well.  That's why there is so much denial.

The bottom line is that all WWASPS seminars are psychologically and emotionally abusive.  A lack of physical brutality from the staff only makes the experience more bearable - not more theraputic or any less damaging.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Ivy Ridge/WWASPS Sensationalized News Reports
« Reply #33 on: December 01, 2005, 12:50:00 AM »
Thank you for responding without accusing me of abandoning my child. At the time we did what we thought was best. He is in Discovery as we speak, next week we do PC1 and I am planning on driving away with him. Wish me luck to get the hubby onboard.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Ivy Ridge/WWASPS Sensationalized News Reports
« Reply #34 on: December 01, 2005, 12:52:00 AM »
On 2005-11-30 07:29:00, Anonymous wrote:

"Well, can you tell me how skipping school, self mutilation,breaking the law(stealing)lack of respect for family and self all are given rights? I am a believer that the next generation will do better,more than the last, but you have to perform in society,do what is 'normal' like get up, bathe go to school and love yourself.

Those things were missing in my 15 year could he be a leader in a 'dissent' if he was desenting from life?

If I had not put him in Cross Creek, my fear was he would be in jail or the mourge,,,,,,and that is not program speak.

I am not sure about working the program till graduation but I know it was necessary to save him from himself at that time.

A hopeful Mom"

Distorting my words or saying I wrote something I did not is not a valid argument to my point. No where did I condone your son's behavior. But I might have. Who says you have to respect your family. My family sucks. I don't respect them. They would have to earn that. Quite frankly, perhaps if you had earned your son's respect, he would not be acting this way. Just a thought.

My post was never meant to say and did not say that young people should not be given assistance when needed. It is the type of assistance that I object to. Your son still has a right to speak his mind freely and to believe in whatever religion, political system, or value system he chooses. Even if he really must be incarcerated to protect himself or others from harm, he does not give up these rights. He still has a right to be involved in choices concerning his treatment even in his confinement.

What if Cross Creek wanted to administer ECT? Would that be okay with you? Shouldn't both of you have a say in that? How about a lobotomy? That would mellow him out, but would it be right and moral to do this to him? The ends doesn't justify the means. Torment, whether physical or emotional is not therapy and not a valid treatment option.

To force your son to be silent, avoid eye contact, not look at a girl at all, not interact with other kids, and not be able to communicate with you is wrong. There is absolutely NO therapeutic value in treating him like that.

Your son should be allowed to stand up to you and the rest of the seminar and say, "This is all bullshit and I'm going back to my room." He should be allowed to do that without any fear of retribution or punishment. It is HIS treatment, not yours. If he wants traditional psychotherapy instead, give it to him. If he wants to read self help books or seek answers in religion or philosophy, let him. He owns his own thoughts and ideas, not you, not Cross Creek, not the Government. In his spare time, he should be allowed to read any goddamn thing he wants. And, he has a right to have some spare time and some fun in his life.

If he wants to stab someone or destroy someone else's property, that is another story. Then he should be stopped. That is what the police are for. As for skipping school, you can force him to attend and to a certain extent force him to learn something, but it is wrong to assume he must (or even can) be forced to like it. He should not be forced to act like he likes it either.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline CCM girl 1989

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Ivy Ridge/WWASPS Sensationalized News Reports
« Reply #35 on: December 01, 2005, 01:11:00 AM »
On 2005-11-30 21:50:00, Anonymous wrote:

"Thank you for responding without accusing me of abandoning my child. At the time we did what we thought was best. He is in Discovery as we speak, next week we do PC1 and I am planning on driving away with him. Wish me luck to get the hubby onboard."

I am thrilled to hear you are taking your son home. With the holidays fast approaching, he will be excited to go home, and spend it you. There is something about the holidays that brings a family closer together. All the traditions, the familiar smells. It's a perfect time to have that heart to heart conversation. These are all the things that you can provide as parents, that WWASPS cannot. Make sure and go out of your way to include him. I only say this because he might be a little upset at first about you temporarily disowning him. Everybody makes mistakes. What matters is that you see the light!  :smile:
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
f you were never in a program, or a parent of a child in a program, then you have no business posting here.

Offline trnsz

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Ivy Ridge/WWASPS Sensationalized News Reports
« Reply #36 on: December 01, 2005, 02:16:00 AM »
Ah, Discovery.  After all these years, I still remember how f'd  up that was.  It was also what made me believe the place was a giant scam.  I think the next seminar was Focus or something... been too long.  It does gets easier to get through, if only because you have a good idea of what they want to see from you.

I'm not sure how your child will take these seminars emotionally, and it will be a very vulnerable time for him when he arrives home.  Be sure to give him plenty of love and support.  Things might not go well right away.  Part of the problem will be that you likely have never experienced anything similar to what he's been through.  It'll be difficult to relate to your child's experiences.  However, I do think he'll be grateful for the rescue, and he'll appreciate what he has with you and your love very much.  That's your advantage.

Also keep in mind that not every kid will have a terrible experience, or they might not consider the program abusive until much later in life.  Look for emotional and behavior changes, and keep a close watch on your sons behavior, but do so without being the gestapo.  Get close to him by being a real friend.  

Trust is often difficult to establish after leaving these programs, and I think you are making the right choice by removing him before too much emotional damage is done.  The only thing that I might suggest is that you work to find a good family therapist that everyone is willing to work with.  Was he "abducted" when he was sent to the program?  If so, it might be harder.

Lots of people who post here went through the program themselves or are parents that have had children in programs and took them out or had them graduate and now see the programs negatively, and we can all suggest things that did work well.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Ivy Ridge/WWASPS Sensationalized News Reports
« Reply #37 on: December 01, 2005, 03:50:00 AM »
On 2005-11-30 21:50:00, Anonymous wrote:

"Thank you for responding without accusing me of abandoning my child. At the time we did what we thought was best. He is in Discovery as we speak, next week we do PC1 and I am planning on driving away with him. Wish me luck to get the hubby onboard."

The first thing they will tell you in PC1 is not to withdraw your child early ... even before you bring it up.  They will say that if you pull them at this point they will relapse and you will have to start all over again.  They really give you the hard sell.

I think a lot of parents tend to be wavering at this point.  You have been warned.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Ivy Ridge/WWASPS Sensationalized News Reports
« Reply #38 on: December 01, 2005, 07:56:00 AM »
On 2005-11-30 21:50:00, Anonymous wrote:

"Thank you for responding without accusing me of abandoning my child. At the time we did what we thought was best. He is in Discovery as we speak, next week we do PC1 and I am planning on driving away with him. Wish me luck to get the hubby onboard."

You go straight from Discovery to PC1? Wow things have changed. Before we'd have to get through Focus, then Accountability... some other one I can't remember and then maybe you'd get to PC1. I hope you drive away and never look back, Discovery is bad enough, but it gets ten times worse.

-Someone who's been there
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Ivy Ridge/WWASPS Sensationalized News Reports
« Reply #39 on: December 01, 2005, 10:47:00 AM »
Will take most of these posts to heart. My son and I have always spoken, I am not the hammer in the family. Sorry that one anon here thinks kids can do or say whatever they want..that is not what living in a family is about. Want to go aganist me and the family values, when you are 18 and pay the bills so be it.

I have pushed hard for the pci. They have changed the interval between 2 months. he opted out of Orientation then discovery once, so we are at 7 months..I am at my end of the WWasp train.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Ivy Ridge/WWASPS Sensationalized News Reports
« Reply #40 on: December 01, 2005, 10:50:00 AM »
On 2005-11-29 23:10:00, AtomicAnt wrote:

"Oops! Forgot to sign in. The post on dissent is mine."

QUOTE: I am old enough to remember the youth movement of the late 1960s and early 1970s. Civil Rights, Womens' Rights, Gay Rights, and an end to a war came about because young people rebelled against the established adult order. Many positive changes were made; not the least of which is the greater transparency that the government and large corporations and other organizations must now operate under. The slogans included "Question Authority."

The point here is the combination of young people and dissent. What makes all these programs wrong is the simple fact that they allow no dissent. In this way, they are no different than Soviet or Communist China style re-education camps. END QUOTE

Your point is noble, but it doesn?t work because you start with the assumption that dissent is not allowed. The whole point of the program is to show the kids how to stand up for things they know are wrong. For example, girls who have been pressured or forced into sexual situations learn to communicate in an assertive but respectful way, looking out for their own needs rather then the needs of their ?friends??usually predators and drug dealers. Kids at most programs can dissent, as long as they do so with respect toward themselves and those they?re addressing. At some schools, they even have the opportunity to suggest changes and improvements to the overall program.

QUOTE: What is important is how those young people who disagree with the program and its methods are treated. The programs do not allow for any dissenting opinion without retribution. They are forced to adopt the Party Line. In this country that is considered a great evil; period. END QUOTE

As above . . .

QUOTE: No one has the right to forcibly strip search someone, steal their property, and force them into isolation and silence just because they disagree with their views or behavior. Not even that young person's parents. Not without due process of law. Without due process, these acts are abusive and unethical by the general standards of our society. Program supporters don't get this.END QUOTE

Don?t get this? Have you read the policies of any of these schools? I have worked at several, and there was NEVER a strip search. That becomes a real pain, because kids can try to get away with stuff, but no one ever sees these kids without clothing except their doctor and nurse who give them a physical. It's a matter of respect and safety.

Their property goes home, except for what they need. And there is no such thing as ?isolation.? Silence? Yes, at certain times such as in the classroom. Guess that makes public schools evil, too?

QUOTE: The icing on the cake. Placing a young person in an isolated environment in which these apparent sadists and potential pedophiles take complete control over that young person's life, without allowing them any safety measures at all (free communication, oversight), is simply irresponsible and asking for abuse to occur.END QUOTE

How can one be an ?apparent sadist?? What is a ?potential pedophile?? Those are very weighty terms, very accusatorial, and utterly unfounded. And the safety measures are extensive. Again, think about actually reading the policies of these schools. Go see for yourself how unrealistic your Oliver Twist angle is.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Ivy Ridge/WWASPS Sensationalized News Reports
« Reply #41 on: December 01, 2005, 10:53:00 AM »
I would jump off the train while you still can.

IMO it is not necessary to be in the program more than a minute to make an imprssion on a kid.

7 months damage may have been done.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Ivy Ridge/WWASPS Sensationalized News Reports
« Reply #42 on: December 01, 2005, 11:07:00 AM »
On 2005-11-30 08:17:00, Anonymous wrote:

"Have you tried therapy at the hands of a professional. Someone educated enough to psychologically work with your child.

The wwasp facilities do not provide any professional mental assistance (ie psychologist) unless specifically requested and paid for by the parent.

Wwasp does not have ANY effective drug treatment in place whatsoever. There is no 12 step program, NOTHING. Incarcerating a child at a compound will keep them of drugs while they are there. However  once they return home and the fear of being sent back wears off, they are likely to relapse. The addiction was never treated and since there are NO qualified mental health professionals at these facilities whatsoever the majority of the children who are acting out because of being emotionally disturbed, never get any real help at all. They are simply warehoused. Yes they are off the streets. Just waiting until the day they get out and can relapse.

 I say this as someone who went through the program, did the parent child seminars and everything. The majority of the boys in my parent child seminars , the ones I was in the program with, relapsed. They relapsed HARD. Some lasted 3 weeks some a couple of months some even 6 months to a year. A good portion of those who relapsed even moved on to heavier drugs and one boy from Dallas that I was there with had overdosed on heroin in less than a year after having graduated the wwasp program. He was in the program for two years.

 Wwasp is lying about the statistics unless they are doing the success survey the immediate following day after the boys are released from the progeram and have'nt had a chance to relapse yet.

Actually I don't think wwasp has had a survey done. I'm talking about an independent survey company to interview groups of graduates of the parent child seminars one year after the program. Maybe to study the long term effects they should do a five year study as well.  I know why they have'nt though, being in the program it would always make it back to us how our friends that had gone home were doing. Sadly often times they were doing worse than they were before the program.

You will have to take wwasp's word that their success rate it so high. And that their methods which they designed are better than what psychologists with degrees can do for your child.

Here is something to chew on. Why is the tuition so expensive when the cost of renting the facility is nearly free after dividing it amongst all the students. They buy the food in bulk which is cheap divided amongst all the students. And then their abundance of untrained, unqualified , minimum wage staff ( who are working there with no background check just a drug screening test which many of the teens can tell you how to beat.) Mix that with the fact that the upper level students are acting as non-paid staff. The costs of running these places is relatively low and they are extremely profitable. If they really wanted to help kids they could easily cut their tuitions in half and still turn a LARGE profit. But that's just it, it's not about helping the kids, it's about warehousing the child and seeing how long they can keep the parent hooked so they can milk them."

Well, I only ghave experience with one WWASPS school, so here goes:

Spring Creek currently has 9 full time therapists, including one that all students see within two days of arriving.

Surveys are done at 1, 3, 6, and 12-month intervals. However, a long-term survey is a very good idea, and is currently being developed. It makes sense to demonstrate how effective the program is, especially long-term.

You obviously don't know much about land values, but other costs include paying the many professionals,including 24 certified teachers. In addition, there is the cost of the extensive background checks--at two levels-- and ongoing training every week, including CPR, First Aid,  Mandt training, communications, and policy and procedure. The school is fully accredited and credits are accepted all over the country--including at some of the finest universities. Yet Spring Creek's tuition remains low in comparison to most programs around the country.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline trnsz

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Ivy Ridge/WWASPS Sensationalized News Reports
« Reply #43 on: December 01, 2005, 12:32:00 PM »
I never saw any therapist or received any counseling.  I don't know anyone else that did.  There was only one nurse per beach for medical care, if I remember correctly.  I was never surveyed at any point during or after the program.  Maybe they only survey "graduates" or a select few?

Maybe the WWASPS programs in the USA are better than their overseas programs in the far corners of the world, but I would still have major concerns about their methods and their effectiveness.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Ivy Ridge/WWASPS Sensationalized News Reports
« Reply #44 on: December 01, 2005, 02:41:00 PM »
Cross creek has a therapist for every group. THey have'group therapy' every day and once a week session alone with him. He is also involved in other parts of my son's days. I have respect for HIM and the work he is doing.

I have a problem with the whole PROGRAM thing and what is required for graduation. I post on the BBS, and see these parents that are so totally reliant on the program, leaving kids there 23 months? WHat is that? I have faith in myself and my family that we can do this with some assistance, and yes some of the things in Discovery were awesome for me.

I am willing to leave my husband over this..that is how strongly I feel, I have 2 younger kids here that I need to think about also. TIme to 'step left' my decision is made, away from the program.

thank you all for the feedback(LOL)
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »