Author Topic: Buisness as Usual  (Read 1021 times)

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Offline thepatriot

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Buisness as Usual
« on: May 17, 2005, 09:26:00 AM »
The following list are the top Congressional trip takers, note how far down on the list Tom Delay is. Now I am not a DeLay fan by any means, but it looks like they are all guilty to me. So Howard Dean thinks Delay should be in Jail, what about the rest of these Criminals??? Here is a thought, make these guys pay for the trips out of their own campaign coffers and not by special intrest or tax payer money then maybe some of them will actually be legit or maybe not.

Top 100 Trip Takers

John Breaux - Democratic Party - $158,311.92

Robert Wexler - Democratic Party - $155,137.21

Gene Green - Democratic Party - $153,873.02

Maurice Hinchey - Democratic Party - $152,169.25

Cal Dooley - Democratic Party - $148,562.50

Evan Bayh - Democratic Party - $142,884.94

Maxine Waters - Democratic Party - $132,219.23

James Clyburn - Democratic Party - $129,540.79

Philip English - Republican Party - $129,231.54

Jim McDermott - Democratic Party - $128,725.91

Harold Rogers - Republican Party - $126,882.93

Gregory Meeks - Democratic Party - $126,690.08

John Boehner - Republican Party - $126,537.08

F. James Sensenbrenner - Republican Party - $126,424.65

James Greenwood - Republican Party - $121,890.57

George Miller - Democratic Party - $119,368.70

Richard Lugar - Republican Party - $113,279.68

Ed Pastor - Democratic Party - $111,438.89

Philip Crane - Republican Party - $109,994.72

Donald Payne - Democratic Party - $105,503.23

David Price - Democratic Party - $105,047.18

Dana Rohrabacher - Republican Party - $102,982.41

Ander Crenshaw - Republican Party - $102,967.56

Howard Berman - Democratic Party - $97,203.35

Paul Sarbanes - Democratic Party - $93,045.01

Joseph Biden - Democratic Party - $90,906.28

Lloyd Doggett - Democratic Party - $86,084.67

Don Nickles - Republican Party - $84,171.90

Tom DeLay - Republican Party - $82,390.71

Shelley Berkley - Democratic Party - $82,359.05

Solomon Ortiz - Democratic Party - $80,835.45

Henry Waxman - Democratic Party - $80,306.69

Joseph Crowley - Democratic Party - $79,807.23

Don Young - Republican Party - $79,615.31

Tom Lantos - Democratic Party - $79,005.14

Jesse Jr. Jackson - Democratic Party - $77,858.53

John Duncan, Jr. - Republican Party - $77,042.33

Doug Bereuter - Republican Party - $77,005.14

Thomas Allen - Democratic Party - $75,722.97

Todd Tiahrt - Republican Party - $69,791.20

Michael Castle - Republican Party - $69,671.29

Rush Holt - Democratic Party - $67,950.43

Eliot Engel - Democratic Party - $67,471.23

Stephanie Jones - Democratic Party - $67,331.76

Sherrod Brown - Democratic Party - $66,203.33

David Obey - Democratic Party - $65,838.01

Barbara Lee - Democratic Party - $65,321.21

Tom Udall - Democratic Party - $63,597.18

Frank Murkowski - Republican Party - $63,519.79

Jim McCrery - Republican Party - $62,008.52

Howard Coble - Republican Party - $61,874.65

Bob Graham - Democratic Party - $61,696.90

Pete Sessions - Republican Party - $61,619.49

Constance Morella - Republican Party - $60,701.60

Barbara Boxer - Democratic Party - $60,233.91

Christopher Shays - Republican Party - $59,719.83

Barney Frank - Democratic Party - $59,676.55

W.J. Tauzin - Republican Party - $59,539.21

Michael Oxley - Republican Party - $59,393.68

Olympia Snowe - Republican Party - $58,526.22

Rick Boucher - Democratic Party - $58,098.38

Janice Schakowsky - Democratic Party - $57,822.06

Ed Whitfield - Republican Party - $57,529.98

Harold Ford, Jr. - Democratic Party - $57,430.59

Mike Thompson - Democratic Party - $57,121.06

Charles Stenholm - Democratic Party - $56,150.96

Melvin Watt - Democratic Party - $55,372.62

Wally Herger - Republican Party - $55,169.64

Jim Kolbe - Republican Party - $54,720.66

Pat Roberts - Republican Party - $54,681.41

Sander Levin - Democratic Party - $54,494.71

Corrine Brown - Democratic Party - $54,351.70

Jerry Weller - Republican Party - $54,059.60

Sam Farr - Democratic Party - $53,380.53

Bob Barr - Republican Party - $53,297.98

Dennis Moore - Democratic Party - $52,678.44

Tom Sawyer - Democratic Party - $52,286.35

Eni Faleomavaega - Democratic Party - $52,197.42

Danny Davis - Democratic Party - $52,074.72

Loretta Sanchez - Democratic Party - $51,651.58

David Hobson - Republican Party - $50,586.60

Earl Blumenauer - Democratic Party - $50,465.15

Ted Stevens - Republican Party - $50,393.02

Bob Etheridge - Democratic Party - $49,911.23

Scott McInnis - Republican Party - $49,852.59

Eva Clayton - Democratic Party - $49,852.19

Joe Barton - Republican Party - $49,534.95

Nancy Johnson - Republican Party - $49,515.85

Ernie Fletcher - Republican Party - $49,404.30

Nick Rahall, II - Democratic Party - $48,345.99

William Thomas - Republican Party - $47,594.15

Christopher Dodd - Democratic Party - $47,135.32

Kent Conrad - Democratic Party - $46,647.38

Robert Ney - Republican Party - $46,095.35

Richard Burr - Republican Party - $45,871.40

William Jefferson - Democratic Party - $45,372.86

Ileana Ros-Lehtinen - Republican Party - $44,971.00

Darrell Issa - Republican Party - $44,956.65

Amo Houghton - Republican Party - $44,539.43

James Moran - Democratic Party - $43,531.49 [ This Message was edited by: thepatriot on 2005-05-17 06:28 ]
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
arasota Straight Escapee

Offline Antigen

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Buisness as Usual
« Reply #1 on: May 17, 2005, 12:47:00 PM »
Yah know, I sometimes suspect that human being haven't got a single authentic issue over which to kill and die. It's always some scam. People go to war over propaganda and myth, never, it seems, over any real insoluable conflict of interests.

Take the range wars, for example. Cowboys and sheep herders killed and died for decades over the myth that cows and sheep couldn't share grazing land. Turns out, not only do they not hurt each other in any way, the actually seem to enjoy each other's company.

As de dawg chases his tail.

A free people be armed...' target='_new'> George Washington, 1790

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
"Don\'t let the past remind us of what we are not now."
~ Crosby Stills Nash & Young, Sweet Judy Blue Eyes