Author Topic: Peninsula Village  (Read 44882 times)

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Offline Anonymous

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Peninsula Village
« on: May 16, 2005, 11:50:00 AM »
Did any one go to peninsula village?  I did and I am interested to hear what you thought of the place.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Peninsula Village
« Reply #1 on: May 16, 2005, 12:07:00 PM »
Peninsula Village info from HEAL:

"Peninsula Village in Tennessee is confirmedly an abusive behavior modification facility.  They are part of the Peninsula Behavioral Health family of services and we have firsthand accounts of abuse at Peninsula facilities.  Please click here for a report on the abuse at Peninsula.  They describe a 6-8 week orientation period or initial ?level or phase? of brutal peer pressure used to effect change in your child.  Taken from their website, linked to the opening title of this description as of 2/17/04, reads: Treatment begins in the locked Admissions Unit. This initial period of treatment typically lasts six to eight weeks and is an extremely intense therapeutic experience. The Admissions Unit is unlike most other locked unit programs and is specially designed to address resistance and introduce patients to our group-oriented treatment approach, which uses peer pressure to create positive change.?  Welcome to trauma-based behavior modification 101.  Don?t send your child to this program.  If you were abused at Peninsula Village or had your rights violated in any way, please contact us and we will post your personal testimonial here as a warning to others."

The report HEAL links to:

I entered Peninsula Behavioral Health at the age of 14. I entered the adolescents unit, which is apparently an offshoot of a non-compulsory adult drug-rehabilitation facility, sometime in April ?03 and was dismissed a week later. While I did not witness any blatant torture, it is by no means a treatment program, just a way to make money, as my mom was later billed hundreds of dollars owed to Peninsula. It is incarceration under the guise of rehabilitation. The MD who convinced my parents of consenting my admittance to Peninsula told what I know now to be blatant lies or at least factual inaccuracies to gain their consent. I was made to give blood and urine, the blood was drawn by a nurse who admitted her own incompetence and thus required several separate attempts to get the needle in the right area. I was threatened that my stay there would be prolonged if I didn?t give blood, although I was not admitted there under the suspicion of drug abuse in the first place, but anorexia (and despite me allegedly having such a horrible disease, they did not attempt to treat me for any kind of eating disorder whatsoever). I was denied access to my parents on the first level, be it telephone or otherwise. My parents were told when they were allowed to visit to be wary of my words for I would try to manipulate them to get out. I was preached religion by an apparent MD who gave me a physical. I was made to remove all but my underwear during admittance. I was not allowed any reading materials, which meant besides the periodical "group sessions" and "inspirational movies", I was left to stare at the wall in depressive monotony for hours at a time. I was not allowed to leave my desk except to use the restroom and it was required that you gain permission from a nurse to be able to sit or lay on your bed, which were searched, along with our folders, daily, and we were made to re-make the beds after they were messed up by counselors. Despite all this the facility operated under a very clean and professional environment, excellent "manipulation" if I may say so myself. Make no mistake, I can't see how this could be beneficial to anyone no matter what their problem, except to instill fear of a second stay, which could be helpful to some parents nonetheless but not any individual clients. I overheard counselors attempting to convince a boy into entering Peninsula Village, which is also on your list. Everything I have said is true to the best of my knowledge and experience.

Anthony (send messages for Anthony to HEAL at  You may view the list of warning signs by visiting  We remind you that the warning signs are red flags and if a program you have submitted your child to has any of the warning signs, we highly recommend you do not send your child there.  Below is Anthony?s list of matching Peninsula program actions to the list of warning signs.

I will list the violations according to your list:

1. Peninsula Behavioral Health operates with some sort of "levels" system, where over the course of a week you

gain levels which gains you certain privileges. During the first few days I was not allowed to call or speak to my parents, during the first meeting with my parents it was monitored with a "counselor" in the room, the second time days later, It was not monitored. However I was asked if I had a message for my parents which they could deliver, I said to deliver the message that this was "Not a hospital, but a prison", I was laughed at and told that that message would not be delivered.

2. I believe so that my parents had to sign something of the sort, yes.

5. The foreign (Indian) doctor who each of the "patients" had one to two meetings with (the headmaster it seems),  was very unhappy about me telling my parents that for most of the day I stared at the wall although this was true. He said I was trying to manipulate them and all the "counselors" warned my parents before our first meeting about "manipulation", that I would say anything to try to get out and to take what I say with caution.
6. Level 3 "patients" only are allowed telephone privileges, I never reached that level.

10. It resembled a low security prison.

12. They were not allowed to see me during this process I believe.

13. We were made to exercise lightly, I don't know if it was compulsory though.

14. Yes, no books were allowed at all.

17. I didn?t ask to see any credentials but the Indian doctor who was not entirely fluent in English seemed a bit suspicious to me, nothing concrete here though.

22. Because I was allegedly anorexic and they were suspicious I would vomit my food, I was asked at times to leave the bathroom door cracked while I pissed.

24. I was asked to strip, refused, and was then asked to remove all but my underwear.

25. No reading materials were allowed although I didn?t ask for any religious materials,  but I was preached Christianity by a MD, or apparent MD. There was nothing that pointed to this MD's preaching as anything other than vigilante, although their official site makes references to "God."

28. I was not examined by or had any meaningful discussion with the person that prescribed me the medication, this person did not outwardly look to be an MD.

33. On the first level you are denied a 30-minute, fenced outside time.

36. There was a strict policy against looking or speaking to clients of the opposite sex, which would occasionally pass through the hall in lines. I was mistakenly accused of looking, (yes, looking), at a girl when I was merely talking to another client who happened to be in the field of vision of the door, which apparently some girls had just passed through. I was spotted by a counselor and made to write an entry in the rulebook over 50 times. I digressed this with a different counselor who seemed to believe me but insisted I write it anyway.

If you were abused or had your rights violated by Peninsula Behavioral Health, please e-mail us your experience and we will post it here as a warning to other."

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Peninsula Village
« Reply #2 on: February 28, 2006, 11:55:00 PM »
: I was in Peninsula Village for two years from 96 to 98.  It is a horrible place and should be shut down immediately.  I was in the lock down unit for six months on arrival although I was cowed, completely subservient and did everything they told me to.  I was physically restrained on the first day in a hospital gown by at least 8 large adults for nothing more than pulling my arm away gently, it was an impulse reaction, when the large orderly fascist woman dug her nails purposefully into my arm. I had bruises, couldn't breathe and was choking.  They applied excessive pressure, I really couldn't breathe.  There is no doubt in my mind that they could have restrained my totally non-resistant 95 pound borderline anorexic teenage self between all 1000 pounds of the 8 of them without hurting me. I was not fighting at all, even at first, I was far too shocked.  Each held a body part so it was not a case of too many cooks in the kitchen, they meant to hurt us. They also keep restraining you long after any fight was gone and even if none was there in the first place. We had the isolation room in STU, of course, nice  cold hard linoleum with cement underneath, and they used a straight jacket called a burrito.  I can remember seeing one tough little state kid stuck in that damn thing for a day or more, they were walking her around in it.  Other girls were strapped to a cot wrapped up in it, looking like one miserable burrito, stuck full of thorzine and left to drool.  There were at least two restraints a week. I was once restrained because I couldn't stop crying , I really couldn't I would have stopped of course to avoided being restrained, I was about as resistant as a wet noodle and they still held me down choking for hours.  We were not allowed to look at or talk to the other girls and we had to ask for permission to do anything, move even, of course go to the bathroom and tell them what it is we had to do.  The denouncement sessions began as soon as you were crying, that is later on the first day, after they had restrained you for a few hours and you were a broken puddle ready to confess to anything.  I don't believe the staff was especially educated, other than the family therapists and some people we rarely saw perhaps, some BA's and associate degrees.  The lights were left on all the time, we slept in cubicles and were watched by patrolling fascists every second.  We were punished constantly, abuse was constant every second for those two years.  We had level systems, I never got beyond the first level although I was completely compliant.  I don't think I was as willing to rip into my fellow prisoners as much they would have liked.  Group therapy was a communist denouncement POW experience, it was pure hell.  They would find out your deepest darkest secrets  and then browbeat you with them like we were disgusting dirt, we could say nothing to defend ourselves or we would face being PCId/ restrained.  They liked sexual revelations of course.  You would confess to things you didn't do and then they would tell your family.  Many of the girls were in there for not much or for something that had happened to them, somewhere, I think the website says the Village is an expert at helping abused girls.  It was terrible to watch them torture some poor kid who was in there because she had been raped or molested.  Many of the girls had been raped or molested, myself included, to be held up to shame, ridicule and denouncement in relation to sex at a place that was supposed to help  you with your experience was a pure nightmare.  They encourage the girls to pick on each other to rip into each other, but most couldn't, almost all, hell none of us did!!!  We would pretend but how can you tear someone apart after listening to them scream all might while these pigs held their face into the floor.  That happened all the time in STU the lockdown unit.  I don't know why they kept me in there for six months I wasn't defiant or oppositional, hah hah. There was some desperation mentality, though, we all struggled so hard to avoid being punished and they punished all of us together, I realize now that the punishments were arbitrary, no matter how hard we tried to avoid them they were still going to rain down on our heads. One or two girls were in for telling their parents they were gay, like they were going to beat it out of them, lots of anorexics and then the usual run of the mill teenage stories with some poor foster kid?s wards of the state thrown in. God it was hell, after the lock down unit with its cramped quarters and barred windows for six months, well actually mesh covered windows, we had the cabins and work detail.  Work detail is exercise digging up stumps, cross sawing logs, mauling logs, building endless things under constant abuse in the hot Tennessee sun drugged to the gills by some Nazi nut who gave lobotomies to rape victims in a past life.  If sleep deprivation doesn't get you, they were fond of waking you up at two in the morning to drag you out to the log shed to show you how much wood you still needed to chop.  I used to fall asleep standing up. Marching around in lines, or holding on to a rope, still no talking or looking at the other girls. Hauling around the Gott, a water jug that weighed so fricken much your arms would feel like they were going to fall off and you'd want to vomit but if you dropped it you knew you were in worse trouble, or farm tools or God knows what.  They exercised you past the breaking point and then over a little, and then a little more.  It was torture, I can't emphasize that enough torture.  We had no free time, we weren't allowed to read or anything, everything was tightly scheduled and we would always miss our schedule and be punished although we tried in pure desperation to make them happy so they would stop. School was nice when you got to go, it wasn't very organized though and most left with a GED, which makes it real easy to get into colleges, especially if when they ask for high school credits you list a behavior modification facility.  Often if something came up like we went on shutdown or were sent to STU, the lockdown unit, we would miss school all together.  Once they had us sit in a circle with our backs to each other and stare at the wall for five months only to turn around for group therapy and to be escorted to the bathroom.  We had no school for those five months.  The Village is ridiculously expensive  costing about 500 to 700 dollars a night, they charge more when they are "forced" to restrain you, as this requires more work or something.  Everyone in there had really good insurance or was a ward of the state, so thank you tax dollars, people this is the best they could come up with for these kids.  I have lasting scars from this experience, I have nightmares almost every night not always about the village just in general that the world is a horrible place and all the fascist monsters are going to eat me and all the people I care about and I'm going to be completely at there mercy.  I forgot to add they, of course, won't let you talk to your parents except after I think it was six months, even then just by phone with a family therapist on conference call. They laugh at you when you say you want a lawyer. Your parents have of course  been told you are a lying manipulator and not to believe you and that you just want to come home so you can go out with boys and smoke pot.  It is  life in the fricken neo-conservative fascist twig light zone totally.  Kids wetting the bed because they are too scared to ask to go to the bathroom at night, either that or all the abuse was manifesting in weird ways.  I wouldn't believe it except I lived it and I swear on my life everything I said is 150% true. Also living under people like that is a farce as far as therapy goes I never wanted to smoke pot so bad in my whole life, or drink, date rebels and I was never wanted to die before the Village but I sure as hell would have chosen a synide pill over that place, two years seemed like an eternity, one day was like an eternity.  One girl jumped out of her parents moving car on a return trip, not at a stop light but on the expressway, she knew she wasn't running anywhere, talk about a cry for help.  A month or two later saw her sitting in STU in three casts I think, all sorts of skin gone.  Stupid parents.    I'm still a mess, besides the nightmares I shake uncontrollably, these little fits happen any time I am nervous, about once a day, this is very helpful when trying to convince people at work or school that I'm not on drugs.  My family doctor, says that I have a good case of post traumatic stress disorder.  He doesn't know the half of it, I never told him about the Village only about my four year relationship with an alcoholic fiancĂ© with a good job and a college degree who used to get up in my face and scream at least once a week.  How about some Stockholm syndrome for you.  I have finally gotten over, somewhat, my overwhelming social anxiety at least enough that I don't care who sees me shake if it means I get a college degree and have a life of my own.  The Village taught me nothing other than how to be cowed and subservient and to think it was ok when someone abuses me.  And what it's like to live under fascist rule for two years, all I'm saying is tat we should all be damn careful because it is pure hell and please do something about this somebody before it hurts more people, these places have to close down!!!  God bless all my sisters out there please don't die, don't let the bastards get you down, your not alone and I'm sure we all love you I know I do and I pray for you to a God of good things that are not fascist!!!
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline stoodoodog

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Peninsula Village
« Reply #3 on: July 14, 2006, 11:33:45 PM »
PV fails on almost all of the warning signs to look for when selecting a RTC. Don't base any decisions on the website...what a farce!
It makes me want to throw up thinking about it.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Peninsula Village
« Reply #4 on: July 15, 2006, 12:07:59 AM »
Why? You could have tried to tear it apart from the inside out and ended up an even more vocal anti-programmie than you are now.

This is just God damn sick. Why the hell haven't they been sued out of existence yet?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Peninsula Village
« Reply #5 on: July 15, 2006, 09:23:23 AM »
What is it about these places and forcing girls to expose their deepest darkest sexual secrets in public? Isn't is strange that it is normally men who do the prodding... parents who use these places are so fucking retrarded.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Deborah

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Peninsula Village
« Reply #6 on: July 15, 2006, 09:37:10 AM »
Academy at Swift River's latest (6 in 7 years) Exec Director was previously at PV- Don K. Vardell, Jr

ASR chose not to mention this in their announcement at ST ... 05snh.html
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
Hidden Lake Academy, after operating 12 years unlicensed will now be monitored by the state. Access information on the Federal Class Action lawsuit against HLA here:

Offline stoodoodog

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Peninsula Village
« Reply #7 on: July 15, 2006, 09:27:38 PM »
« Last Edit: July 18, 2006, 09:32:40 AM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Peninsula Village
« Reply #8 on: July 15, 2006, 11:49:16 PM »
Probably, but the topic's been done to death on this board, mostly because no one is ever actually willing to do that.

Ideally anyone with a twinge of conscience would report this sort of bullshit or start taking matters into their own hands, but if most people had courage of that caliber there wouldn't be any programs in the first place and there wouldn't be a Fornits to post on.

So unless you personally know someone who will really do such a thing, in which case you definitely shouldn't announce it in public, it's a dead horse.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline stoodoodog

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Peninsula Village...
« Reply #9 on: July 21, 2006, 11:58:51 PM »
On the surface it presents itself as candy coated popcorn peanuts and a prize...but the ratio of goonsquad to the pretty faces on the website is about 10:1.
« Last Edit: November 07, 2006, 10:38:03 AM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Peninsula Village
« Reply #10 on: July 26, 2006, 03:30:22 PM »
The place is evil, and Stoodoo dog is right, it's presented like candy.  It's more like a sugar-coated turd, in reality.  Thye had an outbreak of E Coli there in the late 90's that sickened a lot of kids, nearly killing one girl.  The details of the legal settlement are not public, since Covenant Health wanted it buried.  I  don't know if everyone is aware of what conditions have to be like to get an E Coli outbreak, but they're disgusting.  Somehow feces gets introduced...nevermind.  

The staff are underqualified.  The conditions are brutal.  They practice the same techniques as the Seed.  This is a quote from Senator Sam Ervin, taken from "Help At Any Cost":  
    "Individuals are required to participate in group therapy discussions where intensive pressure is often placed on the individuals to accept the attitudes of the group.  More intensive forms of encounter groups begin first by subjecting the individual to isolation and  humiliation in a conscious effort to break down his psychological defenses.  Once the individual is submissive, his personality can begin to be reformed around attitudes determined by the program director to be acceptable.  It is similar to the highly refined brainwashing techniques employed by the North Koreans in the early 1950's.

     A place to be avoided, and shut down as soon as possible.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline stoodoodog

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Peninsula Village
« Reply #11 on: August 03, 2006, 11:01:17 PM »
« Last Edit: November 07, 2006, 10:39:43 AM by Guest »

Offline stoodoodog

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New Peninsula Village Links
« Reply #12 on: August 16, 2006, 06:08:51 PM »
ISAC has added PV to its watchlist. Some pretty disgusting stuff...
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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PV G-O-B description
« Reply #13 on: August 18, 2006, 02:36:55 PM »
Hmm...Now I know why they don't like to discuss curriculum vitae at PV...

Job Code: 16258
Department: Girl's Outdoor Program
Description: Full Time: 3 days/4 nights.

Requirements: Social services degree preferred, but H.S. diploma with experience will be considered.

Duties: Work in the outdoor setting with paitents in a residential facility. Provide safety, supervision and therapy to adolescents in our care. Need extreme flexibility with scheduling and extensive availabililty.

Covenant Health is committed to a safe and healthy work environment. Therefore, employment is subject to a successful background check and drug screen. Also, a credit check may be performed on applicable positions that deal with handling money. EOE
Education: High School Diploma/GED

So, I guess if you've got the GED, you've got the G-O-B and can administer your own wacky kind of therapy.[/i]
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Deborah

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Peninsula Village
« Reply #14 on: August 18, 2006, 03:13:36 PM »
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
Hidden Lake Academy, after operating 12 years unlicensed will now be monitored by the state. Access information on the Federal Class Action lawsuit against HLA here: