Treatment Abuse, Behavior Modification, Thought Reform > World Wide Association of Specialty Programs and Schools (WWASPS)

blow up wwasps phone lines.


everybody call them and shout obscenities. we'll show them fuckers. haha

RN on Board:
Not a smart move. It's much better to expose what they are doing to children.  More must be done to inform the public of what is going on. Many former students or patients have come forward and made reports of abuse. Also civil lawsuits need to be filed again and again. Also authorities need to be pressured in states where WWASP programs are located. Press for better regulatory measures and more rights for youth in programs - pay phones, uncensored mail, appropriate medical care and intervention.  There are many more constructive things that can be done. Shouting obscenities is not going to make the situation any better for the kids who are now suffering in WWASP programs.

Do you watch the Simpsons? You are all IDIOTS.


--- Quote ---On 2005-05-04 12:16:00, Anonymous wrote:

"Do you watch the Simpsons? You are all IDIOTS. "

--- End quote ---

:wave: Must be watching simpsons to reference it for insults, eh?


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