Treatment Abuse, Behavior Modification, Thought Reform > World Wide Association of Specialty Programs and Schools (WWASPS)

WWASPS (or WWASPS affiliated) deaths?


How many?




WHY?!! :flame: :cry:

There's Valerie Heron, who jumped off a balcony in TB. I think it was in 2001.

There's Cory Murphy, who's been through Spring Creek Lodge and Paradise Cove. He shot himself in the head when his mother threatened to send him back.

cherish wisdom:
There was also a girl who committed suicide at Spring Creek Lodge earlier last year - I believe it was Spring Creek.  Not too many details were released.
Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds.
-- Albert Einstein

--- End quote ---

Don't forget Chris Landre.  And then there were the guys killed by the Casa graduate.  Can't remember his name.  Not sure you can blame that one entirely on Casa but it can't have helped.


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