Treatment Abuse, Behavior Modification, Thought Reform > Hyde Schools

"Sports" at Hyde Schools


When I was at Hyde Bath in '76 90% of the abuse
was passed off as "sports". The worst was during
the winter season wrestling. If you weren't a
talented athlete already, you wrestled in the
winter. The way Hyde won meets was to require
large guys to starve themselves to lose an
unhealthy amount of weight to get into smaller
weight classes (Hyde rarely won unlimited). The
punishment for not "making weight" was called
"sharking". this meant that the whole team lined
up and you had to wrestle one guy for one minute,
then the coach blew the whistle, then a fresh
wrestler came in, the whistle blew again, another
fresh wrestler etc, etc, etc... You can't win.
Also, people who couldn't perform were routinely
accused of "being on drugs" (as if the townies in
Bath would deign to sell us drugs  :lol: )
Anyway, if anyone has a Hyde sports story this is
the thread for it.

There is no devil and no hell. Thy soul will be dead even sooner than thy body: fear therefore nothing any more.
--Freidrich Nietzsche, German philosopher
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Remember the old saying, "When I was your age, I walked five miles to school in the snow?"  Well, we actually had to run ten miles in the snow at 5:30 in the morning for the wrestling team...and that was separate from the afternoon practice where we were "sharked."  Wrestling was like some sort of religion there.  Personally, I hated it.  Wearing tights and rolling around on the floor with another guy, to paraphrase Judd Nelson, was not my idea of a fun thing to do.  But unless you were really talented at basketball, you had no choice.[ This Message was edited by: Lars on 2005-10-25 08:36 ][ This Message was edited by: Lars on 2005-10-25 20:19 ]

Lars, Are people still required to lose unhealthy
amounts of weight to get into the small classes?
Some pro-Hyde poster said they don't do that anymore.
Religion is excellent stuff for keeping common people quiet.
--Napoleon Bonaparte, French emperor
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they don't have to lose the weight and wrestling is no longer a powerhouse sport at Hyde.

By the way...When you were at Hyde Tommy, Arnold Goodgame was the unlimited and was undefeated and won the Class A NE Prep tourny.

I forgot about Arnold. He was about the only
non-abusive Senior. He was a good guy.
It is impossible to militarily defeat a guerrilla force that is largely supported by the general population, unless you are willing to annihilate the general population.

--Worden's Rule of Guerrilla Warfare
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