Author Topic: KEMPER SALE - TIME IS RUNNING OUT  (Read 1083 times)

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Offline Anonymous

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« on: April 08, 2005, 10:59:00 AM »
We need action, not hysteria now.

Monday evening, April 11th, there will be a meeting held in Boonville, Missouri. This will be a public meeting. If the only people who show up are Hinton supporters what would preclude this from going through? Think about it.

So, how many people can make it out there to show their support for the kids? The communitee needs to speak out as well.

Many have worked hard to provide the City, reporters, and so on, information. The important thing is that they need evidence and witnesses.

Are there any former kids out there willing to come forward? Willing to go to Boonville on Monday night to share their story and experience?

Any who personally had experiences with Randall Hinton? What about employees? Any past employees with stories to share who would be willing to go.

There are people in the City of Boonville who don't want this to happen. There are also people with the Friends of Kemper who do not want this to happen. But there are also those who do because they want to see their school revived.

It would be a huge sacrafice for people to not only come forward to share their very private stories, but a monetary sacrafice having to fly out to Missouri.

These are just suggestions.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline cherish wisdom

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« Reply #1 on: April 08, 2005, 12:54:00 PM »
The old school is not going to be revived. Hinton is accostomed to running very abusive and controlling environments. A true military school would allow the boys to go on a bike ride or leave the facility - go outside.  They would allow them to go home to see their parents on the weekend and take phone calls. They would be allowed to have computers and laptops and send e-mails.  They would be able to have cell phones and make phone calls. This will not happen if Kemper becomes another "teen help" facility or "family first aid" or what-ever name WWASP hides under.  
Do you live in this area? If you do - ask these questions.  Will the boys have the freedom to go to the store, ride a bike, make phone calls, have personal computers and access to email.  If they don't have these freedoms then Hinton plans to have another lock down.  This could be disasterous for your community. Also ask what credentials Hinton has to run a military school.  His only education that I've seen is that he "studied psychology at Dixie College" in St. George Utah.  So he had psych 101 - does that qualify him to run a top-notch military school?  Does he have a college degree - a BA or BS or a  Master's  -  I'm sure he does not.  The WWASP leaders don't believe that education is necessary.  They know the ropes and how to punish with impunity - how to scare kids into ultimate obediance.  That's all they think is necessary.  
If  you live in this community - make flyers - hand them out - try to get people to come to the meeting.  Use the public comment section to voice your oppinions.  You can also circulate a petition this weekend at local stores.  You need to let the council know that people don't want an abusive behavior modification program in your community. Something patterned after Tranquility bay.  This is what will happen if it becomes one of the teen-help programs.  They just don't know of any other way to "help" teens.  I know they seem sincere - because in their warped minds they truly believe that they are "helping" kids.
They must derive some sadistic satisfication from what they do.  I know that people who leave must sign contracts of silence.  This is illegal and unconscionable. If one witnesses child abuse they have a duty under law to report it.  Their contract is therefore null and void.  There have been many who have come forward but authorities do nothing with their reports.  

You also need to watch to see if Lichfield or his associates provides the council members with political donations. This is something that is common.  He has corrupted the entire goverment in Utah when it comes to teen programs.  When reports of abuse come in - those reports are tossed or covered up. To allow institutionalized child abuse for political contributions is corruption at it's worst in my oppinion.  This is what has happened in Utah.  It will happen in your community as well.

That facility could be put to better use.  How about a library or a Natural History Museum.  There are hundreds of other uses for this building. A private school - a law school - anything but a private prison for unfortunate youth.  

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« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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Offline Anonymous

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« Reply #2 on: April 08, 2005, 10:51:00 PM »
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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« Reply #3 on: April 09, 2005, 10:26:00 PM »
keep up the protest - keep writing.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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« Reply #4 on: April 10, 2005, 12:43:00 AM »
Sunday April 10, 2005

City releases police investigation details

By Karen Ratay Green--Daily News Editor

The Boonville Police Department is saying "no" to a proposal coming from the Industrial Development Authority (IDA) Board for the Kemper property.

A three-page "preliminary" investigation of Randall and Russell Hinton and Robert Lichfield, the financial backer for the deal and founder of the WWASPS programs where both Hintons received their training, has been submitted by BPD to the IDA board.

The report said, "Our professional opinion would be to deny any sale to any person associated with WWASPS, or its affiliates, until an intensive background check could be completed."

Both Hintons have tried to distance themselves from WWASPS and the allegations that surround them.

Russell Hinton explained he had spent the last two years working at a bank because he had signed a no-compete clause while working for WWASPS, which prevented him and his brother from starting their own program before now.

But the police report points out that Lichfield signed the check for the $100,000 deposit to the city, and that the Hintons are driving a vehicle registered in Lichfield's name.

Randall Hinton, a seven-year veteran of the WWASPS organization, has maintained Golden Pond Ltd. is a real estate holding company owned by Bob Lichfield, and would have no other connection with the school.

Police also stated concerns about WWASPS and the "numerous allegations made against these institutions for possible abuse of children."

The police reviewed a number of newspaper articles and videos with information about WWASPS. Some of the videotapes feature "children and parents describing the treatment and troubles within these organizations. Several of the locations have been closed in the past."

Another videotape features Randall Hinton "freely admitting he used pepper spray on one student and more than once per day."

Police also cautioned the city about the public safety aspect of the school, citing concerns about the proximity to the YMCA.

Randall Hinton advised it is his intention to purchase all the Kemper School property, including that which the city has designated as "F. T. Kemper Park," and he would also work out some kind of cooperative agreement with the YMCA.

The police expressed concern about the safety of small children, who could be exposed to the behavior of violent offenders.

Hinton has insisted the school will not accept such children, at the school they hope to call "Kemper." Currently there is not enough alumni support to allow the use of the name of the prestigious school.

Hinton's marketing plan explains parents are seeking out military schools at a much higher rate (33,713 internet hits), than residential treatment centers (2,353 internet hits).

With those numbers, Hinton predicts between 300 - 500 kids will reside at the closed campus, within three years. The estimated tuition of between $1,000 - $3,000 per month should make it a profitable venture.

Additionally, Hintons' business plan projects a positive boost to the Boonville economy. He said the program, with 300 students, expects to pour about $96,000 into the local economy in the way of program supplies. Families visiting cadets are also expected to generate significant income in the hotel industry.

Despite these positive projections, the Boonville Police Department said, "It is our recommendation that the risks far outweigh any benefits of the sale of this property could achieve. Our professional opinion would be to deny any sale to an person association with WWASPS or its affiliates until an intensive background check could be completed.

To date, the IDA Board has not requested any further investigation.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline cherish wisdom

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« Reply #5 on: April 10, 2005, 02:17:00 AM »
It's great that the local police have come out against this. Their deeds are catching up to them.  Word is definitely getting out.  I'd like to see a clip of that video.  Someone needs to get the local news to this meeting.   The more media attention the better.  Obvioulsy we can make it difficult for them to open any new facilities - their record of extreme child abuse speaks for itself.  

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« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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Offline nite owl

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« Reply #6 on: April 10, 2005, 06:07:00 AM »
Monday - tommarrow is the day.  Please continue to write and call - this can be prevented if everyone protests this sale.  The public is being educated in the process....

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« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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« Reply #7 on: April 10, 2005, 11:01:00 AM »
Action you will get!  :wave:
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »