Cheryl Sudweeks does not qualify for any of those jobs!
Chef? The food was declared UNHEALTHY and UNSAFe by the health department...anyone want to eat rice that's full of rat shit?
How about a nice meal of ONLY macaroni?
Or a meal of ONLY potatoe was a bucket on sale at Coscos?
Teacher? Sure...Cheryl is not a certififed teacher...THINK MAYBE she graduated from High school. BUT not teachers is ALLOWED to dance about in her SACRED underwear in front of kids...or to hit, or spit on kids...or to sexually abuse kids!!!! That is ILLEGAL all of it.
DIRECTOR OF A BOARDING SCHOOL? NO, again. That requires a few things like knowing how to supervise kids properly....clean linens on beds..not sleepiing on floors, or filthy sleeping bags...not having kids clothes eaten up by ACTIVE MICE/RATS that roam about freely...having working PLUMBING...AND JUST FOR GOOD MEASURE>>>HOW ABOUT SOME REAL TEACHERS?
Nurse? How about having real medical staff on hand? CHery DON"T TAKE THE KID'S MEDS YOURSELF.
Don't allow minor children to hand out meds!!!!
Don't take kids off their med JUST because Cherly who has NO MEDICAL TRAINING AT ALL DECIDED.
SCRIPTING by CHERYL: is not an approved medical procedure.
NOPE....Cherly does not qualify for any of those jobs AMF.....because she is a NUTT CASE.