Author Topic: ASCENT & The Medicine Wheel  (Read 885 times)

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Offline Anonymous

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ASCENT & The Medicine Wheel
« on: April 18, 2005, 02:19:00 PM »
Here is a link to buy your own copy of SEVEN ARROWS:

"Hyemeyohsts Storm
I was born and raised on the Northern Cheyenne and Crow Reservations of Montana. I am an enrolled Indian, and I am a Breed, which means a mixed blood person.

My first book, SEVEN ARROWS, introduced the Medicine Wheels to the world, for the first time. It also revealed, to our modern world what the Indian wars were like from the Indian and Breed perspective. After SEVEN ARROWS was published, I traveled extensively, lectured, and was a guest teacher at a few Universities in the United States and Germany......

Beginning in my youth, I had the greatest fortune to become the apprentice of the brilliant and powerful Zero Chief, and Holy Woman, Estcheemah. She was a Mayan Breed Indian who was born during the bloody and sorrowful Indian Wars of the late 1800's. She was one of the wisest and most powerful Medicine Chiefs of her time, and a Carrier and teacher of the Medicine Wheels. She taught of the histories and sophisticated knowledge of the Zero Chiefs.

It took me years to prepare myself and discover how to share with the world, in my writing and teaching - - - the Knowledge of the Medicine Wheels and the story of my most precious teacher, Estcheemah. I needed time to mature, to contemplate the true face of Greatness that Estcheemah revealed to me.

For many years I have traveled extensively sharing the Medicine Wheel knowledge with our world's people.

I am an artist and teacher, as well as a writer. I strive to teach how we all can treasure our Living Earth and look to Her for the symbols and meaning in our lives. Consequently, all of my art is, in some way, an honoring of our Living Planet and also a celebration of the many diverse cultures and peoples, throughout human history, who have loved and cherished our Mother Earth. In this way we can find our common ground, our Earth heritage, which bridges across race, gender, culture, religion, and all other human invented boundaries. The responsibility and care of our Earth is in our hands, as Earth Citizens.

My books: SEVEN ARROWS, THE SONG OF HEYOEHKAH and now LIGHTNINGBOLT are very direct in what they have to tell about Life and Learning.

In Seven Arrows I share these words from my teachers: "The Universe is a Mirror of the people, and each person is a mirror of every other person." I invite you to look into the ancient Mirror of our Medicine Wheels, revealed in my books, and discover the timeless reflection of your own Self and Life. ?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Dr. Miller Newton

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ASCENT & The Medicine Wheel
« Reply #1 on: April 18, 2005, 02:25:00 PM »
...and my book "Gone Way Down" teaches all you need to know about the disease of teenage drug-use!

Love ya, Redskin!

Have a seat....
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
Teenage Drug Use Is A Disease