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« Reply #30 on: October 18, 2002, 10:38:00 PM »
Hey, anon made a decent point, but I am sure lady j was just being cute.  Let's lighten up here.  I get irritated by some posts too, but I probably do the same to some out there at the same time.

Everyone needs to smoke a bowl or SOMETHING now and then...


[ This Message was edited by: tampa survivor on 2002-10-18 19:45 ]

[ This Message was edited by: Tampa survivor on 2002-10-19 08:41 ]
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
Bill H
St Pete & Atlanta, never surrendered!

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« Reply #31 on: October 18, 2002, 10:43:00 PM »
Jason, those twins and the ruined incest victim were heartbreakingly real straight stories.  I hadn't gotten choked up here in a few months.  Wow, no wonder we are a bit fucked up in our own special ways.  Just seeing those two cases would have done me in for a while.
I can understand you getting drunk that night.  
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
Bill H
St Pete & Atlanta, never surrendered!

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« Reply #32 on: October 19, 2002, 01:09:00 PM »
I won't go and fuck myself and I have no sister.  I just think that it would be beneficial for more people to evolve from a codependent-socialite mentality to more of solidified-soldier mentality.  Do we spend more time frolicking in old memories or do we actually spend even 1/5 of that time DOING something to make a difference.  I am certain that if as many wrote to mr. congressman  on a daily basis as did come here and repeat decade old cultspeak, possibly the word could get out about our experience and the experience of those that are still experiencing daily fucking trauma as group songs echo in fluorescent lit rooms with hard linoleom floors, and blue chairs rustling with motivation.  Sorry those are bad memories for me.  "Lady J" has also made posts regarding remembering good times in the program and recalling Christmas and weekends at host homes and such.  I randomly post in disagreement because my recollection is far from fond memories. I have many friends whom are dead and another recently died this week while being restrained at a facility in Texas.  Excuse my sobering serious post, if you will, but "Love ya have a seat" comments only days after a teens death is no more humorous to me than would be a plane crash joke days after 9/11.  It is difficult to "lighten up" as there is much work to be done and with the several hundred(?) that post and have posted to these boards to date, there is much potential that is mindlessly wasted as we whittle away the day being spelling critics to other posters, trying to figure out identities of anon posters, remembering songs, and speaking program era lingo for grins.

Organization can and will make a difference, it starts with personal conviction and there is no conviction or committment in those that drop in merely for a laugh.  You are a survivor by just being able to log on to this site in the first place, remember those that are currently experiencing today the same shit which to you are now only memories of treatment that occurred a long time ago.

Maybe, I'm wrong.  

Unregistered User Me
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline misbehaver

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« Reply #33 on: October 19, 2002, 01:37:00 PM »
your clarity is much more appreciated than a one-liner proposing incest. You're not wrong.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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« Reply #34 on: October 19, 2002, 03:03:00 PM »
Thanks Jason.  The one liner was wrong and too potent of an bad.
Unregistered User Me
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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« Reply #35 on: October 19, 2002, 06:45:00 PM »
anon said "I just think that it would be beneficial for more people to evolve from a codependent-socialite mentality to more of solidified-soldier mentality."

You hit nerves of agreement with me on that one.  Anyone around for the past few months has read my calls to this.  Check it out:do something and let us in on it too.

I wrote to a journalist this week.  I exchanged email with 6 different straight/seed people regarding stuff which we are DOING to implement what you suggest.  I feel a call to organize is in order.  

Are you in sarastota/tampa bay area?  There is a meeting this tuesday night.  Come with if ya wish.  

Congressmen need to be hit by a steady stream of well written letters to even have the issue pass a low level staffer. So, coordination is essential.  

I like what you said anon, and I was anom for a while too.  I am a registered nurse and drug rehab publicity is not nessecarily a good thing for my career.  So fucking what.  Kids are, as you noted, still dying and being tormented.

Bill Hadley

St Pete&Atlanta


[ This Message was edited by: Tampa survivor on 2002-10-19 15:49 ]
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
Bill H
St Pete & Atlanta, never surrendered!

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« Reply #36 on: October 20, 2002, 02:09:00 AM »
In the summer of 2001 I attended the first conference for survivors, I was so terrified that I would not even tell the organizers my real name.

After the conference I took a day in DC, Monday, and went to the offices of my congressional representation in person to file a complaint. I made it clear that I wished to testify at the open hearings for the confirmation of Mr. Sembler as Ambassador to Italy.

I purchased the domain, established an online petition against him and collected hundreds of signatures.

The hearings took place during the chaos shortly after the 9/11 attacks. They were not announced publically, and the vote for confirmation was held in secret. Mr Sembler filed a statement lauding himself and his wife Betty for founding straight and claiming that they had 12000 succesful graduates.

Ken and I were tireless in making contact with our representatives, to the point that Dianne Finstein's office stopped responding to my letters.

I wrote letters telling my own story to every senator- all 100 of them. I also contacted dozens of house members. No one wanted to hear about this stuff.

When the confirmation took place quietly and behind closed doors, Ken and I both were furious and spoke with a member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee Staff. We were promised an explanation for why we were not allowed to testify, and no explanation ever came forth.

Plenty of people with more influence than me or Ken had the chance to make calls and to try to move mountains- Dr. Trebach not the least of all.

The simple fact is that Mr. Sembler is VERY VERY VERY well connected politically, and few if any members of the House or Senate are willing to oppose him or his Drug War obsession.

Sure more letters will help, but in the end there is very little that will be done without major media coverage. And the unfortunate reality is that the major media are in business for ratings- not journalistic ethics.

I have pestered writers at Salon for two years to cover the issue with no avail. Michelle Goldburg once said she would follow the issue, but she ahs chosen to stop responding to my emails. The same is true for Gary Kamaya.

If you really want to do something, then pester Mike Moore to do a film about the cult.

Or you can send a registered letter to the DFAF in Florida requesting their 990 tax forms and track down the way they spend Federal Dollars, if you find a problem there, perhaps you can get their 503c tax free status revoked.

However, the most important thing to me these days is healing, healing myself and those few who I knew and may have hurt.

If anyone choses to organize and activate I strongly urge that they contact Wes Fager and Sammie Monroe, as they have already formed a tax exempt group to help focus the effort at exposure.

One of the best things that any of us can do is to file an affidavit, a sworm statement, of our story, using simple declarative statements about those thigns that we witnessed only. Tell the truth and do not embellish- that is perjury and will make the fight more difficult. Wes or Sammie can tell you where to send it. I suggest that you send to the DA for whatever state or city your own program was in as well.

The unfortunate reality is that most people consider drug users of any kind to be second class citizens and they will not be stympathetic no matter what horror story you tell them. Some will simply dismiss it as a disgruntled few complaining, others will consider it a lie outright.

I am not saying that organizing is a bad idea, or tryign to discourage anyone from doing whatever they need to do, but I am sayign that it is an uphill battle, and that for most people this was twenty years ago, and they wonder why we don't just "move on".

They simply can not understand and to force them to do so would break the bubble of their reality. A world that is black and white, with a 'them' to define as evil, and an 'us' to define as good is a far more comfortable place than the messy real world of shades of grey. People will fight with their last breath to defend the bubble, sorry but that is reality.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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« Reply #37 on: October 21, 2002, 01:07:00 AM »
yes that answers my question and then some. Thanks.  

P.S. It seems there are several anonomi in this thread.  I guess I'll have to change my name.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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« Reply #38 on: October 21, 2002, 03:03:00 PM »
Personally, I don't vote and have no faith or belief in politics and believe that writing senators can in fact be a futile effort despite my former post (toungue bitten).  There would be waves (I believe) if *ALL* submitted affidavits and if *ALL* wrote thier senators.  Not necessarily about Sembler, that's done, and efforts to cease his ambassadorship will not provide fruits in the effort to cease child abuse that continues behing closed doors at treatment facilities, boarding schools, and boot camps nation, even worldwide.  Exposure is paramount.  I won't speak about who I am here or what I have done, for many reasons.  Including the fact that I find sanctuary in my anonymity to the majority of readers here,  those that do know "Me" know the efforts I have taken towards the cause. I agree Wes and Sammie are taking action but it is slow to find cooperation from those that share concern on these boards as evidenced by much to include the lack of participation at the last conference and the few posts on the straight testimony bbs.  Frankly I believe more drop in for amusement than do to learn of what they can do to make a difference.  Especially the aforementioned posters that start threads regarding "good times in the program". There are numerous things that can be done, even on a small scale to include scribbling a small reference to anonanon or in Newtons books at your local library.  How many are contributing $$ to the non-prof.?  Have you kicked a few bucks in?  Have I?  Even logging on to this bbs is organizing to some extent, but without structure and leadership.  Much work needs to be done.  

I want to backtrack and keep my post in perspective.  Initially, my first post in this thread was more to discourage Lady J from finding comedy in cultspeak at such a sensitive time.  I did not mean to stand up and announce a call to arms from all involved.  Though it would be nice to form a force of those willing and able to take on the effort as a full time, no holds barred, project to end unmonitored abuse in treatment facilities.  If each death in treatment was a "sniper" attack, anthrax exposure, etc. we would hear about them ad nauseum in the media.  I agree with you on the point that these teens are treated as "second class citizens" and they aren't given the attention and recognition that the issue deserves.  No one is tracking and trending these events nationally as each facility falls under state government jurisdiction though the trend of abuse, death, and subsequent ptsd continues peak on national levels.

It is an individual choice to "move on" as much as it is to fight for beliefs in this regard.  My choice is to say something when I hear people echoing cultspeak in jest.
It doesn't strike me as funny.

Unregistered User Me
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Carmel

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« Reply #39 on: October 21, 2002, 05:33:00 PM »
I would like to first say I agree with all points here....but I would like to make a small interjection on behalf of the "humorous cultspeak" and the like.

As much as I agree that fighting against the terrible aspects of the program and its past,present and future are important...there are many here that are in various states of healing, acceptance and progress in coming to terms with what was done to them.  I think that in some cases, albiet better timed to current events Anon, it is a stepping stone towards a confident and healthy attitude in becoming a fighter for the cause.

We have to remember that many come here with a much greater fear of facing their torment...and sometimes simply a humorous attack at the way we were forced to "speak" or "act" by the program is a necessary "evil" in bringing one of us closer to becoming a useful protester or an active voice in the fight against all-of-the-above.  Am I making sense?

Straight taught us that any kind of disregard for the program or our treatment was strictly forbidden.  Even to think in our minds that some of it may appear humorous was wrong and grounds for punishment.  I for one have to say that every now and again, although I dont do it as often as some here, it feels damn good to make fun of the very methods and whatnot that we were forced to respect under threat of not only our sanity, but our physical well-being.

I dont think anyone here really looks back at their treatment fondly per se, but by exhibiting a little defiance in the form of humor and disregard, and having others relate to it and build trust that we wont be struck down for it....we may just end up with quite a few more soldiers than we ever expected you know? We begin to understand that we are indeed ready to move on, and more importantly that we are ALLOWED to move on.

Some people have a farther road to travel to really feel that they are justified in fighting for reform.  By attempting to staunch the humor and the disregard and other methods of healing...we become no better than the program itself.

Just my thoughts.

[ This Message was edited by: Carmel on 2002-10-21 14:38 ]
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
...hands went up and people hit the floor, he wasted two kids that ran for the door....."
-Beastie Boys, Paul Revere

Offline Anonymous

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« Reply #40 on: October 21, 2002, 09:42:00 PM »
Once again you make fair sense, Carmel.
Fuck it all---let's have a song.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Carmel

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« Reply #41 on: October 21, 2002, 10:08:00 PM »
LOL....better yet, lets have two.  Thats what staff would do in order to prolong the anxiety of the beginning of a review.  Yeesh! :smile:
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
...hands went up and people hit the floor, he wasted two kids that ran for the door....."
-Beastie Boys, Paul Revere


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infectious disease
« Reply #42 on: December 11, 2002, 03:20:00 AM »
:smokin: MG8  PS...Check this out: From one of Rick Ross's pages:

"Straight Inc. signed a consent agreement last July that allows for unannounced visits and called for Straight to fix some problems at the site.

Ennis would not say what the complaints were about. She also would not say whether the state commissioner was on the verge of revoking Straight's license in Chesapeake.

Margolis said state inspectors have found a series of "only minor problems" such as missing names on paperwork and no records of tuberculosis tests on all counselors.

"Those aren't problems that should shut us down, but they keep harrassing us," Margolis said. "We have no choice."
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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« Reply #43 on: October 26, 2005, 11:27:00 PM »
On 2002-12-11 00:20:00, METALGOD8 wrote:

" :smokin: MG8  PS...Check this out: From one of Rick Ross's pages:

"Straight Inc. signed a consent agreement last July that allows for unannounced visits and called for Straight to fix some problems at the site.

Ennis would not say what the complaints were about. She also would not say whether the state commissioner was on the verge of revoking Straight's license in Chesapeake.

Margolis said state inspectors have found a series of "only minor problems" such as missing names on paperwork and no records of tuberculosis tests on all counselors.

"Those aren't problems that should shut us down, but they keep harrassing us," Margolis said. "We have no choice."


Hi, Carmel.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »