Author Topic: Tell us all the abusive , selfish me first lying deceiving  (Read 1009 times)

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Offline iknowcedulies

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Tell us all the abusive , selfish me first lying deceiving
« on: February 14, 2005, 04:35:00 PM »
Staff at these "emotional growth" cults are selected based upon how willing they are to be an accomplice to the conspiracy of ruining lives of innocent kids under the guise of "being honest" and "it is the only way to reach them".  studies have shown that this program is only good for narcisstic me first meglamaniacs which is what staff are and many parents are the same.  the scam is that they appeal to a nature inside of the kids to think only of themselves and that is all they are supposed to care about.  the truth is that the staff are sociopaths and to be mild bullys who only care about their "self" and want to destroy anyone they cannot coerce and bully into being a brainwashed loyal believer of their lies  and loyal is what is used to describe those who allow themselves to be conned.  the con they use is that if you allow yourself to be rescued , you can never be their friend ever,  it is conditional love and coercion and blackmail. they use others to coerce others into staying and label those who call law enforcement to rescue them as being traitors or disloyal. the message is that their is no abuse being commited and those who leave have not finished their "emotional growth" and are liars who must be brought back to have the molesting completed. so many  are conned by these charlatans because they are very good at getting others to believe whatever they want them to  and  they have conned many by getting them to think that they are loyal and honest and all about "friends".  the truth is that they are all about doing whatever it takes to keep the kids under their control and away from the parents and sheriff's who want to rescue them so that they can live like the hollywood folks they sponge off of and scam with sad stories every time they need money to live like greedy spoiled pricks. they are so good at playing the "poor us , we are so poor and in need of money just for little things and we are such victims"  scam that they have conned many naive celebrities into thinking that they are victims and honest and ethical when the truth is that they are shakedown artists who will say or do anything to con others so they can have their way.  they are jealous, manipulative and arrogant hustlers who pose as being righteous and trying to help others.  the only thing they are helping themselves to are what they can scam off their victims which is everyone does not fall for their lies.  they think they are entitlted to whatever they can steal and they surround themselves with selfish "full of pride" followers who belive the lies they are fed because it pumps their egos and validates their narcissism.  the "educational consultants"  are really just pimps for naive parents and they are in collusion with the scam artists and recieve kickbacks for each victim they place in any of these "cults posing as schools".  when caught the truth behind their participation in the crime is that "they resent the affluence of those they place"  and that justifies the crime. the facilities have the same attitude and they share that with the placement folks in the guise of " how much can we bleed out of these parents and the states"  "how can we restrain kids in rooms so they do not leave and we can keep our retention rate up"  usually they will threaten the kids with their lives if they go to police and they will have other kids attack the kid if he dares to speak out.  it is a mob rules mentality and they feel better whenver they molest another kid and if it makes them feel better they just keep on doing it.  the excuse given is that this is the only way they can get the kids to talk.  they put psychologists in the place but this is just to "act legitimate".  most kids can tell you that they are just dismissed or ridiculed and run rough shod over.  they do not believe in psychology because they can make more money hiring convicted child molestors for low wages to abuse kids and bond with other abuser kids over bullying other kids and the truth is that if they had to hire legitimate honest credentialed staff they would be out of business because the owners of these rackets cannot pay themelves six figure wages if they had to hire real "couselors".  the owners and "headmasters" are all about how much money they can get for themselves despite the fact they are always attacking the wealthy hollywood pricks behind their backs and always couseling girls not to marry men for money.  the truth is that the heads are gay and they pretend to be straight to con the parents into thinking they are promoting "traditional family values".  when caught lying, they cry and say that they feel guilty about being gay and promote traditional living because they feel it is best for all the kids not to be gay.  the truth is that this is an act designed to get the kids to feel sorry for them and to convince their parents not to remove them.  they are all liars and they con the kids easily and the parents by locking up the phones and tying the kids down and by operating in remote areas where law enforcement cannot resuce them. speak out  all.   [ This Message was edited by: iknowcedulies on 2005-02-14 13:51 ]
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline blownawaytheidahoway

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Tell us all the abusive , selfish me first lying deceiving
« Reply #1 on: February 15, 2005, 06:07:00 PM »
Let it all out. That's right. How's it feel to be betrayed? Remember how it is to have NO choice. Or limited to what you are told. If you are not here, you will be locked up. For what, I always wondered. I would have been better off without all Pseudo-Psycho Mindfucking I got. Yeah...maybe I should have run/split and NOT called my parents. Ah regrets. The mentality of a scared fourteen year old, is not yet independant. It wasn't in my case, anyhow.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
Life is a very wonderful thing.\' said Dr. Branom... \'The processes of life, the make- up of the human organism, who can fully understand these miracles?... What is happening to you now is what should happen to any normal healthy human organism...You are being made sane, you are being made healthy.
     \'That I will not have, \' I said, \'nor can understand at all. What you\'ve been doing is to make me feel very very ill.\'
                         -Anthony Burgess
                      A Clockwork Orange