Treatment Abuse, Behavior Modification, Thought Reform > Who Am I Discovery/Whitmore


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Cayo Hueso:
I realize that.  The point I was more interested in getting across was the second paragraph.
Unless we put medical freedom into the Constitution, the time will come when medicine will organize an undercover dictatorship. To restrict the art of healing to one class of men, and deny equal privilege to others, will be to constitute the Bastille of medical science. All such laws are un-American and despotic, and have no place in a Republic. The Constitution of this Republic should make special privilege for medical freedom as well as religious freedom.
--Abridged quote-Benjamin Rush, M.D., a signer of the Declaration of Independence
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--- Quote ---On 2005-02-04 11:02:00, Anonymous wrote:

 i mean i also don't even see why cheryl and mark would allow you guys to come on here and state things when only in the end it ends up just stirring up confusion and so on.

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Erica, I think that's exactly why. These kids don't have a choice. And you know they don't mean half of what they say. Don't let it get to ya'.
Christianity is the most ridiculous, the most absurd and bloody religion that has ever infected the world.
--Francois Marie Arouet "Voltaire", French author and playwright
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Joyce Harris:
Inga, my dear.  Whenever I talk on this site, I always use my name, if you bother to read.  And, I do not allow my 12 year old daugher to read, write on, or even know this site exists. She most certainly has heard all of you teenagers use you foul Cheryl-approved-improper-language enough in her two months at Whitmore to last her a life-time. My daughter came home reporting that while under Cheryl's supervision at a public movie theatre that one of you foul-talking girls confessed in group to giving a "hand job" to one of the boys.  And I was so worried that my daughter AT WORSE would be indoctrinated into a religion that conflicted with the one we practice in our home.  

Now how shocked do you think we were to have this little girl reporting sexual activities to us?  And reports of abuse?  And telling us how Cheryl Sudweeks confides in you kids in her Group Sessions about her inadequate sex life with Mark?

So, Inga---anything I have to say, I say it openly.  And my little girl will never have anything to say on this site.

I believed Cheryl Sudweeks when she told us she understood adopted kids. She said her understanding camed from her experience of ADOPTING HER DAUGHTER DARLENE.   Well, that was just another lie that Cheryl Sudweeks fed us, Inga.  I have read court papers that state firmly that she and Mark never adopted Darlene.  Darlene was a foster child, period.

So why don't you attack Cheryl Sudweeks for awhile, and ask that woman why everything that comes out of her mouth is a lie.

And ask her what pleasure she gets out of tormenting you girls and pitting you against each other like you are doing on this site?

Will it be you and Hannah cursing each other tomorrow?  Sure it will be if Cheryl Sudweeks orders you to do so.

Joyce Harris

Joyce Harris:
Inga, another point: I know that the academics at Whitmore are totally lacking.  But perhaps you need a little anatomy lesson....even if we females really wanted to, it is not possible for us to "grow balls."

Perhaps you need to look for another little figure of speech that is more appropriate.

And, you kids there at Whitmore overuse the word "pussy."  It has totally lost its shock effect if that is your intention. It really is not all that offensive or crude. Believe me, we have all heard worse.

u said it mrs. harris...took the words right out  of my mouth

It is good to have someone like you coming from where i am coming from


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