Treatment Abuse, Behavior Modification, Thought Reform > Who Am I Discovery/Whitmore
This is what it's all about
I would first like to start off saying that i have attended the whitmore for almost 9 months now and i am the happiest i have ever been. My life is finally getting back on track and i have goals, before i came here, i never wanted to go to school and now im about to graduate in 3 months. That a miricle if i ever knew one, so your wrong if you think this place is anything but extrordinary, you are definitly out of your mind.
Any one who buys into leah's bull crap sob story is a sap, your so ignorant and nieve to think that she is really being truthful in her statements about mark and cheryl and the kids, I know it's hard to know who to believe, but i will say as has been said a million times before, we all had a chance to leave the whitmore scotch free, and only 2 kids did, now shouldn't that say something? So you tell me if you look stupid believing such a ignorant little brat. I will tell you something that will never change inside of me, I live for this program/boarding school, mark and cheryl and the kids, this is my family and my life, and no cheryl didn't brainwash me to say that ERICA! Those words come from my mouth and my heart and that is how i feel inside, When i came here, my life was given back to me. and thats an understatement, i mean sure it takes some adjusting but you learn to love it, this is my home and i will defend it untill the death of me. This place is a miricle ,Dont give in to people that waste thier time trying to convince you of anything less. I built the best relationships here and for the first time in my life i can talk to my mom and not get into an arguement with her, this place is all i have right now and i need it, so people like leah and erica are on my bad bad side right now and they always will be, I'm very protective of what i have right now and under no circumstances will i give it up, so try whatever you want because this family is standing thier ground and we are strong together,
Congradulations!!! But something must be wrong. Why are you resorting to name calling? Why bother to participate on this site? Truth doesn't need defending.
so i'm on your bad side ha! :grin:
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