Treatment Abuse, Behavior Modification, Thought Reform > Lighthouse of northwest florida (fka VCA )/ Rebekah / Roloff )


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for all the palmer worshippers...

 :nworthy:  :nworthy:  :nworthy:

so tell me what does it feel like to be a patsy?

Do you mean winners of whiners?  You must mean winners, because a whiner would be someone who complains but does nothing about it.  We are actively working to shut down VCA and bring Palmer to justice, not just talking about it.  I wish there was an emotocon flipping the bird.  That would be really special.

--- Quote ---On 2005-01-06 11:30:00, Anonymous wrote:

" ::boohoo:: For all the VCA whinners"

--- End quote ---

winners OR whiners, I mean.

Lets see what the grunions are talking about on here tonight..anything interesting?? Did letstalkaboutpants finally push herself away from the pc??? Did she win tickets to Jerry Springer or no wait, shes probably more like one of the guests  :smile:

:nworthy:  :nworthy:  :nworthy:  :nworthy:

              patsy ass pussy.

say what you wanna say doesn't change the fact that you like to hide behind your little computer screen and type type type away and not say who you are because you're a scared little patsy aren't you?

so lets talk about something other than pants today, what are you so scared of patsy?


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